
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


"Master Drake what is your plan?" miss Chu asked feeling concerned by this finding. Drake begins to descend into his own shadow.

"I'll handle this. You go and watch the my disciples win." Drake said confidently and disappear. Miss Chu felt that this situation is out of her hands and left, not knowing the horrors lies beneath the school.

"Detective Jane where are you going!" Detective Wou asked while going down a flight of stairs, Chasing after her. Detective Jane knew that Mr June was a main suspect and would catch him at all cost.

"I have reasons to believe that a teacher call Mr. June is a suspect."

Detective Wou was surprised by this and tried to catch up to her.

"how the fuck do you know that?" he asked, feeling suspicious of her finding.

"it doesn't matter now. I found out that he maybe has a secret room in the boiler room." She said and kept running.

Drake emerged out of the Shadows in the boiler room. He faced the wall that teleported him to the roof. He touch the wall and a spell crest appears before him.

" for humans with high knowledge about arrays could break this after a few hours." Drake said to himself. Black lighting omitted from his hand and the array spell crest shatter like glass. An old metal door appeared and a red light is shining through the gaps.

"unfortunately, I am no human." Drake smiled but noticed a noise coming from the stairs.

"seem like I'm not the only one joining this party. How exciting." Drake smiled with evil intent in his eyes.

The two Detectives approach the door with an alluring light. Drake had disappeared before they could notice.

"this must be it." Detective Jane and Wou take their guns out from their holsters. She opens the room and Detective Wou follows from behind.

Inside there is a large pit emitting a blood read glow that lights up the room. As they enter the room a long metal bridge leads to an Alter. This alter stood in the middle of the pit. It is round platform that ran straight down the pit and on this platform is an alter table witch is used for sacrifices. Blood stains lied on this table and ran down the sides. On this stable lied a little girl that had looked for Miss Chu. She seem to be unconscious but alive. Her school shirt is unbuttoned and skirt had been taken off. Standing the alter is a man in a robe. He has knife in his hands and an evil look in his eyes. He touches cheek gently and writes a symbol of infinity with a line cutting straight through it.

"don't worry child you will become one with my love and we can spend the rest of our lives together. All of us." He said sadistically and began chanting. This chanting cased a red spell crest to illuminate underneath the student. And the symbol began to shine as well. He began to chant louder and raised the knife to the top of his head. He smiled as if the is his most enjoyable moment of his life. His eyes filled with evil intent and his hands gripe on the knife tightens.


The sound of Gun fire goes off and the man stopped chanting.

"Drop the knife and step away from the girl." Detective Jane had fired the shot in the air then pointed the gun at the suspect. Detective Wou pointed his gun as well but seemed nervous.

"drop the fucking gun knife! "Detective Wou demanded. The man drops the knife and takes the hood off. He turns around to show his face.

" Mr. June or should I say Adam Woe."

Mr. Jane laughed loudly in sinister way.

" looks like I've been caught but there is nothing you can do." He said with a smile on his face. This made Detective Jane nervous as the odds should be staked against him.

"why are you smiling?" she asked but laughed again. She tries to take a step forward but can not move. Her legs feel as if in has been shackled to the bridge.

'I can't move. What's going on?' she thought, trying to move as much as she could. Under the sleeves of the robe Mr. June wore, two knives slid into his hands and began to slowly walk towards him.

Detective Jane fired multiple shots but all the bullets stopped in front of him. He smiled as the bullets fell to the ground. Detective Jane is shocked by this.

"Shit, you're a cultivator." She said, realizing her gun is empty.

"hahahaha..foolish girl did you think it would be that easy to kill me." Mr. June said giggling to himself.

"Detective Wou help me." She said but he did not make a sound. Instead he Smiled.


Detective Jane felt pain and look at her chest. Touch her breasts, where she felt the pain. On her hand she find her own blood. She turns her head to see Detective Wou had fired his gun and shot Detective Jane. Her eyes filled with confusion and she coughs up blood. She collapses to the ground but stay conscious.

"why?" she ask with struggle his her voice.

"you stupid bitch. What did you think was going to happen? Always poking your nose where it doesn't belong and now I have to kill you cover it up." He said while putting his gun back in it's holster. Mr. Jane began to lough.

"but why?" she asked once again.

He bent down to look her in the face and said.

"that man over there is from a rich family and he paid me to change his name and cover up the rest of the girls that went missing and everything was going fine until you started snooping around."

Detective Jane cough up more blood and tries to stand up but Detective Wou smacked her down. That does not stop her as she tries again and again. Only to be smacked down by him repeatedly. The last smacked knocked her to the engage of the metal bridge. Her head and arm, hung over the edges. She opens her eyes and looks down the red pit to find many of a little girls dead body's lying at the bottom.

Detective Jane, seeing this enraged her. She got up to punch his face. He fell back but it wasn't enough. He got back, grabbed Detective Jane and put her on her knees. He pouched her over and over again.

