
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

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34 Chs

Chapter 008 Death and funeral


Cloud ninjas, rock ninjas, and leaf ninjas fought for a territory that lies between all of their countries.

One ninja came and said at that time, "Orochimaru-sama, the situation is getting worse."

There is a fight going on between the three sides as no one wants to give an advantage to the enemy.

"Charge with full force!" Orochimaru shouted, and he summoned Manda to attack with all his might.

The battle ended in a tie due to their equal strength. The place was destroyed and no one could take advantage of it.

At this time, many people died on all three sides. A couple lying down together, both of them heavily injured. The man took his final breath.

At that time, the woman said, "I hope to see my child again. Sorry, Menma. Mommy and Papa have to leave you like Grandpa did." The woman took her last breath. She was holding the hand of her husband as she died. Even in death, she didn't let go of his hand.

The medics are rushing in and trying to treat the heavily injured one. Medics checked Satoshi couple heartbeat. He saw that they were still holding hands after death.

The medic reported, "Sir, the Satoshi couple is dead."

Nara shikaku sighed at this time. He cannot save everyone.

Shikaku said at that time. "Seal them together and bring back their bodies." He had collected many bodies.

Orochimaru passed by that place and looked at the two of them.

He says, "Human lives are very delicate. Even love cannot save them." In his view, human life has no meaning without a long life. He has seen Nawaki die, and he has witnessed others do so as well. He is already conducting some experiments in secret.

Shikaku Nara had been observing the behavior of Orochimaru. He made a mental note to report his findings to the Hokage when he returned.

All three armies have withdrawn from that place together, for the advantage of that place has already been lost. However, they still maintain countermeasures in case anyone attempts to attack from that location.


Menma is already six years old now. He has already mastered many things in his classes and his special classes, but he has never taken the graduation exam. This is his third year at the Academy, and it's almost time for the final exam next week.

As always, he returned to his home. He saw his grandmother was very sad. He had already guessed what could have made her so sad. She informed him of his parent's death during the Triple Army collision. They would be holding a funeral in a few days.

Menma was sad at that time. However, he didn't cry. He didn't like this kind of emotion bubbling up inside him. Anger and revenge, he wanted to go to the battlefield and slaughter everyone on the opposing side. But he knew that it would be foolish to act upon those feelings right then. He wasn't strong enough.

Two days later, the deceased were sent back. Grandma and Menma attended the joint funeral. Many families were mourning at that place. Menma was silent and very sad, but he managed to control his bubbling emotions.

He saw his birth parents get buried right before him. Just like once he saw his grandfather get buried. They placed the tomb of his family nearby. Menma was silent and didn't say a word. He had so many thoughts running through his mind.

But the next day, he did not mourn and went to the Academy as usual, attending his classes. His Taijutsu match went very brutal; he directly knocked down his opponent. However, he knew that it was not an enemy.

The next week, his grandmother specifically told him not to take the graduation exam. She could see that her grandson was very angry for a few days. He needed time to calm down.

The exams went well, and once again he topped his class. His grades were excellent even in special classes. He had acquired extensive knowledge of human autonomy and its weaknesses, high-level taijutsu training from Mr. Chen, Konoha high swordsmanship knowledge, advanced ninjutsu and genjutsu knowledge theory, basic to advanced sealing knowledge, sensor knowledge, and barrier knowledge. All this knowledge was in his head. He practiced them and became a trainee in those fields. Next year, he would take up medical knowledge. First, he needed to attend some special classes before starting the practice.

-New Academy year -

Menma is only six years old, but he will be seven soon before the final exams. He has started taking special classes and goes to Konoha Hospital for additional lessons. Some Academy students can take it as a weekly course, while others like Menma have chosen to dedicate themselves fully to the study of medical ninjutsu.


Menma returned from the hospital because becoming a medical ninja requires extensive training. It takes longer than just one course for someone to become proficient in medicine.

His grandmother is waiting for him; she has already taught him everything she knows and given him only some tips on technical practices.

Grandma said to him, "I've been waiting for you, Menma."

"What happened?" Menma asked her. She didn't look sad anymore; she was just happy to see him.

