

"You have to win this! I want you to execute her in the first week." An adenoidal voice said.

"Yes master." Lustros replied and left. He tiptoed into the room as the men were all asleep. All but Joz. He wasn't even in the room.

Lustros stepped on something. It was a letter, he picked it up. It wasn't very bright, but just bright enough for him to analyze it carefully.

"Oh! I'm sure I saw that fool, Eldermar reading this yesterday. It's good looking. I'm curious. He wouldn't mind if I read a word or two." He stated grinding his teeth.

The envelope read: To Eldermar.

However, when he took it out of the envelope he saw something else.

CHI- MOHIEAZTTHA. "MOHEZA?" He read aloud. He pronounced the name as MOHEZA. (Fang accent) "Moheza? There's no Moheza in this room. Now this is getting interesting. Only if the guards had checked these letters. But our humble king doesn't like invading privacy.


Dearest mohieazttha,

How are you? How's the contest going? I'm assuming it's going well. My little sister is a fighter! I know you worry about me. Don't worry too much, my therapy is going great! I missed you so much my great warrior. Manage your VSP don't run out.

Take care of yourself okay? You know you're all alone with a couple of guys. Blessings!

With love.


Lustros stood silent for a few minutes. Too stunned to say a word. He began to feel wobbly on his feet.

"Wow!" He mouthed. "That idiot fooled us all! Master needs to hear this. How dare she?! But I'll have some fun first. I'll tell him tonight."

Lustros decided to get his hands on the VSP potion. He searched through mohieazttha's luggage like a scavenger. At last! He found a box underneath the now exposed woman's clothing's. He opened it and took out the VSP. It was in a purple jar.

Mohieazttha didn't take her morning dose yet. "Let's see for how long you can cover this up. Haha!" He cackled and strode out of the room.

After a short while mohieazttha woke up. Only if she had woken up a little earlier. "Time for my VSP before any these knuckle heads wake up." She looked around, Joz and lustros weren't in the room. "That owl is probably out there. He never sleeps. Lustros...hmm, who cares."

She went over to her bag. She had a feeling something was wrong. In a haste she took out her box and her VSP was missing! Her eyes widened.

Mohieazttha wanted to scream. She felt a wave of panic and dread. A horrible sunk feeling in her stomach. Her entire world came crashing down.

Mohieazttha fell to the ground and started asking herself. "Why? Why is this happening to me?! Why can't I catch a break? Is the world conspiring against me?"

She blamed herself for loosing the potion. "I wasn't careful enough." She felt so angry and frustrated with herself to the point that she had a brief moment of regret. "I never should have entered this contest."

At this point mohieazttha wasn't only concerned about the potion, but the aftermath of her actions.

What will happen if she's discovered? She was trapped with no escape. Who could have done such a thing? Someone knows the truth about her.

Thoughts kept racing but eventually led her to one person. "Joz."

She recalled the day he asked her. "Who are you?"

Mohieazttha didn't talk the whole day. She only communicated by nodding and gestures. The guys in the room wondered why? "Are you okay?" Parele would ask severally. But mohieazttha simply shook her head.

It was 6:17am. Mohieazttha couldn't take it anymore. She stormed out of the room and went straight to Joz. Fortunately he was sitting in the bushes as expected.

"You monster!" A sweet angelic voice said. Joz stood up and turned around only to see Eldermar. The owner of such a beautiful voice as if it came from heaven.

He didn't look surprised as he knew it all along. This just proved him right.

"I was right..." He mouthed.

"YES! You were right! HAPPY?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Joz looked confused. "What's this?" He noticed she changed the moment he mentioned fertio the other day. Was this about fertio? How is she connected to him? He thought.

"What have I done to you bloody reds to deserve this?!" She asked in a brittle tone. Her entire body was shaking as she cried.

"May I know what brings you such sadn..."

"Oh shut up!! You HYPOCRITE. You stole my VSP to get me exposed. Your brother fertio ruined my brother's life and now... you're trying to ruin mine! She spat out.

"VSP? Fertio? Pardon me but I have no idea what you're talking about." Joz responded calmly.

"It is because of fertio that my brother will never be able to walk again! I had to become the man in my family because of you wicked fangs. You're trying to take away that right too huh?"

Joz wasn't responding. He was clueless.

"Don't look at me like that! You know chi don't you? She asked with a trembling voice.

"Chi." Joz recalled instantly. His heart broke into a million pieces.

