
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Meeting the parents

Libby considered the question for a moment, then grinned, "Well that question just leads to so many more questions, but if we are talking about nonspecific situations, I think I would."

Billy smiled, "Hm, so let's be slightly more specific then. If this stupid world of ours went to war again, and you could actually be on the front line making a difference, would you?"

Libby burst out laughing, "Mr. Tempted, you have a wicked sense of humor. At the same time a very hurtful one. I do not think you understand how it feels to see male family members you love being sent away to war. Brothers younger than you that you have always protected, and now, you are helpless."

Billy nodded slowly then responded, "I apologize if my question was tactless, but please understand it was asked in all seriousness."

Libby who was considering walking away halted her thoughts and stared at the young man in front of her, if this was some kind of chat up line, it was in horribly poor taste. "I think you need to explain yourself more, Mr. Tempted."

"Okay, then in your mind, what would convince you I am being serious? I am offering you power, the power to make a difference as long as you follow me. And if, as I expect this world goes to war you will join me in the 107th regiment."

Libby sat looking at this man, her right-hand forefinger gently tapping her lips as she considered what he said, it all seemed like he had escaped a mental hospital.

[Billy, are you free to collect a package that went down in the Atlantic? It is the bundle we hoped for. Until it actually entered the water GCA was unable to detect it.]

[Ideal timing dad Have GCA send me the location. Also, when I bring it to you could you ask mom to be there as well?]

[Okay, oh I see what you up too. I will let her know.]

Billy grinned at Libby, "My dad asked me to pick something up for him, would you like to come? It will help you see I am being honest."

Libby felt a pang of fear, this man was trying to get her alone. Although she had her pistol in his bag he seemed well built and might have friends.

"Oh, do not worry, I will not ask you to walk out this building. I will need you to touch me though, shoulder, arm, anything you are comfortable with." David was really looking forward to this.

Libby looked very confused; this was becoming a strange evening. She reached out and lay her finger lightly on Billy's forearm, looking at him questioningly.

Billy chuckled at her and then everything was dark, not a dark black, a kind of dark blue. "One sec, I forgot you need light, sorry."

Libby looked around as a gentle light came to life in front of her and grew in strength until it stopped right before it became too bright for her to look at.

It was at this point Libby realized a few things, she had gripped Billy's forearm tightly, she seemed to be in some kind of bubble, outside the bubble was a lot of water and fish were swimming, and just below her feet, she saw what looked like a very small UFO from the funny pictures.

"You are actually handling this allot better than I thought you would. So, we here for this thing below us, did you want to look about a bit?"

Libby looked at Billy blankly, then to the scene around her, and numbly shook her head.

"Okay, well we can always come back if you like, so let's go meet my dad eh," Billy said as he leans down and placed his had on the ship below them.

With that everything changed once again, Libby seemed to be in a large laboratory, she based this assumption on the machines and equipment around her, although it seemed to be a very advanced laboratory.

Libby heard a voice from behind her that sounded although exactly like Billy's. "Well hello, you must be the Lady Billy is so determined to recruit he even brought you to see me. Nice to meet you Elizabeth, I am David."

Libby turned around and saw another Billy, she was frozen in shock. "Now dear you cannot go doing that to the poor girl. Hello, my dear, I am Steph, and, in a way, I am Billy's mom." Said a beautiful woman with amazingly long flowing blonde hair who was floating next to David.

The woman slowly floated over to Libby. Libby just watched her in stunned silence.

"Mom, I think you broke her." Billy pipped in.

"Hush you, you already shocked the poor girl, see her mind is totally blank." Said Steph to Billy while waving away his comment.

"Blank mind? You can read my mind?" muttered Libby as her eyes started to get larger and she felt the room around her might be moving.

David had distracted himself with the ship soon after his introduction. At the moment he was carefully moving his fingers around the dark "glass" seam that contained symbols as he muttered to himself and recalled as he could about Kryptonian.

Steph quickly flew over to the girl and put her arm under Libby's to help her stay upright, "It's okay dear, you just take it slow and work your way through all the information. No need to rush it."

Libby nodded and took a deep breath; this was one hell of a pickup line.

David had managed to open the seal, but what he found inside disappointed him allot.

Inside the ship lay a small child, its right arm was shriveled up and it looked like this condition was spreading slowly to the rest of the body. Around the child, neck was a green pendant that had lay towards his right, on it was the symbol for the house of EL.

It looked like the child had died due to radiation poisoning and even if he had not, the poor child's right arm was now useless. A parent's gift to their baby boy had done this, David sighed.

Lifting the child's body up he placed it into the solar bed he had originally prepared for the child. He gently lifted off the pendant and asked GCA to store it within a lead-lined box, then to get any information she could from the craft.

Steph's voice came from behind, "Are you not going to bury the poor little boy?"

"No, although it might not work, I am going to leave him here. If his body shows signs of degradation, I will bury him." David was hoping he might be right about this, but he would not know for many years if he was.

Gently touching the child's right arm David pulled his tools over. As a baby, Kal had no powers and yet the radiation was still lethal to him, how cruel.

Libby was quietly watching from the back, her mind was once again working as she took in all around her, she was still expecting to find out someone drugged her drink though.

David carefully removed the arm as best he could, then allowed the nanites into the child's body. They would monitor it and using his cells create duplicates that might be useful someday.

David then placed his hand on the child and allowed his mind to study every aspect of the child, down to his building blocks. Although it was currently no use to him, it might aid him in the future.

If you do not mind, could you write a review as I am sure you guys have more honest opinions that I do.

I am also going to stop replying to any comments that are already answered, I am tired of people questioning the power levels based on what I am guessing they saw in the movies.

Celelondcreators' thoughts