Grandma replied, "I already told you six months ago that I joined a group of retired ninja women who make medicine. We have to go to the nearby area to get it. So I will be a little late. But don't worry, I will cook for you when I return." 

His grandma goes on these simple tasks with other retired ladies many times. Because most of the shinobi are on the battlefield. The production department of medicines can't issue any more tasks for ninjas in the village since everyone is busy.

-Next day-

Menma returned home but found that Grandmother hadn't returned yet. He didn't think much of it, but later on, a knock came at his door.

"Yes? What can I do for you?" Menma asked the Anbu.

Anbu said to Menma, "We are extremely sorry to tell you. Your grandmother died along with some other elderly women while bringing back the herbs. A group of mist ninjas ambushed them unexpectedly and after a long battle. Several elderly women chose to sacrifice themselves so that the others could live."

Menma didn't look happy after hearing it. But he couldn't do anything about it for now. He went with Anbu after that to see his grandmother's dead body.

He saw many injuries on her body, caused by various explosions. Her clothes were torn and there were blood patches in several places. There were at least twenty kunai wounds on the front side. A large wound around the heart area, possibly from a long sword wound on the back side. She had been stabbed in the back. He quickly deduced that the attackers were not simple ninjas, but Anbu from the opposing side. It was all a strategic plan from their side.

"We will hold the funeral tomorrow morning. I will pick you up. Do you have any requests? " Anbu asked Menma. He thought Menma would lose his composure, but he looked angry and silent at the same time.

Menma said at that time, "Just bury my grandmother beside my grandfather."

Menma just couldn't look at his grandmother's corpse too much. Otherwise, he would lose control. So he walked back to his house slowly, thinking about his present and future. Life is not easy for everyone in the ninja world.

He locked his door and went inside his home, a home devoid of parents and grandparents.

He sat down in a chair; he didn't cry or curse anyone. His deep purple eyes became white, and veins started popping out around his eyes. The fact that his Byakugan had awakened brought him no joy.

He undid his Byakugan immediately. He sat there all night. He couldn't sleep anyway; in the morning, he changed his clothes and Anbu picked him up.

The Hokage attended the funeral of this retired but brave lady.

He had watched his grandparents and parents being buried in the same place. After the funerals, he was about to go back.

Anbu came and told him about the funding available for the orphanages. He could collect it at the Hokage Building. His parents and grandparents had also left him some money. He could collect it at the Hokage Building as well. And he no longer needed to worry about Academy fees.

Menma listened to him but didn't speak much. He left alone and rejected Anbu's offer to drop him off.

Menma went home since there was a holiday at school. He practiced the palm techniques his grandmother had taught him. He opened his Byakugan and for one full hour, all that could be heard was the sound of his palms hitting the wooden post. Afterward, he closed his Byakugan and continued striking the post with full force. The wooden post needed replacement afterward due to the numerous holes made by his fingers.

After three hours of venting his anger on wooden posts, Menma saw that his mind computer had finished upgrading. Now he could use the Google Maps function of this world, and the download speed of his mind computer would also increase from 2G to 3G version. Moreover, the speed of his mind computer had become faster and smoother.

Menma didn't go out that day.

The next day, he went to the Academy and trained like the other students.

He noticed that many people knew him, even though he hadn't talked to most of them. This time, they left him alone and didn't ask about his grandmother's death. However, they still talked about it whenever he passed by their side. It was annoying for him.

"Have you heard?"

"What do you mean?"

"That guy Menma lost his grandmother in a recent attack."

"Hasn't his parents died in war just three months ago?"

"Yes, now his entire family is dead, except for him."

Menma heard this conversation from a little distance away with his sharp ears.

After class, he went to Konoha Hospital, but they sent him back because they told him to rest for a few days before coming to the hospital. They had heard that his grandmother had died recently.

Menma practiced harder. At least his grandmother had taught him water walking and tree walking exercises. It would be a great help to him in the future. Last year, she had found that he needed more chakra control.

For a few days, during his break from his hospital internship, he practiced harder and improved some of the techniques during this time.

A few days later, they were finally taught the Palm Immortal Technique by their special class teacher. Menma had a weird smile on his face at that time. It kind of looked scary if someone saw it. But it was only there for a second. Finally, he was waiting for this jutsu. The wait was finally over.