
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


"You think I'm scared of you. I'll let you know that my cultivation is that high-level- beginner realm." Mr. June said, he held his hands together to show the HITSUJI (RAM)

Hand sign.

(blood sacrifice art first from/hundred knives)

"a hand sign? Where did you learn that?" Drake said with surprise on his face.

Mr. June's aura shined blood red and in that aura many knifes appeared, made from blood. Mr. June sent his knifes directly at Drake.

Drake, without hesitation, waved his hand and the knives blew up. The blood knives splattered blood all over. Mr. June felt even more anger as Drake began to slowly walk towards him.

'fuck, what is this guy?'

"I'll ask you again. Where did you learn of to do hand signs?" Drake asked with anger on his face.

"you think you deserve to know!" Mr. June shouted

(blood sacrifice art third form/three-hundred knives)

With this Mr. June created three-hundred knives that seem to be bigger and carrying more destructive power. He then sent the knives once again at Drake.

Drake held out his hand and a black magic crest appeared. As the knifes hit the crest it broke apart.

'what? How can he use a magic crest as a shield with out saying any incantations?' Mr. June thought.

Feeling desperate Mr. June jumped to the other side of the sacrificial altar. He takes out a knife and tried to stab the little girl. As soon as the knife comes close to her chest the knife stops.

"what's going on. Why can't I move my hand?"

Mr. June seemed to be immobilized. He looks up at Drake to see him smiling, showing his fangs and an evil look in his eyes.

"hahahahaha.. What made you think that your the only on that can use (blood art)?" Drake said arrogantly, while he kept walking closer.

Drake lifts his hand to show that each finger had a very thin, red wire. This wire seemed almost invisible if drake didn't show it. One of the wires is attached to Mr. Junes arm that's holding the knife. To Mr June's surprise for he did not even notice it.

"when did you do this to me?"

Drake laughed while his other hand holding his face. Between his fingers Drake looked at Mr. June as a toy him.

"I only just put it up the moment you tried to kill that little girl. I used this method to show you that your (blood art) is just some stepped on shit compared to mind."

(blood art/Devils puppetry)

Drake slightly moved his hand, pulling the wires. Mr. June flew over the sacrificial altar and landed on the ground a few feet await from Drake. He tries to get up only to notice that thin, red wires are entangled all over his body.

"(Blood Art)? But how?"

"Do you think your in a position to asked me shit. I don't care about the face that you use blood art. I want to know who tough you hand sign." Drake asked while his killing aure became so song Mr. June started to shake with fear.

"do you really think, I Adam Wo…."

At that moment Drake just pulled his pinkie finger and Mr. June's Arm is cut off in several pieces, easily.

"aaaaaahhhhhhh…. My fucking arm.. Aaaaahhhh" Mr. June screamed out of sheer pain.

"hahahahaha… Please scream more for me. More, more, more!!!!" Drake shout with enjoyment in his voice but after Mr. June began to slightly laugh with himself. Drake stopped laughing and began to feel curious as to why Mr June the Gun Club.

"looks like I have to be that last sacrifice." He said with a crazy look on his face.

(Forbidden Blood Sacrifice Art/ Resurrection sacrifice)

A magical crest appears under Mr. June and all his aura and blood began to leave his body. It began to go towards the little girl but Drake had already used his (Shadow Art) to teleport her away.

"hahahahaha…. Did you think I was aiming for her?" Mr. June said while his body withering away from the loss of blood. Drake looked at the alter and noticed, all the blood was going into the alter. Drake smiled and laughed.

"I see.. I see.. That is not just an sacrificial altar but a coffin as well." Drake said, smiling with anticipation to see what's to come.

The alter grow red vines and a deadly aura emitted from it. The alter first cracked then broke apart and out of the broken concrete. A hand wrapped in old bandage. Drake smiled with excitement in his eyes and said.

"who ever your are….i ask you but one thing.. Please…make my day."

Out of the concert rose a women's figure. Her body wrapped in bandages and skin as red as blood. Her hair floated in a vicious Manor. Her facial expression looked as if represented violence and rage.

Mr. June looked back at her and said.

" TaiTai my Love.. I missed you so much"

"hahahaha… You fool… That's no long the person you love. You used a half assed cultivation method. Bring her soul back into a broken body only did more damage than good. Her soul is twisted and her mind is broken. Mixed with all the pain and anguish of all the girls that you killed. She is now… A monster….like me."

Those words cut deep within Mr. June. He looks at her realised what he had done but stayed in denial.

" it doesn't matter she is still my TaiTai." Mr. June said.

" fine then well see."

With a wave of Drake's hand Mr. June's lifeless body flew towards TaiTai and hung him in front of her. Mr. June looked in her eyes and began to shed a tear

"TaiTai.. It me.. Adam.. You still.. Remember us.. Do you?" he said softly in his weakened state. She growled but a tear ran down her face.

"a… A…. Ado..m"

Mr. June smiled happily to hear her say his name. She holds his face and her mouth opens wide. She suck whatever is left in Mr. June. He opens his eyes and begins to scream in agony. Mr. June dies, body is nothing but thin corp. Drake lets go of his wires of blood. Mr. June's corps falls to the ground.

TaiTai is now a blood demon with no conscience. All she knows now is pain and Wrath. She looks at Drake but shows no fear.

In raged she flies straight at him. As she tries to make a strike Drake grabs her by the throat immobilizing her. She tries to grabs his arm to release the grip but has no effect.

She releases six spider like legs from her back with sharp tips at the end. She stabs Drake throw his body repeatedly but he does not let go.

"hahahahahaha… Again… Please continue." Drake says with laughter and enjoyment of her struggles. She uses one of her legs to cut his arm off. She jumps back to create distance. He arm that was cut of turns into a pool of blood and makes it's way to Drake. While that occurred Drake grows a new arm with clothes repaired as well. See this made her mad and she screamed.

"poor soul, I shall reunite you with your love but you will have to pay for what he has done."

Drake used three hand signs so fast that you could barely tell witch one he used and only held on the last hand sign.



At the bottom of the pit drops of blood from all the dead girls floated in the air. The drops of blood came to the bridge surrounding everyone including Detective Jane and Woe.

TaiTai looked around and in anger and confusion.

Each drop of blood began to form and body. Each body turned into one of the victims that had been killed but the all carried knives. They all looked like the day they were murdered, blood stains, wounds and all. Each one gave aura of murderers intent. Drake raised his arms in the air and said.

"hahahahaha….my girls. I can't bring you back to life but I can promise you but only one thing. Before you find peace you will find vengeance."

All of them carried an evil smile as if they had became demons themselves. They ran after her. They stabbed her repeatedly. TaiTai tries to fight back as much as she could but they over run her. She's held down to the ground, stabbed, kicked and punched. It didn't matter what method they used. As long as they had got their revenge, nothing else mattered.

Drake laughed continuously as this happened. Detective Jane, who had just came over the pain of becoming a vampire had watched the entire ordeal. Detective Woe tried to crawl since his arm was ripped off but slowly due to the loss of blood.

'oh my God. His a monster.' She thought.

Drake looked over his shoulder and looked at detective Jane with evil intent and said.

"now my slave. It time to decide weather you want to live or die."