"You Fucking bitch." He shouted. He stopped to her face cover in blood. Her face swollen all over and she seemed to be steps away from death

"hey you bitch. Do you want to know who killed your little bother?" he said smiling.

Detective Jane opened her eyes in rage and jumped on him. He fell om his back with Detective Jane on top of him. She puched him repeatedly in rage.

"tell who did it… Tell me!!!" she shouted in a rage of emotions. Suddenly the sound of a kife cutting flesh. Detective Jane stopped as she noticed a knife in her back. She coughs blood and falls to the ground. Detective Wou got back up and started to kick Detective Jane in the stomach viciously.

(Detective Jane's mind)

'no… I can't die here.. I have to avenge my brother and save that little girl… I can't… I can't.. Die.. Help me… Someone help me.'

( mysterious voice in detective Jane's mind)

'I can help you… I can kill them and save that… I can tear them from limb to limb. Drain their blood and destroy their souls with no mercy.. All you have to do is coming my blood servant and say yes…'

'who's voice is this….i don't see anyone else.. How?'

'if you don't say anything you die for nothing'

Detective Jane mind ran though all her memories. When she was a child in an orphanage. When she protected her little bother from bullies. She when joined the academy. When she saw her little bothers smiled when they found their own home. His first day of school and she found his bloody body crime scene in an alley. Holding his lifeless body close to her heart. Crying from the pain of it all.

All of this gave her energy to open her eyes and shouted


"Who the fuck is going to help you?" Detective Wou asked

"hahahahahaha" the sound of evil laughter echo throughout the pit. Detective Wou and Mr june by surprise looked everywhere to see where this voice is coming from.

"who there? Show yourself!!" Mr June shouted but did nit stop the laughter as it continued.

Detective Wou took out his gun and pointed it every direction he heard the laughter coming from.

"who the fuck is out there! Get the fuck outta here now!!!" Detective Wou shouted but the laughter continues. Detective Wou started to fire shots randomly at the laughter but did not stop. Eventually his gun was empty and the laughing become softer and in one place. At the entrance.

Out of the shadow of the entrance Drake emerged, smiling as if this is a joyous occasion. He walked with his hands in his pocket with arrogant look in his eyes.

"who the fuck are?" Detective Wou asked while he reload his run and pointed it at Drake.

"you are not worthy to even speak to me." Drake said

"fuck you!" Detective Wou shouted and fired 3 shot into Drakes chest. Drake stopped walking and blood poured from his wounds. Detective smiled for a second then it dropped because Drake started to walk again. He fired all the bullets he had. Bullets pieced his body and blew his part of his cheek off, exposing his teeth but he kept smiling. Detective Jane watched as her life began to slip away. Mr. June was stunned by his action.

Drake fall on his back and it looked as if he had died. Mr. June laughed when he fell but that didn't last long and another evil laugh over took his. June and Wou was shocked to hear Drake still laughing with all his wounds.

Drake began to rise to his feet again and his wounds began to heal. He reached out his arms and said.

"you weak humans.. Try.. Try harder… Shoot me.. Dismember me.. chop me up.. Burn me.. Give me everything you got… Please do it again and again and again… Don't give up… Please don't give up.."

These words struck their hearts with fear.

"you're a fucking monster" Detective Wou said. Hearing these words disappointed Drake and he was smiling no more. Before Detective who could make or realises it. Drake was already in front of him. Drake then picked him up with one hand and began to choke.

"please let me go.. I… I.. Won't hurt people anymore.. Please don't kill me." Detective Wou pleaded. Drake felt even more disappointed.

"you pieces of shit. You don't deserve to be dog shit." Drake said angary. He took his Wou's arm and ripped it off. Detective Wou screamed from the pain and his plastered om the ground.

"my arm!!!..... My arm!!!.."

Drake laughed, hearing his screams gave him joy

"Yes..Yes..scream for me.. Scream for your heart out.. Bleed for me.. Hahahahaha."

Detective Jane can't believe how violent Drake is.

'this is the man that's helping me?' she thought while trying to hold onto her wounds

Drake dropped Detective Wou and walked over to Detective Jane. He bit his wrist till blood pour in his mouth.

" you have another choice. Drink my blood and survive the pain. After you'll hunger for more blood but doing this will make you strong enough to average your brother but you will no longer be human." Drake said and held his wrist close to her mouth. Detective Jane look thought about it and drank it.

Drake got back up and began to walk towards Mr. June. Detective Jane began to scream in agony as she felt her blood began to boil and her bones breaking and regenerating at the same time.

"stop right there you freak. Don't take another step." Mr June demand but Drake just laughed in a sinister way.

"shut up… Your death is but a few breath away. So cherish your trash of life and die for me"

Mr. June looked in Drake eyes and felt fear and despair.

"no… No… I can't give up now."