

Venator-Class Star Destroyer Resilient

In high orbit over Khorm

Admiral Wieler was at a loss of what to do. Scattered reports from the ground pounders drew a grim picture for him; the Jedi had long disappeared and Major Ozzel's last transmission died in the middle of a battle; an ambush to be precise.

Combine that with the damage his fleet took after a small flotilla of light cruisers sacrificed several of their number as fireships, destroying six Acclamators and one of his star destroyers. His own flagship was sported scars and craters from the battle. The use of fireships was a surprising one, but not totally unexpected. Droid fighters were known to go on suicide runs when their carrier craft jumped away and battledroids were always suicidal to begin with.

Worse, the initial force of clones and tanks couldn't stand up to the reinforcements those other cruisers obviously held.

Sighing, the admiral glared at the swirling eye of the massive storm on Khorm.

"How are repairs?" He demanded, turning away from the viewport of the starboard bridge. The bridge still smelled of burnt plastic and ozone, the remnant of the fires that engulfed half the bridge after the sudden emergence of enemy reinforcements.

"Nearly finished, sir," replied his number two, a clone by the name of Sixers. "Shields are nearly at full capacity and everything else is green across the board."

Wieler nodded absently. "Any news from our boys on the ground?"

Sixers shook his head, his expression turning grim. "No sir, not since that ambush Colonel Ozz-"

"Sir! The storm is starting to break up," reported a clone at his station, eyes glued to the screen of his console. "Transmissions from the ground are pouring in!"

"Excellent," Wieler said, he and his second joining the officer at his station. "What news?"

"The Jedi have destroyed some sort of Separatist Weather Control device, but they're also reporting that there is now a class twenty hurricane after multiple cruisers were destroyed inside it. Possibly self-sustaining," says the clone, squinting his eyes as he pressed a hand to his ear. "I'm receiving a priority transmission from the Acclamator Serenity! It's Major Ozzel! The ship is being chased by three Tanker-Class Light Cruisers!"

"Can we hail them?" Demanded the Admiral.

"Negative, sir, most of their in-call communications appear to be damaged."

Wieler took a deep breath, exhaling in a long hiss as he mentally accessed his options. He came to a quick conclusion and nodded to himself. "Alright, bring the fleet to red alert. We are to reinforce our troops on the ground. Send the Avenger ahead to safeguard the transports and we'll take the Resilient to assist Major Ozzel."

"Aye sir!"

The fleet split up as they entered the atmosphere, their hangars opening up. Shoals of fighters and gunships spilled out like a swarm of insects. Admiral Wieler's Venator found it's ally almost immediately as a pummeled looking Acclamator streaked past the heavier star destroyer, leaving behind three former bacta tankers in the sights of the Resilient's guns.

Turboslasers tore the ships apart as missiles were fired. Faced with the full firepower of the battle scarred battlecruiser, the smaller ships died as they were gutted and sent falling to the planet as burning hulks.

Satisfied with a job well done, Wieler turned to Sixers. "Status of the Serenity?"

"Light damage, their shields seem to have taken the brunt of the damage. She's just cleared the gravity well," said his number two, eyebrows furrowed. He turned back to the admiral. "They just jumped into hyperspace."

"Damn coward," muttered a clone none too softly.

Wieler ignored the crack against his colleague and pursed his lips. "Turn this ship back and rejoin our troops. We'll deploy our forces and prepare to launch a full scale assault on the Agrocite Mine-"

"Sir! Major Ozzel is on the line!" Reported the communications officer, his eyes wide in surprise.

"W-what!" Shouted Wieler, his face turning puce. "Put him on the projector!"

"Admiral Wieler," said Ozzel, his voice gruff. The man looked filthy and injured, if the entirety of one side of his mustache looked as though it had been torn off. He appeared to be sitting in the command chair of a ship. "Good to see you!"

"Major Ozzel, where are you?" Demanded the Admiral.

"A captured separatist cruiser," replied Ozzel, looking mildly disturbed by the Admiral's reaction to him. "Why?"

"It was a trick!" Swore Wieler, slamming a clenched fist onto the projector, shaking the image. Ozzel looked flabbergasted as the Admiral continued cursing. "They goddamn tricked us!"

"Sir! Scouts have reached the mine," said the communications officer again, looking forlorn. "The Jedi have reported in. The mine is under heavy shields, is mined with high explosives, and they are armed with some sort of enhanced turbolaser artillery that are picking off our frigates!"

Somehow, Admiral Wieler's face became even more angry with frustration as he emitted a howl of rage.


Separatist Acclamator-Class Medium Frigate

Bridge, en route to Seranno

"I can't believed that actually worked," I said, slumping into a chair, the blue-white of the hyperspace vortex swirling around my purloined ship. A BX Commando droid in clone trooper armor turned it's head slightly at me before returning to it's duties.

Ventress raised an eyebrow from her own chair, the commander's of course, and smiled. "It did, and most beautifully. You are an unusual droid, not like the others at all."

I said nothing as she leaped from the seat with catlike grace.

"Thinking so far ahead, with a plan to escape and to occupy the Republic as long as possible..." Murmured Ventress as she sauntered to me. Her eyes narrowed. "What are you, really?"

"Lucky," I managed. "As the maker would will it, I won the sabaac pot and managed to survive. And survival has it's own rewards."

"Hmph." Ventress didn't say anything to my statement, but she turned away. I idly noted that her hands were on her lightsabers.

If I could, I would have breathed a sigh of relief as she walked away, heading towards the elevator in the rear of the bridge.

"Seven One One."

I turned my head towards the sound of Ventress' voice. The doors were already hissing shut, but I heard her words nonetheless.

"Good work, Commander."

Originates from:


Terriercreators' thoughts