
Reincarnated As Young Master In One Piece

Reincarnation! It must be every weeb’s dream at least once in their live right? But why did it have it to be this character out of everyone in the world?! And why did it have it to be this late?!!! Please save me someone. (Mc is reincarnated as Helmeppo at the start of plot.)

Andy_Andy_3552 · Komik
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7 Chs

Chapter-3{Marine Hero}

After I returned to the house, I just sat down in the bed a bit tired while Kin went to get me some food which I doubt would arrive anytime soon as with Luffy's character there must be some commotion going on already.

Sure enough after some minutes I heard gun shots and some loud noises which clearly indicates fighting.

After an hour of me resting, I heard a knock outside my door.

"Just come in Kin, the door's open." I said out loud.

Sure enough Kin came in but behind him was came unexpected guests or should I say expected.

Roronoa Zoro.

Monkey D Luffy.

"Hoh why are you here Pirate Hunter and you Straw Hat?" I asked them amused.

"Just wait, sooner or later I will surpass you and the world's strongest swordsman!" Zoro replied to me with a sharp look while Luffy looked at Zoro with a smile.

I looked at him with surprise.

"I thought you would come and ask for a duel again." I said to Zoro.

"Even though I want to defeat you , I understand there is a big gap between us right now. So when I get stronger I will definitely beat you!" Zoro replied with a sharp look and went outside the house instantly.

"You're an interesting guy! I like you!" said Luffy while following Zoro outside and shouting "Oi Zoro, wait for me!"

Well should I say as expected of the protagonist?

After they left Kin came up to me and said "Helmeppo-sama, Captain Morgan has been defeated by that guy named Monkey D Luffy! and pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro."

"Oh." I replied uninterested.

"So where's the food?" I asked Kin.

Kin looked at me with surprise and hesitated for a while and asked me "Helmeppo-sama don't you want to get revenge for Captain Morgan?"

"I've never liked that bastard anyway." I replied to him.

You might think that before catching Captain Kuro, he was good and all and because he was promoted after he caught Kuro that he was corrupted by power, but in fact even before that he used to bully public and use his power anywhere he wants with the title "Marine".

So yes, he was a douchebag from the beginning.

Next day I visited the town's navy base with Kin guiding me.

After walking for some time with the public hiding away from me like a plague we soon reached a building with the sign "Marine: 153rd Branch."

There were two marines who were guarding the entrance.

As soon as one of the marines spotted me they immediately went inside, I presume to report my arrival.

After a while a marine came soon with several other marines following him.

I also saw a small guy with pink trailing behind them inconspicuously.

After a while they came up to me and stood in front of me in silence.

"Helmeppo-sama, this is the new marine commander- Ripper-san." Kin introduced me the marine who was in the lead.

Without waiting for him to open his mouth, I said "I presume Kin has informed you of my abilities."

After I said that Ripper eyes sharpened and the other marines following him also quickly put their hands the gun they were carrying.

"Don't misunderstand I didn't come here to fight or to bust out that bastard Morgan." I said to which their nerves relaxed slightly but still with keeping their hands on the gun.

I see, to erase their hesitation it seems like it's time to start bullshitting.

"Why do you think I haven't helped you guys against the tyranny of that bastard?"

"It's because you guys don't have enough resolve to even resist."

"You guys didn't even try to resist." I said to which Ripper's eyes contracted.

The pink haired guy's eyes also widened.

"You don't know—" Ripper started to speak but I cut him off.

"You may come up with many excuses such as that bastard is stronger than you, more faster than you, more durable than you and etc."

"But since when does weaknesses mean defeat?" I asked him releasing my aura slightly which made Ripper and others gulp.

"There are clearly many ways to defeat him such as making twenty or thirty marines shoot at him same time which I doubt he survives or when he is sleeping you can sneak attack him with many number of people or you can also put sleeping powder in his meal and after he sleeps, you can mobilise him and there are many more ways."

"But you guys didn't dare to fight against him." Ripper looked down in shame.

"There are two reasons I didn't act against him. One is that even if one of you guys tried to resist I would've helped but you guys did not. Second is that, at least that bastard has not violated my bottom line by killing any innocent at most he just injured them."

"Even if I say that, this does not excuse that blame also partly lies one me, so because of that I will also join the marines." I said to which Ripper and the other marines looked shocked.

"We would be glad to have you in the marines, Helmeppo-san!" Ripper said while being excited that a "righteous man" such as Helmeppo would join the marines.

After some time he led me to the base and appointed me to "Chore Boy".

He wanted to promote me higher but I said to him that I will start from the lowest position there is firmly.

While I was doing the job or should I say chores which were extremely familiar to me by Gintoki's abilities, I finally met the one of the very first character that was introduced in One Piece face to face.


"Nice to meet you Helmeppo-san! My name is Koby!" said Koby while saluting me.

"Oh drop the formalities, my name is Helmeppo." I said to him lazily while raising my hand.

It looks like he respects me very much by the words I spoke out earlier.

Well after that a week went by quickly normally with me doing chores normally.

But today the base was unusually tense.

"Oi Koby, why's the base tense recently?" I asked him confused.

"Heh! You don't know why Helmeppo-san?!" Koby asked me shocked to which I nodded.

"The legendary Marine Hero, the hero of the seas, Vice Admiral Garp, is arriving today!"

Oh yes as soon as he said it I remembered it. I guess it was today Garp comes to arrest Morgan.

After a while Ripper came to us and led us and all the marines stationed outside to wait for Garp's arrival.

Of course some marines also held Morgan in captive nearby.

After a while soon a warship came in the vicinity of our sights with a dog-head as its figurehead.

After few minutes the warship came and parked at harbour.

Ripper led us onto the warship while filling up on our mission which basically is just handing over Morgan to Garp.

As soon as I saw a guy with who was hiding his upper face with a dog mask, my instinct screamed at me wildly.

Extreme danger.

Ripper soon ordered us to salute and he went to Garp and spoke something.

Meanwhile Koby beside me looked at Garp with so much admiration and excitement that I could literally see stars in his eyes.

The marines also led Morgan to Garp.

Garp soon fell asleep while saying something about doughnut eating record.

"Huh you don't seem that much, old geezer!" said Morgan which angered the nearby marines.

Morgan immediately broke free from his restraints and slashed at Garp's chest.

A sharp wound appeared on Garp's chest as soon as Morgan slashed.

I wonder how is that Garp bleeds as there is no way Morgan can hurt him, so there is only one conclusion, he wants to test us and see our reaction.

After Morgan slashed at Garp he immediately rushed at me to take me hostage assuming that I was the weakest here.

As soon as Morgan came, I ducked slightly evading his grabbing and immediately punched at his throat which made him gasp for air.

As soon as I did that I slashed at his knees with my wooden sword and made him kneel and immediately kicked at his face with my knees which knocked him out instantly.

Sure enough the marines in the Garp's ship eyes also changed while looking at me.

Garp also opened his eyes and Bogard behind him mumbled silently.

"Another monster has come."