

Roger, Roger​

Act II​

"When in absolute doubt, throw everything to the wind."​

High orbit over Iraknya

Munificent-Class Star Frigate, Profiteer

Commander Gru dabbed at his forehead delicately with a silk handkerchief as another of his frigates exploded at the bow. It's bow plating came apart at the seams as multiple explosions dotted the forward half of the burning wreckage. Republic blue bolts impacted it's corpse over and over until nothing was left.

"Reposition the fleet!" He ordered desperately, his forehead breaking out into sweat again. "Fire pattern theta!"

The panoramic view of his bridge shifted as his fleet once again shifted their formation. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of yet another Munificent losing it's shields.

A Venator Star Destroyer's volley fire caught the unfortunate ship straight into it's forward heavy turbolasers. Fire blossomed out from underneath the metal shell as more fire stitched it's way down the length of the frigate. Gru looked away as it's reactors exploded.

He took a quick count of his fleet. Six frigates remained. Against three Venator-Class Star Destroyers, his ships would only be able to destroy one at best. There was no choice.

"Reposition the fleet!"

"Sir, we have an incoming communications! Shall I direct it to you?" Squawked a battledroid. Gru whipped his head around as explosions rocked his ship. He winced and nodded quickly.

The holographic projector at his feet glowed as a cloaked person appeared. Clad in black robes, only two bright white and unblinking eyes could been seen underneath. "I am taking command of this battle, Commander Gru, you are hereby relieved of duty."

"W-what?" Stuttered the former commander, his wide forehead glistening with yet more sweat. "Y-you can't do that! Who are you? Where are you?!"

"Yes. I can. Who I am does not matter. As for where...I am on my way," said the cloaked man, testily. "I don't have time to argue with you commander, so step aside, or you will be forcibly removed from your post."

Gru opened his mouth to argue when he felt a cold hard barrel of a blaster rifle meet the back of his head. He gulped and nodded.

The hologram of his replacement seemed to hum in satisfaction before turning his back on him. "Begin phase one."

To Gru's bewilderment as he was escorted to his quarters, all the droids on the bridge spoke as one.

"By your command!"

Originates from:


Terriercreators' thoughts