
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 007 Learning new techniques


Menma finished his first year at the Ninja Academy. Over the past six months, he had learned how to properly manipulate chakra. He also learned two additional techniques: the rope escape and cloaking technique. The other Academy students were too young for the other three advanced techniques to be taught, and Konoha did not intend to send amateur children into battlefields. Kakashi and Itachi were exceptions due to their genius-level abilities.

Except that Menma learned how to keep leaves on his forehead as a chakra control exercise for amateurs. Menma also took part in Advanced Taijutsu and Advanced Sword Style classes of Konoha. He also took two new special classes along with it. Ninjutsu Theory Lessons and Genjutsu Theory Lessons. They are held once a week.

In his first year in the special class, he received an excellent grade. In his first year in the regular class, he also earned an excellent grade. His taijutsu matches began during the second semester. He only practices basic taijutsu to gain more experience in it. Much to the surprise of the Hyuga girl and Uchiha boy, he also became the top student of his class.

The second year of the Academy has already begun. Menma has come to realize that the special class is only meant to provide knowledge and limited experience. If one wants to progress, they must do so through their own efforts.

Menma has already selected Basic Sealing Knowledge and Theories, Barrier Knowledge and Theories, and Basic and Advanced Sensor Knowledge. He must attend two classes per week for each subject.


Menma is with his grandma. His parents went back to the battlefield again after they had returned for a few days. They both have gained numerous scars on their bodies from the battle.

Grandma told him, "Menma, you are five years old this year. From now on, you need to go and come back to school by yourself." Grandma wanted her grandson to become more independent and not get used to her being there. After all, he would grow up and she was getting older.

"Okay grandma," Menma said to her. He didn't mind if she didn't come to pick him up. She was getting old, and he could see it.

Menma looked at his grandma and asked, "Grandma, can you teach me some palm techniques? It would be helpful for me to know them. I saw one girl from our class who has similar eyes like yours poke another girl, and then her opponent couldn't move." Menma was interested in learning the palm techniques. Since his grandma could teach him, there was no ban on teaching your own grandson. Teaching these techniques outside of the family was prohibited. Only Baykugan users could fully display the power of these techniques.

Grandma said with a surprised expression. "I can teach you these palm techniques. There are people who marry outsiders and teach them to their children and grandchildren. But you should know that even your father didn't learn it. Anyway, it will be good for you to know your grandmother's techniques." Anyway, she spends most of her time with her grandson and it would be good for him to learn some of her tricks.

She explained the theories of palm techniques. Even explained about some forbidden arts which even she is not allowed to learn because they are from the major family of Hyuga clan. So she only watched them during the first Ninja War as a spectator. She even showed him some jutsu scrolls and told him that she would give these things to him later.

Grandma said to Menma in a stern tone, "Don't tell anyone these things. Otherwise, the Hyuga family will blame me." She didn't mention anything else, but Menma understood what she did not wish to discuss.

Grandma showed him some simple techniques in their back garden, where there was a wooden post for practicing. He imitated her movements and she corrected him many times. She was surprised to see how well he had picked up the palm techniques. Unlike his father, who hadn't learned them. Menma seemed to be absorbing the techniques into his body naturally. She shook her head.

In Grandmother's mind, she thought, "If you had Byakugan, you would have become an excellent user of this technique in no time. But it's a good thing you don't have it; otherwise, they would have branded you and you would be nothing more than a branch member, unlike now."

Grandmother guided him quite a lot and taught him palm hitting techniques for an hour before calling him to go for dinner.

She doesn't know the mind of her grandson. He is thinking about combining his techniques with palm techniques along with his normal punches and kicks. And suddenly attacking the enemy with beast and bird techniques. His Mind computer has already created routes for him to exploit the Hyuga Palm Technique in the future. However, he doesn't want to do it openly.

-Another day-

Menma made a schedule for himself. He woke up early, went for a run around the village, and then practiced half an hour on his taijutsu techniques and other basic ninja skills.

Then he practices palm techniques for another thirty minutes before his grandma corrects him on stances and stabbing fingers. Then she calls him for breakfast.

After breakfast, he will be the first to arrive at his class.

Menma looked at the Basic E rank techniques he had learned so far. The rope escape and cloaking techniques were not even listed as Academy jutsu. He saw the descriptions of them in the mind computer and saw that both had room for improvement. They just needed some effort and adjustment. And slight work on the elimination of the weaknesses of these techniques.

The classroom was quickly filled within five minutes before the class could begin. As Kashin Yuri entered the room, he announced, "We have made a lot of progress in the past year on the ninjutsu side. Therefore, today I will be introducing you to one of the techniques which are required for Academy graduation. The substitution technique; it's a good technique, and can save your life during a crisis on the battlefield. It is a very important technique, and people use it numerous times even after becoming chunin and jonin."

Menma had an abnormal smile on his face when he heard this technique. Another technique that needed his adjustment. It could become a killer in the battlefield. No technique was useless; only the user didn't see its full potential. And Menma could see its huge potential. In the future, Itachi would also improve his substitution technique.

The class started with a detailed explanation of this technique. Menma paid close attention to the details and even noticed several areas where he could improve his technique.

That day went very fruitfully for Menma as she went home with a happy smile.

He went home and met friends and neighbors before going for practice. He planned to improve his techniques like a pro, and that was the thought running through his mind.

He practiced for three hours after that before his grandmother called him for dinner. He did his homework and reviewed it right before going to bed.