
reincarnated as Sanji from one piece

i got reincarnated as Sanji. i'm a guy?! could my day get any worse?!

Smiley_faceXD · Komik
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Sanji v. Pearl

Chapter 7: Sanji vs Pearl

It was silent, a silence washing over us. I stood next to Zeff silently and I could feel some weight being lifted from my chest. Mihawk is gone..at least he won't attack the baratie..Luffy seemed t o be more excited to fight.. It must've been due to the battle with Zoro and Mihawk that really set into tone about him wanting to fight. I felt some worry for Zoro but I turned my head away and clicked my tongue. The atmosphere is still somewhat heavy. Though Luffy still seemed to be unaffected by it..and now he's talking about his deal with Zeff. If he ran off Don Kreig and his goons then his debt was paid off. Though the conversation was turning into something more lighter. Though when Luffy mentioned something about Zeff's past and being a pirate and what was his goal. Zeff simply stated his was happy being the owner of the baratie and being the head chef. I pursed my lips and i could feel my heart ache..why was that? Maybe it was Sanji..somehow our bodies and minds are connected so that must be it.. I'm feeling some sort of guilt he's feeling. I wonder why…they did bring up…starvation..i wonder if that has something to do with it..

Though there seemed to be a commotion across the bay, Don Krieg shot one of his crewmates…

Shouts coming from over his way..and he said something about stealing..our ship..oh i think not. I could feel my back burn going up my spin with a desire to beat the shit out of him. I guess Sanji thought the same because he was snarling and growling loudly cursing the sailors tongue. It seemed carne and patty got into some contraption. I frown and approach the edge of the balcony. I turn to face Zeff and the baratie. I took the cigarette and tapped it on the edge of the balcony muttering something about a battlefield. My foot itches to fight. I discarded the cigarette and stepped on it. I bit my lip..sanji's memories covered me and I could hear the wise words of Zeff. So..the ship Sanji was on..broke…or was shipwrecked. I could hear the swishes of the sea.. A rock that filled my mind..two shadows on either side..it made me feel sick..disturbed. 

I could hear Sanji's suggestion in my mind..control room? Alright.. I know what your trying to do..

"Hey. you. Go to the control room. And open the fence will ya?"

I smirked, a very good idea in my mind..after this my shoes may be stained red.

Though i was objected. I just laughed it off and softly hit the baratie, My fingers tracing over the coating of wood, paint, and steel. I explain my point and Zeff side eyed me, 

"Did you just say something brat?"

"Yeah, i said your whiney"

I smirked and shrugged the guy off shooing him off to which the cook gave a salute and ran off. Luffy decided to be his boisterous self shot himself with his wacky ass powers and now he was quickly approaching the Kreig Pirates. I just laughed, he needs to save some for me.. Cause i'm not half assing this. Luffy arms shot both ways like a quick pistol and knocked most of the men off their feet, some into the water. Luffy just giggled and hanged onto a wooden area. Maybe his name went with his personality. 

Most of those that were in the water struggled, some hanging onto debris.While Luffy interacted with Kreig. Strange, but it seemed with all the playfulness in the conversation that Luffy still seemed confident and serious about fighting Don Krieg. 

I hummed as the fence was put up. I could hear the cranking as I stood sassily. Nice to have a body like this cause I wasn't this tall in my past life most women in my friend group and workforce were shorter. Even people in this world we're a bit taller, perhaps they also have different averages? 

I look down at the rather large floor boards that were raising from the sea. This was where we were gonna fight… I just leaned more against the railing. I hum as soon as they were already raised I began to walk from the behind the railing onto the floorboards that felt a bit slick. 

"My cooks and I..will never stop defending this place..and well I still have your ass to whoop for clocking me in the jaw."

I rub my jaw consciously smiling. 

"I see good plan on bringing up all that extra decking genius now we don't have to bring the fight inside. I'd hate to damage my future ship and make no mistake it will be mine"

'Damn bro you talk forever womp womp get out your old ship and leave damn place alone'

I just huff a breath through my gritted teeth. 

Patty stepped forward yelling boldly, "you'll never take our restaurant that's right we mean business!"

I shift on my foot slightly feeling sweat slightly run down my back..my fingers twitch.

I shift slightly surprised, the baratie can become something else, I look at the fish head that was extending, cool…

I purse my lips watching patty and carne peddle? I just shook my head, closing my eyes. I could see them peddling as I opened my eyes watching them blow stuff up with a laser??? I watched them peddle toward Krieg and shot the laser but Krieg blocked it and he looks burnt…this world has crazy logic…too crazy.

