
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

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87 Chs


David allowed his mental scan to search the solar system, he was currently hoping he would find a little Kryptonian baby stroller with a hungry baby in it.

He found nothing, so either he was being paranoid, or it was the Superman from later history.

'GCA can you let me know if we find anything that resembles really small spaceships on our scans, please? We are looking for something that is made to literally contain one baby.'

'Yes, David"

David was now studying a few differing serums, all derived from the super-soldier one that he had obtained from the Levar long ago.

The Hulks serum, the Golden Sentry Serum, the Goblin serum, and throw into the mix the adaptation serum Richard Parker had given his son.

From a physical aspect, this might well create the greatest serum, but David knew if he could get hold of one more thing, it would make it perfect. Well as long as the side effects were solved first.

Although at this point, he was still working with theory. As he was trying to remove the unwanted factors from all the serums, if he was able to add the additional organ a Kryptonian possesses, it would be ideal. Superman apparently had cells that allowed for the absorption of radiation, and an additional organ that stored the radiation. With David's control of his cells, he could modify them to not only use yellow sun radiation.

If he was able to make that work, he might well be able to face Thanos, well tank him, he stood no chance of defeating him. Thanos was a Titan who had killed other titans, due to his close relationship with Death, she had increased his strength beyond that of the strongest Eternals, able to use energy in various ways, high-level telepathy, matter control, curse casting and if they were really unlucky, this would be the time when Death forbid him to ever die. And that was without understanding what he could do with all those powers.

At best, if David managed to complete his work and it all went the way he wanted, the earth would be in a state where it might be able to face the next threat.

Sighing he put aside the formula's and walked over to the small Liquid core engines. His plans had changed now that he had discovered the Levar fleet. He had concerns about hidden protocols in them, so he had every intension of adding his own self destruct sequence to the ships. They were handy though for mining and exploring, it would be kind of funny to see the battle of New York when both sides had their own fleet.

David tapped a few buttons on the console to his side and a hologram of the two islands came up, looking around their base David allowed his power to start compressing the lower area as he slowly broke away most of the two islands from the river bed. He then made slowly and very carefully started to mold the base while he sang rather badly, "And then I looked up at the sun and I could see".

At this point David's clone, who had named himself Billy Tempted was humming a tune to himself as he walked through the Trask household being careful not to get any blood on himself. This was the last possible household it could be, and although it was dirty work, he kind of liked it because he knew what would happen later.

David had not mentioned taking care of the problems that might occur, but Billy was just that kind of guy, proactive. Although he understood his dad's view that there might have been a reason some people were given the powers they were, Billy found it way too much work to go find them and do all that.

His view was what M Project did work well, grab someone, give them powers then drug them to believe they were given it by the Statue of Liberty, hehe. That was his kind of work. Billy was also well aware his dad knew what he was doing, just like he knew what his dad was; so it seemed to him his dad was going to let him do things his way, and then save his ass if went too far, hehe.

Billy was considering who and what, being realistic most of the heroes in the one universe had a parallel in the other. Dad already called dibs on his first choice, the assassin girl, so who could he make then.

Hm, so she needs to alive, ideally, Olympic level athlete with decent hand to hand combat. He could give her the powers she was missing and the training she needed with the nanites. Oh, wait, hehe, he had the perfect one and it would even make dad happy, well kind of. And this one was a natural leader to boot!

If he recalled correctly, she should be training in New York as this time, well back and forth, he felt a little like a yoyo.

Elizabeth "Libby" Lawrence was currently doing her daily program of exercise, the coach had said if she carried on as she was, she might make the 36 Olympics. It was approximately 6 pm when the Blonde hair, blue-eyed, 170cm tall woman with the perfect swimmer's figure pulled herself out the pool. She slyly glances up to the glass viewing area where she had earlier noticed a young relatively handsome man trying hard to watch her without being seen. He was once again looking over at her as his eyes suddenly darted away when they met hers, she giggled lightly to herself as she went to the ladies changing room.

As she exited the changing room on the viewer side she was dressed in a simple but smart blue dress with a belt around her waist, her semi-dry long hair was tied up in a high pony to avoid it wetting her back to much. As she came out the door she scanned to room. It seemed the man had moved to the simple bar and noticed her the moment she exited, this time he did not divert his gaze and nodded to her with a slight smile and gestured lightly to the bar seat next to him.

Since it was her habit to have juice after practice, she saw no issue with having some company.

As she got closer the man stood and smiled, "Hello, my name is Billy Tempted. I am pleased to meet you."

"Hello Mr. Tempted, my name is Elizabeth Lawrence. Are you a fan of swimming? Or have you perhaps brought someone here?"

"Well, if I am being honest, I have never been to a swimming establishment before Miss Lawrence, so why not come see one, hehe"

Libby almost rolled her eyes at his obvious manner in trying to find out if she was married, but at least he was being polite about it, recently it seemed many men had become overbearing.

"Well Mr. Tempted, I can honestly say that is the first time I have heard that reason."

"Hm, I could not help notice while others were just relaxed you seemed to be swimming with a purpose."

"I am practicing Mr. Tempted for the 1936 Olympics. I hope to represent my country."

"You seem a very determined woman Miss Lawrence, so tell me, does that determination only extend to your swimming?"

Libby tilted her head slightly, her Juice had just arrived, since it was her normal order, she did not need to request it.

"I am not sure what you are getting at Mr. Tempted and I am not sure I like where this conversation is going."

"Oh, I meant nothing by it. I was just wondering if you had the power to make a difference, would you be just as determined?"


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