

"I have to get this bath over with, how did this happen?? It's almost 4am." Eldermar said to himself with a full bucket in hand.

He was sneaking out again to take a bath.

He always did this at midnight, when he was certain everyone was asleep. Including the guards. It was like some ritual.

Suddenly, he bumped into someone. He dropped his bucket, allowing water to spill everywhere.

"Oh no! Oh no! I'm done for." He thought. It was quite dark so he couldn't see well. The man raised up his lamp.

"Ooh." Eldermar let out a sigh of relief. It was Joz. They locked eyes but didn't say anything.

Eldermar saw Joz every night but they never spoke. Actually they never did since the incident.

Joz left after a while.

"Ugh! He never sleeps. He's such a dummy, he just keeps staring at everyone."

"I heard that!" Joz said from a distance.

The second and third challenge ended with only 27 men.

They were taken to YHÁKEDÈI river. For the water challenge.

The men were asked to find the princess's diamond crown and come out of the river unharmed. The last three men would be eliminated.

However this challenge had a twist. As the princess couldn't swim, the first man to find the crown and make it out unharmed would have the privilege of sitting out during the next challenge.

"So that's it? We just get in and find the crown?" A man pointed out.

"It's not as easy as it sounds. We have a little surprise in there, just for you."

"Pffft...monster seaweeds. Pathetic!" Eldermar scoffed.

It was clear that this one was for the clippers, just like the first challenge was for the fangs. Eldermar being the only clipper remaining, he already started thinking of how to spend his day off.

"Congratulations shorty." Parele said half-heartedly.

"I haven't won yet. But yeah...thanks. Don't be the 24th guy." Eldermar laughed.

"Let the challenge begin!"

The men dived in right away.

Everything was going smoothly, just like Eldermar had pictured. He found the crown and dodged every obstacle. All he had to do was take it back.

Only if he hadn't looked back...

Despite knowing he wasn't a great swimmer, Joz dived in without a warning. At first he was making progress, but in less than a second the current changed and started to get stronger.

Joz didn't panic. He started loosing his strength by the second. The current pulled him under and he couldn't fight against it. He sank deeper and deeper. He looked up at the surface of the water and it seemed so far.

Eldermar saw someone drowning from afar. It was Joz. "Oh gosh! I need this day off. That bastard fang! I could actually let him die but I would die of guilt."

He was so close to winning. He kept contemplating whether to go forward or turn back.

"I have to save him, but I'm not letting go of this crown. "Ooh! Curse my cause for humanity!"

He turned around and started swimming as fast as he could.

Joz knew he was in trouble. He could feel the water filling up his lungs. He didn't even attempt to swim to the surface.

He shut his eye and started to go under. Then, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He looked up and locked eyes with Eldermar. His eyes glowing with power. He wrapped his arms around Joz and started to swim up to the surface.

He dropped the crown. "There goes my day off..."

By the time they reached the shore, Joz had already passed out. "Ohh gosh he's so heavy. Is he dead or something?"

He laid Joz on his back. "Uhm...what to do...oh! Yes pulse seems good. Eh chest compressions." Eldermar focused. His movements were steady and in rythm.

"One two three four...one two three four...one"

Joz began to cough and splutter. He opened his eyes and looked up at Eldermar, still confused.

"Are you okay?"

"Stay away from ME!" Joz yelled out in anger. "WHY DID YOU SAVE ME?"

"YOU COULD HAVE DIED IN THERE YOU IDIOT!" Eldermar yelled back. Raising his voice above Joz's.

Joz was completely taken aback, no one has ever dared to yell at him like that.

"Who cares?! Who bloody cares if I die." He sounded smaller than he had intended.

"I DON'T! I don't care if you live or die. That I'm sure of! All I know is that, I will never let anyone drown. Even if it's the last thing I do! I will forever fulfill my duties as a product of clippers pond. Till my very last breath!"

"You could have won." Joz fidgeted nervously.

"I don't care about winning! No wait, that's just a dramatic pause. I actually do care about winning a lot. Goshhh I desperately needed that day off. But what I care about more...is staying in the game. Guess what? I'm still in it. Do you think everyone is like you bloody fangs?!! I simply saved you for humanity's sake. I would do it again a million times for anyone. Because..."

Joz got tired of the never ending lecture. "You don't have to tell about how great you are! You..."

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH! You will not interrupt me, I'm still talking and YOU have to listen! One more thing, don't you EVER raise your voice at me. EVER AGAIN got it? Eldermar said pointing a finger at Joz.

Now that was unexpected. It was a completely different side of Eldermar. Joz felt like he was being scolded. It was strange but he actually liked it.

"I'm sorry." Joz Apologized with clenched fists.

What?! Were Eldermar's ears deceiving him? Or did a red hair just apologize.

"What?! What did you just say?"

"I said I'M SORRY! I'M sorry I snapped at you earlier." Joz practically yelled.

Eldermar couldn't stop himself from laughing. "I've...heard that fangs never say sorry."

"You will not tell a soul!" Joz grabbed him by the arm.

"Chill...your horrible secret is safe with me."

Joz sighed. "You have shown me kindness...Than...thank...no I can't"

"Oh so you can say sorry, but you can't say thank you?"

"You can't get both in one day."

"You're such a fool!" Eldermar laughed.

"How dare you insult me?!" Joz fumed.

Eldermar shook his head and looked at Joz. "You idiot, calm down it's not an insult. Take it as a friendly compliment we say to friends okay?"

Joz nodded in affirmation. "Nonetheless you have shown me kindness. I will return the favor."

"As if." Eldermar scoffed.

"We might be the worst set of people. But we return favors!" Joz confirmed.

"Yeah...yeah whatever I'll never need it anyway!"

"Who knows...you might need it one day..."

The next challenge also ended well for Joz, something strange happened.

They were climbing the mountain.

Joz lost his balance and almost fell. Lucky for him, Leomere was right there at his aid.

"Take my hand."

"Why? What if you let go??"

"Just trust me and take my hand."

He did and Leomere pulled him right back up.

The challenge ended with only 20 men remaining. Parele was the topper.

His group members didn't hear the last of that one.