
Rivals Of Rings

Felsen, a 21 Year-old boy belonged to a middle-class family. A college boy wakes up in the morning, attends classes, and then came back. A normal middle-class boy living a normal life but... something that was not normal with him was his dreaming of a dream again and again that muddle him... He sees that he has superpowers and is a combatant in a big fight against people who are more potent than him. Being grown up in a middle-class family and living simply, it was something weird for him to dream those kinds of dreams again n again. *Who were those people with whom he was fighting? *Why did he dream of the same dream often? *Who was Felsen?!! * Was he only a normal boy or....?!!!

Sumbal · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Felsen amazed by the castle.

"It's almost sundown. We should go back to our homes," said Lenna to Ron. "Ron, please don't cry," Lenna positioned her hand on Ron's shoulder.

"Felsen will be so hurt when he will acknowledge about his parents," controlling his tears hardly, he mumbled.

"I don't even know if he is alive or not," Ron's words made him spurt into tears.

Lenna was feeling so poor for Ron. It was like, she was totally related to his pain. "Ron, handle yourself. I know it's hard, because there is nothing nastiest than losing someone

Especially, when there is no possibility that they will be back again in our lives. Felsen certainly has some sweet special moments with his parents, but this is the verity that they are now no more. And...this is a vitality," said Lenna with melancholy eyes. That day was so unreal for them. The evening was permeated by their sadness.

Then she wiped her tears by adding, "And if now you are worried about Felsen, then keep in mind that nothing is obvious about him, so we will hope that he is fine.

Now come on, it's getting darker it would be better to get back to our residences," said Lenna and they stood up. 

"Lenna!" Ron called her from her back.

"Yes," Lenna who was on her way to her home, turned and spoke.

"If I get any sort of information about Felsen, I will apprise you," said Ron.

"Ok," Lenna nodded and replied, "If I will get any, then I will inform you."

They smiled at each other and returned to their home.

"Haaa!" Felsen roared and was crying like hell at losing his parents.

"Felsen!" the man to his behind, sounded saddened as felt his pain, and went to him and positioned his hand on Felsen's shoulder, who was squatting in the corner.

Felsen moved his hand away from him right after he felt his touch and gave him a fierce look.

"Go, from here. Leave me alone," Felsen yelled at him. His body was trembling so badly.

"Felsen!" gaining concern, he said and again positioned his hand on his shoulder.

"You are with him. You work for him. You assisted him to assassinate my parents," Felsen again moved his hand away and screeched. His eyes were so red. It was feeling like he was showering the tears of blood.

The man, in front, got so weak-heart seeing Felsen in this state. And then he could not govern himself and take Felsen in his embrace.

"I said leave me alone," Felsen tried to break free himself. But instead of adhering to him, the fella clutched Felsen tighter, and at that moment, Felsen discerned that he was somewhere related to him.  Felsen gave up attempting to free himself and relaxed his torso in his arms.

His trembling body now was calm and was getting warm. A heretical ripple of conviction sprinted through his body, and Felsen took adequate to asked that man about what was going on.

"Where am I and...," Felsen questioned him while burying his body deep into his arms.

"Shh! you will know everything. But now, you need to calm down and stop weeping," said that man while combing his hair.

That place was so relaxing for Felsen that he fell asleep. That man when discerned no movement in Felsen's weak torso, he first got unnerved, but when he looked at him, he found him sleepy.

"I understand you, Felsen. Everyone understands you. Your rude demeanor we understand, you are indignant toward us it can be understood," said that man in his mind while looking at his face. Then he lifts Felsen in his arms and takes him to the room where he was before. Later, he came out and went to the master.

"Where is he now?" The master who was standing on the top balcony of the castle, voiced while looking out at the dominion.

"He has slept. He needs it. He is in his room," said the man. "He believes we murdered his parents."

"He is mad because he has lost his parents. It's normal. It's ok. But he will be fine when he will know the truth," said the master.

"You are the exact as your dad and our King. That exact high bridge nose, exact forehead, and eyes. That exact anger in the eyes which your dad had and the lips. But your eyebrows are not like his ones, not your eyelashes and also your hair. These are like your mother," The master went to his room and said while glimpsing at him when he was slumbering.

"Where were you?" Luca asked Lenna giving a fierce look when he met her at the gate of their home. Lenna was uncommunicative because she was not in an ailment to dispute with him.

"I am asking something. Tell me. Where did you go during the ball?" Luc took a step toward and voiced angrily.

"I went to Felsen's home," said Leena.

Luc got shocked. "What! You went to that rubbish..."

"His parents died due to the blue light that pummel earth this morning, and he is missing," before Luc finalized his words and could say anything amiss about him, Lenna talked and went inside after finalizing her words.

"So, you have woken up, again," the man voiced right after Felsen roused up from his deep slumber. He suddenly appeared in the chamber from the portico as if he never went away from there, and was waiting for Felsen to wake up.

"How did I sleep again, and who brought me here? I memorize I was outside," Felsen chafed his eyes and mumbled.

Felsen's childish behavior, the way he was honing his eyes and his calm perspective, made the man smile. He sauntered to him, combed his hair with his hand, and said, "Come with me. I have something which I think that I should show you."

Felsen when listened to his words, he downright denied going with him by saying,

"I don't want to go anywhere with you. I have some questions and I want replies," looking down on the ground, he frowned.

"I will surely answer you, come with me," continuing his walking without turning to Felsen, he sounded.

Felsen then said nothing, and followed him. Felsen was getting astonished and awestruck as he was trudging, because of the magnificence of the castle.

"Wao! the owner of the castle must be a great person," Felsen spoke up with amazed while peeking around, especially the roofs.

Hearing his words, that man smiled at his innocence because he knew that all these belong to him and he even doesn't know it.

"What in hell. A mirror wall and water falling on it and this golden light. It seems like the wall is streaming gold for free. How is everything amazing here? If I were the proprietor of the chateau, this area would be my favorite part.