
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Komik
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37 Chs


My name is Adam Woe. I live in a mansion in Down Town of New State City. Witch is owned by Father. He the Gang leader of the Snake head gang.

I was born premature, witch cased my mother to die during child birth. As I grew up my father neglected me. He hasn't looked my way since I was born. Because of this everyone ignored me. I maybe a young master of this house but I'm more of a ghost than anything else. I was always alone, at school no one would talk to me because of my father reputation. The only thing that kept me alive was her.

Tai Tou. She is one of the maids that personally help my mother and looked after me my whole life. She was so beautiful and genital that I could see no one else in my eyes but her.

When I was seventeen he commented suicide. I had no idea why.

Why would she do that?

Why would she leave me alone?

Was it me?

All these questions filled my mind. Till one day. I come home from school, I overhead one of my fathers men talking just as I entered my room.

"shit.. What a poor kid. Too bad the boss got so angry because that bitch didn't want give him some ass"

"yeah, she's so dumb must be because was hanging around that idiot for so long"

"hahaha.. Fuck him lets go get drunk"

Hearing broke me. My heart snapped and my mind went dark.

"how could he do this to me. He took away everything from me. Now I will take everything away from him."

A mouth later I had made preparations for my revenge. My father was having a meeting with all his subordinate that day. They were all cultivators and my father was 1st level king's realm. So taking my revenge was not easy. But I had a plan.

They gathered in the houses' main hall. They stood in a orderly fashion to greet my father as he enter. They bowed to show their respect for him. The maids came in and each on was given a small glass of wine including my father.

"this is a great day we now stand on the top of the down town New State and soon we will all take over the whole of New State City. Drink with me and remember this day as the day we begin our reign."

They all took their shots of wine respectfully with me father.

" wait…I don't feel good."

One man dropped to the floor. Everyone thought he was making a joke and laughed. Till another dropped and another. They become frightened. Some ran for the door but it was looked.

"what's going on I can't move." Said one of the men lying on the ground. My father fell as well and could not move or speak. Soon everyone was lying on the ground and the room became quite. I opened the door with a knife in my hand and smile on my face.

I walked up to my father and to his surprise in his eyes to see me.

"hahaha you didn't see this coming did you?"

I took a chair and place him in it and made him face his men lying the ground.

"I know what you did Tai" I said out loud.

My father's eyes stood wide open and struggled to speak.

" I drugged the wine you all had. Don't worry it won't kill you, because I'm going to kill you all."

I slaughtered them all with pleasure. Blood flooded the floor and drenched mu clothes. I had left my father for last. The drug began to wear off a little and my father was able to speak.

" you piece of shit….if.. If.. Your mother saw.. You like.. This.. She would be so disappointed… In you." He said

I turned around after had just slit the last mans throat. I gave him a cold stair and walked towards. He showed me that look on his face. That look was the only look he ever gave me.

" my mother? What mother?" I said placing the knife by his throat.

" you bastered… How…. Can….you do this to me …for that …..whore. I'm… Your father." He said while still looking at me with those eyes. Those eyes that has brought me nothing but despair.

" father? What father?" said and I slit his throat. Blood gushed out and poured all over his chest.

" this would have never happened if you had just acted like a father. Instead you killed the only person I ever loved. You took everything away from my and now I'm taking everything away from you including your money and now your life." I said and watched the light go out of his eyes and I smiled.

I had already killed all the maids and the guards. The house is now the den of the dead. Bodies lied everywhere from inside the mansion, till in the front court yard. I mad it look as if a rival gang did it and left.

Soon I came to Tai Tou's grave and fell to my knees.

"I'm sorry TaiTai. When I die I can't see you for one last time." I said with tears running down my face. I took the knife and placed it on my heart. I put a little pressure on but before I could end my pain. A voice spoke in my head.

'who said you can't bring her back?'

I dropped the knife and looked around but no one was around.

"who there?" I shouted but no one came.

'boy… I'll ask you once…

Do you want her to come back?...

Do want to hold her in your arms?...

Or do you want to burn in hell and never see her again.'

Revenge was not enough. In my heart I knew that this is want I wanted.


Then a strange figure materialized behind. For some reason my body would not allow to turn around to look. He took out and dropped it on my lap.

"study and cultivate the arts of this book and she will come back." It said

"why are you doing this for me?"

As it dematerialised it said.

"why not" its smiled and disappeared. On the book it stood. (Demon Art/ sacrificial necromancy)

I've never heard of this kind of art before but if it could give me back my love. I'd give my soul away to burn.

Since that day I've killed so many women and teenagers for five years. Changing my name several times. I had forgotten who I originally was but I could never forget TaiTai.

My love I will bring you back no matter what.

My name is Drake. I was the 1st Demon knight and the most powerful of the 12 Demon Knights. I am the first vampire king Dracula, the Impeller….and I don't give a shit about your back story… Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.....