I could see..the fish head get lifted..what the hell with one hand? That shit at least gotta be 500 pounds..

I could hear Sanji say something as the fish head along with Carne and Patty get thrown towards us

"You can stop it..you're in my body y/n swan! You gotta stop them please me and you trained for this"

I just hummed at Sanji's comment and jumped up, damn these are some strong legs.. It seemed to catch some people off guard from the grunts. I shift and twirl myself, my foot coming up hitting the side of the massive fish head stopping it..metal? Ouch that kinda hurt. I could feel an ache in my leg. I smiled, at least there's not a dent..

I just frowned gritting my teeth okay..now I can really feel it. I got up and straightened myself out. I could hear a rather large explosion of wood behind me as I just shoved my hands into my pockets. I turn to access the damage.

I just smirked as Patty and Carne came running at me obviously complaining about my approach

"Are you trying to crush your friends?"

"What's the big deal"

"Yeah yeah" 

I just laughed and rubbed my neck

"You're both fine see" I just grinned cheekily and patted them on the shoulders. Though they both swatted at me and yelled 

"Don't yeah yeah us you crazy fool!"

"Yeah! Don't be such an ass and stop acting so cool you wouldn't have been so much if you killed us would you!"

I could hear patty growl as they scolded me. I just chuckled 


I just grinned playfully as I looked to the side, oh they're already on the deck. I looked towards the Krieg Pirates..henchmen?

Though when the cooks started to attack, the cooks seemed to be overwhelmed by the weaponry. I just grit my teeth and I could hear Sanji growl and complain big time. 

I just scratched my nose as the Krieg pirates seemed to talk alot…I just frowned, too much talking and not a lot of i'm gonna kick their ass into market street. 

Though a comment from Kreig made me amused as I laugh

"I'm quite afraid you are mistaken. This isn't your ship I do believe yours is sinking" I left out the comment about the titanic and just grin tasting the nicotine in the cigarette.

Though Zeff agreed with me as I smiled warmly. 

"You know what i've been a cook all my life and I worked at many locations though I got fired from them all from getting into many scuffles and living hard" Patty commented looking ready to scuffle and Carne agreed. "After years of wonders we finally found a home here"

I gasp slightly pulled into a flashback..what the hell..I look at the small hands and I didn't have control of any of my actions..so this is the past.. I have no control over such events.

I watched tiny Sanji, his face scrunched as he was using a frying pan. I felt my heart warm up, I wanted to reach out and hug the boy. I could also see Zeff, he was carving something..probably a vegetable. I could see Patty and Carne come in..both look severely different from the current Carne and Patty. They were holding a flier asking about a job opportunity and Zeff seemed to accept it immediately. I smiled at Zeff's inspiring words and felt my heart swell… I wish I met him…in my past life.. But I was stuck with that old hag.. I suppose that's II fine..she saved me after all. Though Carne and Patty complied immediately with the terms. I giggled as Zeff scolded them for messing up a dish, a warm atmosphere in the kitchen. Though they both were wrestling which caused me to feel even fonder. I smile happily. And it seemed the memory ended for now?

I shook my head watching them..so that's how you two ended up here.. I smirked at their words and shouted confidently

"You hear that you bastard 's fighting spirit!"

I watching them all jump into battle as I stretched slightly feeling my leg that has stopped aching itching for a fight

My eyes widened as I twitched and turned my head..who the hell. I watched Patty go flying. And then Carne went flying, landing in front of my feet. I grit my teeth feeling the good atmosphere be lost. I tried to contain my expression. I twitched slightly, glaring. I cracked my knuckles as I could hear the introduction though I didn't care a bit. I cracked my neck, 'pearl the invincible shield..oh please that shield will crack since i'm not holding back an ounce. Sanji guide me.' 'of course n/n..'

I could hear the instructions playing in my ear as I watched it all play out in front of my eyes..must be the guide..I kick the guy nearest to me and I grit my teeth. 3 strikes, thay shield guy is out.. He degraded Zeff and harmed Patty and Carne. I watched the man go flying, seeing the knife slick up into the air as the guy crashed into a few others and banged hard into Pearl's shield as I caught the knife.

'Thanks Sanji..'

'No problem n/n but be ready to kick the shit out of that pearl guy' I just laughed slightly in my head, me and Sanji seem to have familiar name tastes.

