
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Use what you have

Author: To all, the clone created in this chapter is a limited time clone, not in life but in connection to the MC. Due to all the hate he received, I ended up changing the story later. He was never going to be an enemy or anything of the like. I initially made him do work on Earth while the MC did work in the Universe. Please be patient with him till Ch 54 I think although I faded him out before then.


GCA are you able to relay messages to the ships through the satellite?'

'If I redirected it closer, I should be able to as there would have been no reason to change their protocols without reason, David'

David grinned, 'Once in range order them to accept no more commands from any other systems as they have been compromised, do what you need to to ensure they will only accept my orders in the future. Then have them move to the asteroid belt beyond Mars. Have most of them enter hibernation there but use some of them for the mineral extraction we need.'

'Yes, David'

Steph looked up from the sofa and asked, "Why is there someone secretly training Nat in assassination? Is this something you expected?"

David smiles and headed over to sit next to Steph on the sofa, he knew she felt protective of the little girl.

"It is something I suspected; her history is very grey. She is supposed to be kidnapped and given to "The Hand" to train as an assassin. This is wrong, right now Romulus, the mongrel I told you about, is having her trained so she can be pretend kidnapped to try assassinating the Jonin. I guess he is unaware that none of his mental conditioning is working on the girl."

"Then what is going to happen to the poor girl, she is so young," Steph asked as she leaned in closer to David.

Placing his arm around Steph's shoulder, David explained, "She will be fine, I will allow nothing to hurt her. I am using this time for her to learn all she can, another person will interfere, and she will not have to kill the man. She will then go to a place called the Red Room, it is not a nice place at all, but I have things in place to make sure she does not live through those things. They will give her a serum; I have designed mine to work with it to increase her abilities allot. After she leaves them, she will come to us." David smiled as he said the last bit.

Steph huffed then bit David's shoulder so hard he actually felt it, "OW, hey what was that for?"

Steph looked up sweetly and smiled, "Donno." Then teleported away.

David was so confused right now, was he the only person that had no clue how to understand his wife?

David took a deep breath and started to create a clone, he was dreading this as he always worried that something from a horror movie would go wrong, that was why he had not done it until now. To play it safe he created one with only his original powers but with all his physical ones.

It seemed he had overreacted; the clone just smiled and rolled its eyes at David.

David established a mental link, this way it would be protected from mental attacks and he could help it is it ever got in a desperate situation.

[You seriously think with these powers I could get in trouble?]

[I am playing it safe; you are going to have a very rough life compared to mine. I will start to create a base for you in New York for when you have finished your "training". Do not forget, try not to use any power beyond the normal physical ones in public. I leave it up to you to choose which mutant one you want to display.]

[Urgh, you are just like a real parent, father. If you have my go-bag ready? I will head out now.]

The original David nodded and went back to his desk, pulling out a duffel bag with clothes, money, blade weapons, medical kit, and some sealed foods.

The new David walked over and took the duffel bag and grinned, then teleported away.

David was pleased to realize he could still know what the clone was doing, it was like he was doing it.

[It works both ways you know, even if you are the prime, you stalker pervert.]

[Shudup, you have chosen a name for yourself yet?]

[Yup, was thinking Billybob]

[No damn way you are calling us that!]


David knew he was no longer going to get straight answers from himself so he headed to his lab; with the knowledge, he now had about genes and powers it was time to start working on a set of serums that would help his other self out once he settled down.

'GCA by a building in New York, something that will be in a successful business area, have it built up for use by our people but add an underground area with luxury accommodation, training area, labs, engineering, everything you think a rich playboy hero needs.'

'Yes, David'

'David, with the Levar warships will you still be using the two large Liquid Core drives for the ships?'

'No, copy improvements into the warships and have both large drives used on the Brother islands, we can add shields now.'

'Yes, David'

'Steph, just so you know, I have let me clone out as we discussed. I am not sure it was the right idea though.'

[I heard that you know]

'Great! Hi there, you probably know me, I am Steph. It is good to meet you.'

[Hi mom, yeah, Dad has all kinds of naughty memories about you, I am pretty sure he made most of them up though.]

'Oh, I doubt that. Your "dad" is very versatile.'

['I AM RIGHT HERE YOU KNOW!!'] David felt like things were getting a little out of hand.'

David sighed deeply, the plan was for him to remain here and work on building up resources while his clone gained experience in the world, took part in WW2, and if possible create some select DC heroes to be part of his fighting force since DC heroes had the potential of showing up before the Marvel ones.

Imagine a Justice League and the Avengers facing Thanos. In the timeline David had quite a few heroes died in that fight, both Ms. Marvel and Thor attempted to face him alone, they were never the same again. In the same way, though David was aware he needed to take measures to counter the villains that inevitably came with the heroes.

David was very select about the heroes he wanted, he was no idiot, you make the hero you make the villain. It was almost like a superhero canon. Now if you killed that villain in the cradle, would he be replaced?

David's mind froze, what if Superman was WW2 version?

Looking for some input.

A name that might better suit this novel, please. (Not even sure I can change it yet, lol)

I love my wife, I really do, but she keep telling me my naming sucks :(

Celelondcreators' thoughts