

They were given three days off.

Parele rushed in happily.

"Why?" Eldermar asked.

"Why shorty? Because the letters are here." He sang. "Tomorrow and the next? I don't know but who cares?" Finally...some peace and quiet."

"Go get yours now! The guards are giving them out." He added

All the men were delighted with the good news. It was a free day! They had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, provided that they were still on camp.

Kory had carefully decorated Parele's envelope with pink flower petals.


My sweet Parele,

How are you doing my love? I missed you sooo much! The house isn't the same without you. I hope they aren't torturing my baby too much? The council aren't happy we let their special gibber participate in such a contest. Your dad misses his P-man. He says Hi.

Take care of yourself okay? Drink a lot of water, eat well, sleep well and oh! Don't forget to eat a lot of yuengs. They are good for you...you don't have to win okay? Your poor mom is dying over here without you. Take care. I love you.

With love.


Parele read his letter over and over again. Loudly and lovingly. He wished there was a way he could teleport himself over there.

"We get it Perry! You are mommy's pet... okay." Nyeren said and snatched away the letter.

The group now addressed him as Perry.

"Give it!" Parele snatched it back.

They both sat on a log outside, enjoying the great outdoors.

Nyeren let out a sigh.

He started breaking the sticks he found on the ground into smaller pieces. He had mixed feelings. Happiness, sadness, relief...

"Are you thinking about Naurin?" Parele asked.

Nyeren didn't answer.

Parele stopped talking when he realized Nyeren had fixed his gaze on the ground."

"Naurin and I used to sit outside and enjoy the beautiful outdoors, just like this." Nyeren paused for a while then continued. "But worry not my friend." He gave an awkward short laugh and wiped his tears.

It was quite obvious that Nyeren was having a hard time hiding his pain.

"Naurin is still here, he'll always live in our hearts." Parele comforted.

"He will...he will..."

Leomere also received a letter from his Bhabu.



Brave warrior's son. Greetings be upon you. A little birdie told me you fought against my oldest friends. I'm sure they did you good. Remember what we talked about? There is no place for you in YHÀKADÉI. There never will! So you have to come back at all costs, even if it means daring the authorities. However you should know that I still respect your decision nonetheless. With that all said, take care.

With a little less hate.


Their day was going smoothly. Everyone was outdoors and having fun. All but one. "Joz." He was the only one that hadn't received a letter. Eldermar decided to go and make fun of him.

Even though they didn't talk much, they both shared some kind of bond after the incident at the water challenge.

Joz was sitting alone in the bushes, where he sat every time he was free. He was enjoying the moment.

"Oh! Wow looks like I'm not the only one that hates you." Eldermar said raising his left eye brow.

"Are you here to disturb me? For I have no time for such insolence." Joz fumed.

"Temper...temper red." Eldermar laughed.

Joz couldn't stand any human, but for some reason he was somehow comfortable around Eldermar.

"No letters for you huh?"

Joz nodded.

There was awkward silence between them. Eldermar had intended to make fun of him. After speaking with him for a while, he actually felt bad for him.

"Worry no more. That's how fangs are." Joz finally broke the ice.

"Yeah I know. But even lustros got a letter."

Joz kept mute.

"And..." Eldermar continued. "I know you reds hate everyone and all...but don't you have a family?"

Joz didn't answer. Eldermar realized the conversation was one sided. He got up and decided to leave.

Joz stopped him and held his hand.

"No it's fine. I understand if you don't want to talk about it."

"Nonsense! I see you have a desire to hear my story. Sit!" Joz pulled him back.

"Ugh! You speak with so much authority. You fool"

"Hey...hey!" Joz exclaimed.

"Wait..." Eldermar cut in. "Friendly compliment remember?"

"Okay. You are forgiven."

"Now back to business. Don't you have a family? Parents? Siblings? Wife? Kids?" Eldermar asked impulsively.

For the first time in history, the most bizarre thing happened. Joz laughed. He didn't only laugh, he was laughing so hard he began to cry.

Joz looked more handsome while he laughed.

Eldermar watched all this with his mouth wide open.

"Wife?! Kids?! You are joke making." Joz spat out.

"Firstly...you really speak weird. Secondly did you just laugh? Or I'm I just imagining things?"

Joz immediately wore his stone face again.

"Laugh? Oh! Curse my inconveniences that disease had struck me again."

"Disease? You reds think laughing is a disease??"

"Affirmative! It's a disease you guys have, and I'm afraid I may be infected."

Eldermar laughed. "Really?"

Joz shook his head. "Quit asking me so many questions. I shall answer you shortly. The wife and kids? I will never wed..."

"Why?" Eldermar cut in.

Joz was loosing his patience.

"Wait...I'm not done yet. I will never wed and you are not allowed to ask me why."

"Okay okay fang man. Go on."

"My birth giver passed on after delivering me into this world. I have a father that hates me more than I hate him. I have two elder beings fertio and lo."

Eldermar's eyes widened. His blood boiled with anger. He felt a lump in his throat.

"FERTIO? FERTIO THE CHIEF'S SON??" He asked impatiently.

"Yes." Joz was confused about the sudden change in Eldermar.

"Fertio is your brother?!" He rushed back to the room.

He didn't even wait for Joz's reply.