
Rivals Of Rings

Felsen, a 21 Year-old boy belonged to a middle-class family. A college boy wakes up in the morning, attends classes, and then came back. A normal middle-class boy living a normal life but... something that was not normal with him was his dreaming of a dream again and again that muddle him... He sees that he has superpowers and is a combatant in a big fight against people who are more potent than him. Being grown up in a middle-class family and living simply, it was something weird for him to dream those kinds of dreams again n again. *Who were those people with whom he was fighting? *Why did he dream of the same dream often? *Who was Felsen?!! * Was he only a normal boy or....?!!!

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51 Chs

Where am I.

"No...no...! mom! dad! Vacate me, my mom and dad are in there," his preceding moments were lurking roughly in his mind in his subconscious.

"Sorry Felsen," A voice crept into his ears, and he woke up as the man whacked him with a stick in his dream.

"Huh! Huh!" Felsen was gasping like he had just woken up from a nightmare. He felt his body laying on a surface so he pushed himself away and settled.

"Huh! where am I?" he questioned himself in the darkness.

"Is this a bed?" he could not see anything because was surrounded by the darkness, so he guessed by his whiff.

"What place is it and why is this so dark here?" Felsen voiced with a pondering face and got off the bed. As his foot kissed the ground, the base and the walls commenced to lighten and the darkness ended.

"What in the hell!" Felsen cursed in disbelief as he could see a big room, with a royal bed and a royal couch far from the bed. And more, a huge beautiful mirror which was covered with white blinds, and big walls and its top was so amazing and so opulent.

It was like he just reached a castle. He got lost in its magnificence and took some steps while peeking around.

"Is this a dream?" said Felsen and gazing around, he went to the mirror. His image was obscured in the mirror because of the blinds.

Felsen gradually pushed his hand to take off the blinds.

"So you have woken up," a massive door from his back emptied and a man came in.

"Huh!" Felsen flinched, and even knocked down to the ground when heard an abrupt loud voice.

"Aa! be careful," he jogged to Felsen and assisted him to stand.

"You!" Felsen exclaimed when saw he was that same man. "Who are you? Tell me," Felsen shouted after pushing him away. "What is this place and why did you hit me when I ran to my mom and dad," Felsen yelled at him and was so confused. Then he gets depressed when he remembers his parents and his eyes become teary.

"Mom! dad! I want to go to them," Felsen said and rushed towards the door.

"Stop! Felsen!" that man heeded him and grabbed him.

"What the hell are you doing?" with a fierce look, Felsen chatted. "Leave me! I want to go home to save my parents," Felsen said in an attempt to break free.

"Felsen! listen to me," he said in a low deep voice.

"No," Felsen shoved him and reached out of the room.

"Am I dead? Am I in hell?" Felsen was outraged discerning the outside of the room, and it was as amazing as the inside. Huge curtains which were coating some portraits on the walls.

"No, you are not in hell?" the man appeared out pursuing him, and uttered.

"If not, then is this heaven?" with wide eyes, and an opened mouth, he questioned with a startled face.

"No, this is not hell nor heaven and you are not mortal," that man voiced showing some hand movements.

"In fact, this is your home," he babbled.

Felsen, who was lost in the castle's beauty, when his voice fell on his ear, his amazed face took less than a second to turn into blank.

"Very nice joke! Now come on guide me to reach out to my home to my parents. Come on obey me," Felsen started taking steps and said.

The man behind him felt sorry for Felsen because Felsen still was presuming that he could reach his parents.

"Felsen, I have something to tell you," the man reached him and enunciated in a sad poor voice.

"Way to home! I know you want to tell me the way home. Come on tell me," continuing his stepping, Felsen shoved his head.

"Your parents... are no more," with pity eyes, he asserted.

Felsen halted on the spot. His eyes got broad with resentment.

"What did you just say?" Felsen went to him and voiced.

"Your...parents... are no more. They are dead," he let out his words hesitantly.

"The heck are you saying. Take your words back," Felsen clenched his collar. The blaze of resentment in his eyes was so fierce.

"It is normal for you to be angry but what do you think they are alive after that happens."

"Zip your mouth and tell me the fuc*** way out."

"It is dangerous for you and for all of us."

"I don't damn a** care and I am not afraid of any danger. Just tell me... the way out," Felsen yelled.

"Shh! lower your voice. otherwise, what will he say?"

"I don't care who will what say? Wait! is your he...the reason of all. Did he kill them?" Felsen suspected.

"What! No, he can not even dream of doing this."

"Where is your fu**** he?" asked Felsen.

"What are you saying? Call him with respect."

"I damm not care about respecting him. He is the killer of my parents and I have no respect for him," Felsen again yanked his collar and alert while looking into his eyes.

"Tell me," Felsen again yelled and this time his voice thundered all around.

"I am here," someone voiced from the back.

Felsen when heard his voice, got even angrier and freed his collar and turned around. When he turned around, he saw a man in a white and golden fit outfit but it seemed comfortable to wear. The man seemed very aged but fit.

Standing without any javelin but still confident with a zero percent apprehension like he has the power of all the universe in one hand.

"So you are that fu**** he? Is he that person?" Felsen inquired while looking at the man standing beside him.

"Yes, I am that person." When he said Felsen ran to him and grabbed his collar.

"You rascal...!!" Felsen spoke with a daring and angry voice.

"Aaa! what is Felsen doing? Has he just grabbed the collar of the master and abused him," That man in the behind, talked in his mind with worry.

"I will kill you for you killed my parents," Felsen was so irate that he even yelled at the master.

"Fine! so you believe that your parents are no more. I came here to make you believe that they are no more but you already accept that" the master with zero expression asserted. He was so calm as if he was already prepared for this behavior of Felsen.

Felsen got puzzled when he heard his words and then spoke,

"Don't try these puzzle words on me. I have met people like you before and I am not a child who will easily trick your words."

"You are furious now and you will not listen so let's talk when you will be calm," the master talked looking into his eyes. "Now leave me," the master added.

"You will tell me to leave you and I will leave you," Felsen smirked.

"Killer, bastard! How did you think that I will let out this easily," said Felsen and made a punch and attempted to hit him? Before Felsen could hit the master, the master slammed him and he flew to that man standing behind Felsen.

"Sorry, for this. We will talk later once you will be cool," confessed the master with zero expression.

"How dare you? You killer?" Felsen stood up and ran to the master. But before he could reach him, he disappeared.

"Huh! now where have you gone? Tell me where you are, you killer. You killed my mom, dad," Felsen screeched while crying.