
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 009 New Data


Menma had finally reached the age of 7, but he encountered a problem with his chakra reserves. No matter how much he had, it would run out once and he would be in grave danger. He checked his data this time.

Name: Menma Satoshi

Age: 7 years old

Chakra: Elite genin

Dojutsu: Byakugan (Open)

Ninjutsu: Elite Genin

Genjutsu: Low Genin

Taijutsu: High Chunin

Medical Ninjutsu: Elite Genin

Sword mastery: High Genin

Sealing: High Chunin

Barrier: Low genin

Sensory: Medium genin

Weapon mastery: Low chunin

Summoning: None

(Evaluation rank: Low chunin)

He still has three months before he can take the graduation test. He applied for it beforehand. He doesn't want to stay in the Academy anymore. He knows a lot of first aid and he also mastered Mystical Palm.

Not only that, he is also learning Chakra Scalpel. He still has some chakra control and medical-related exercises which he saw from Boruto. He hasn't practiced them because of his busy schedule.

He has already copied all the books from the library and read them during his free time. His Mind's Computer processing speed played a big role.

Menma saw that the teacher had entered the classroom. So he stopped thinking.

Kashin said, "Class, today we will be reviewing transformation jutsu."

He started calling out the names.

A civilian student came and performed the transformation. The transformation was quite normal, but the hat was too pointy. He became the Hokage. His lips became thicker, and other things were quite fine.

Kashin said and rolled his eyes, "Why does the Third Hokage have a pointy hat? When did Lord Third get such thick lips?"

Other student's performances were also good and mixed up. The Hyuga girl and the Uchiha boy performed well too.

Menma appeared in front of the class. He performed the hand seals and turned into a white smoke, transforming into a female teacher. Kashin and everyone else were slightly shocked to see the strict teacher who taught another section of the same class.

Kashin said, "Ahem, the transformation is very good. It is perfect." He didn't forget to give his evaluation.

With a white smoke, Menma returned to his original form. Menma was very good at transformations. He had also invented another version of transformation that didn't change when it was hit.

Menma created his version of Academy Three before leaving the Academy. He has already been working on improving his medical ninjutsu. He has already learned a lot about medical knowledge and copied a lot from medical books. One more month and he will also be able to copy their jutsu scrolls too. But the first-hand knowledge is more important or he should at least know its essence by watching.

After class, Menma went to the hospital. He already knew the way around here; they had classes here every day except Sunday.

Menma saw Mrs. Sarutobi was here. She is alive as the Nine Tails Incident hasn't happened yet. Many students come for medical classes. The age difference is too much in this class. Medical trainees and Academy students share the same classroom sometimes.

Biwa Sarutobi looked at everyone and said, "I am glad that all of you are taking these classes seriously."

Biwa told the students, "Let's try to cut the fish precisely with the Chakra scalpel this time. Try to cut at the marked spot and then heal it."

She assigned a training task to everyone.

Menma followed her instructions carefully. He also practiced at home many times. Now, he cut the fish on one side and then quickly healing it back to health.

Biwa praised him, "Very good, Menma. You've learned this medical ninjutsu in just one month."

Menma just smiled and said, "You teach very well, ma'am."

Other students did not look up, but they concentrated more on their fish; they were not allowed to be distracted.

Biwa gave him some reference books to study as his task was complete. She also told him to practice more to gain mastery.

While walking, he received an update from his mind computer via his data. Changes always gave him a notification.

He saw only one line.

(Medical Ninjutsu: Low chunin)

Menma thought, "One Ninjutsu of medical ninjutsu changed my rank from elite genin to low chunin. Medical ninjutsu can save so many lives; therefore, it's not considered a wasteful skill. However, it can be used in various ways. The two medical ninjutsu I have learned possess immense potential."

He walked into the Konoha Hospital's private library and took the reference book. His Mind computer started copying the other books.

While Menma was reading his books for an hour, his computer had copied over 60 books. He then left for some practice.

"Menma help me with some medicine making," One of the assistants of Mrs Sarutobi asked him. Menma followed him to make medicine.

He also learned how to create medicines, another essential step in becoming a medical ninja.

Mentai went around and helped people at the hospital. He made medicine and gave it to assistants who would check its potency. Afterward, it was given to wounded ninjas who had returned from the battlefield.

Menma also put new bandages on the wounded ninjas.

After the shift was over, he left that place.