I then shout scolding each pirate, "A kitchen knife is a cooks soul. How dare you pirates even think to touch it with your damn hands. Touch the knife again and i'll make sure to crack your damn skull" I glared as I heard Patty call. I look down my eyes slightly softening

I hand him the knife sighing and saying softly, "just take the knife and stay down"

I then smirk "i'll teach these damn Bozo's a lesson on touching what's not there's."

I could see them running at me as instructions play out for destroying each one of them. I disappeared…that's knew and I was then on my hands in a second twirling my lower body shifting my hips as I kicked each Pirate in the face each impact coming after the next. I was then on my feet in the next moment giving a singular kick as the wind danced around me in the next as every pirate flew back. I licked my chapped lips..damn wind..

"I'll show you mere cook..i'll make sure to filet each and every single one of you and gut you like a fish"

My insults harder as hatred formed in the pit of my stomach

I suppose when you grow up fighting people in your past life it transfers over your violent tendencies.

I just hummed without responding but I could feel words moving against my lips. I just showed my feet and smirked. Dirt under my shoe. No cook should use their hands cause then their hands are messed up. I raised my hips slightly. Pearls now going on about this invincible B.S. no one is invincible. He banged the metal plates together as I rolled my eyes. I raised a brow watching Kreig attack Luffy and I smirk slightly watching Luffy go flying and hitting pearl in the back and in the back of the head and landing next to me. I just snickered and patted Luffy on the head

"Nice one..though it probably wasn't intentional I was getting tired of him talking about this invincible B.S" Though Luffy just grinned and smiled happily. I took my hand away immediately in disgust. 

"Yuck dude..you're picking your nose" Though I wasn't bothered by the commotion it seemed this was a first for pearls. A nose bleed. Boys being Boys..gross as always.

I watched him bang the two metal plates together feeling a bit unsettled. What the hell is this guy's deal, he was shouting and suddenly caught on fire which caused me to jump..that was a bit..abnormal.. 

Though I immediately dodged feeling something was wrong as fire burned at my feet..that was weird.. Everyone caught fire. As I looked back at Zeff then at Luffy. Startled and worried.

I scoff and hear luffy in the back, okay the fire needs put out immediately. I could feel the warmth against my face and my body. I heard Sanji's immediate plan of action and I nodded, this place isn't going down after all this effort. I ran towards pearl and I started to feel my body flip into the air. A back flip, I watching Pearl as I came crashing down my body turning back so it wasn't upside down. My hips thrusting to the side as I grunt. My foot hitting fire and metal. I smirked and Laughed, "i'm not afraid of fire a bit, it's more comforting and I couldn't be a cook if i was afraid of fire. I flipped knowing the instructions next and I was now back turned to him. God..this man's flexibility. I kick my leg into Perals frontal shield and watching him flip over onto his back and then back onto his feet. He seemed to freak out and claim there needs to be more fire before shooting cannonballs of fire at Zeff. Can cannonballs catch fire? Don't they usually burn or explode due to gunpowder? I could hear Sanji shout to stay calm so I just stood there watching..waiting. It seemed Zeff had it handled and immediately extinguished the fire easily with one swipe of his (peg) leg. I watched the bullets fall and I smirked, feeling admiration rise from my chest, how cool..

Though I could hear a swing and looked up startled, Don Kriegs weapon.. Going right towards us…fire surrounds me. I yelped as Luffy came into play using a gum gum bazooka?? But his arms stretched again blowing the weapon away

I watched the weapon fly back and hit a wooden pole watching it come down. I move out the way, grabbing Luffy by the hand. I peek back seeing Pearl down, unmoving. How convenient.. Is this main character cheats? Plot armor?


I commented, which Luffy agreed with me as I let go of his hand. Sweaty..yuck.. Must be the fire affecting his rubber body or something. 

I turned hearing a grunt as I looked back, seeing Zeff on the ground and Gin with a foot on his back. My eyes widened as I looked at him..don't get attached.. I could hear Sanji whisper as I sighed.. I'm not attached in the slightest..maybe..I could feel that mine and his situations are similar in terms of starvation.. Though I noticed the gun pointed at Zeff which caused me to twitch and glare. 

As I turned to Face Gin fully, this is it.. I could see Zeff shaking slightly.

 I could hear Kreig shout, 

"Kill the geezer"

Sanji and Y/n can interact physically in dreams.

Smiley_faceXDcreators' thoughts