He lost his balance and didn't say a word.

This was the weirdest situation he had ever been in. He was talking to a bearded lady, she reminded him of his past, she was connected to fertio and chi, and she had the sweetest voice...He thought just like dark brown velvet.

"You know what?" She lowered her voice. Somewhat of a whisper. "Even though you're a bloody fang, I actually began to trust you as stupid as that sounds..." She paused for a while then continued. "I thought you were different. The only difference between you and them, is that they're not hypocrites. They don't act nice then stab you in the back like you! Don't try being good. Being red is a disease that consumes your entire soul. Evil runs in your veins..."

Joz couldn't take it anymore. "Listen lady." He cut in. "You think I have your VSP right? Yes I do. So what? I'm a fang after all. This is what people like us do. Thank you for reminding me of who I truly I'm." He spoke over mohieazttha's head.

Her words actually penetrated into his heart and hurt him. He went straight to their room.

"I'm not even upset anymore... I'm disappointed." She sobbed for a while then followed.

Parele realized her face was all swollen up. It seemed she cried her eyes out.

"Eldermar what is going on? Are you okay?"

She nodded.

Lustros arrived at the scene. He was just waiting for the perfect moment when everyone was in the room. To expose her.

"Everyone!" He called out. "Seems like our dear Eldermar has something he desires to share with us. Hmm Eldermar?"

Tears rolled down mohieazttha's delicate cheeks.

"Shorty!" Parele grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close. "What is happening?"

"Oh poor thing looking for something. Is it?" Lustros asked with a devilish grin plastered on his face.

So it was him all along, she realized. Or they could have planned this together.

It was the moment of Truth. Lustros put his hands in his pocket, Joz was certain it was the VSP so he stopped him.

"Brother! May I speak with you in the outdoors?"

"Nonsense! I have things to get done. Looking for this?" He brought out the VSP.

Parele and leomere gasped in an awe.

"Gentlemen, before you is a VSP." He added.

The guys were shocked to the core. Their minds struggling to make sense of what they were seeing. Leomere wondered how he couldn't see through her disguise. He immersed in his own thoughts. But Nyeren kept popping the dumb question. "What is a VSP?"

"It's a voice shifting potion you pig!" Parele answered him after a while

Lustros looked into her eyes. "So you've been fooling us all this time right Eldermar? Oh!" He gave a fake gasp. "I mean MOHEZA."

"It's mohieazttha you bastard! So it was you! It's easy to underestimate people when you live with snakes!" Mohieazttha had guts.

"MOHEZA!" Lustros raised his hands ready to strike mohieazttha in front of him. But just as his hands began to decend, Joz rushed forward and grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks. Lustros struggled but he was no match for Joz's strength. "How dare you?!" He asked Joz with angry eyes.

Leomere came in between them to intervene. He had to contain the situation. "Let's all calm down here! Please!!"

They were all freaking out.

Parele was still shocked by the sudden news. But her melodious voice brought him back to life. "Shorty! No wonder I keep inhaling greovoir ivy."

Mohieazttha kept shut.

"Answer him!" Leomere yelled. Everyone looked at him. It was the first time he raised his voice. "What in the world are you looking for in such a place? You could be beheaded for committing treason!" Leomere felt the need to protect her at all cost. But her response was making things worse.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" She yelled back.

"Guys we need to calm down! Look lustros no one is going to know about this right?"

They all kept mute.

"Pathetic!" Lustros spat out and left. Joz followed.

Leomere held her arm tightly. She struggled against his grip but she couldn't escape. "Look don't act stubborn! We are going to help you. There's still time...we can get you out of here."

Mohieazttha felt claustrophobic. She wanted to get out of there. Her eyes were red and heavy from crying. But she still refused to accept leomere's help. Who was just trying to be chivalrous.

She felt a mixture of anger, hatred and sadness. She ignored their concerned looks and focused on getting out of the room as soon as possible.

"For the last time!" She said to leomere. "Let go of me!"

He released his grip on her.

"Wait!" Parele held her arm but she pushed him away with so much hatred and pain. "Shorty please let us help you."

Even through her tears, she held her head up high. She was extremely disgusted by their mere presence. "No! I don't need help from anyone! I can handle this on my own. I can clean up my own mess." She said with a shaky voice trying to sound confident.

After pouring her heart out, she stormed out of the room.

"She is literally the most stubborn human on Earth! God!!!"