
reincarnated as Sanji from one piece

i got transmigrated as Sanji. i'm a guy?! could my day get any worse?!

Smiley_faceXD · Komik
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11 Chs

chapter 5 Don Krieg 3/3

Gin was on the floor gasping and petrified. He began to desperately apologize though I didn't respond yet and just looked at my feet. Zeff cut in thought and said that Gin had nothing to apologize for. I looked up at zeff surprised and patty seemed equally if not more surprised as zeff began to explain and patty seemed even more torn and shouted "but boss!" And he seemed to think Zeff had taken my side. I shift slightly as i was pointed too and many of the chefs complained. Though the complaints were immediately shut down by zeff shouting. I hadn't seen him this irritated before. 

"You fools have no idea what you're all talking about!"

Though his voice softened slightly and became stern.

"None of you have any idea what it's like to be on the brink of starvation. To have no food or water on the open ocean-"

I reached for a cigarette outbox instinct and lit it. 'I guess me and you are more similar than I thought Sanji' I thought while Sanji stayed silent.

I shivered thinking back to my old body..the cold hard grounds.. Alleys smelling like feces and mold in dark corners. Back when my mother kicked me out due to the lack of money due to my little siblings and I couldn't go to my dad since he was in prison for murder due to an older man trying to touch my younger sister. I stayed in those alleys feeling hunger pains in my stomach that practically ate itself each day. I was on week 8 and the alleys were more cramped and the trash became thin without any thrown out food. Jealousy hit me when in the past I wasted such good food and now I can't partake in eating any of it..regret filled my vains as it began to rain. Staying under roof tops and even without food for weeks many men and women became senseless and territorial. I didn't know i was staying in said territory when i found a trash with some moldy bread but it'd satisfy that urge of urgency when starving. A man seened to growl and he was wrinkled and old and even more skinny then me to wear i could see his bones though the fabric of said clothes. Though it was eat or be eaten and i couldn't waste this chance of finally getting a bite of food my stomach oh so longed for. Though that's when he started to growl and lunge at me causing a fight. I was bitten and scratched, my nose broken from the stronger man. I thought I would be much weaker but I was proven wrong. I was left in the rain. My stomach robbed of nutrients as i laid in the rain my hair knotted some clumps that are now missing. I took deep breaths and sat on the side of the road. A woman, older with wrinkles, came with an umbrella. My boss or well my current one back then. She offered a place to live and said 

"Cmon girly. I need more help with my new cafe."

I snapped out of thought "-There is no way you could possibly understand the terrifying prospect that is" i bit my lip.. 'Zeff' i smiled 'i am beginning to..want to fight for you more and more..you're like that old hag.'. "It's the most difficult situation man could ever face" 

Though many were confused by zeffs words, Patty was one of them. I tap my leg on the ground as zeffs voice got softer as he explained a key difference between Sanji and everyone else there. 

Many were shocked as my finger twitched as def began to scold them and order them to get out if they just wanted to stand around doing nothing. Many chefs wanted to fight as i ask sanji softly 

'Sanji..i want to protect the baratie and that old man..' And Sanji said seriously

'Y/n-chan. Kick kriegs ass.'

I pumped myself up, and took a few breaths. 

Gin seemed concerned and panicked and I understood his concern. I got up and walked lazily over to him. "Listen up because I'm only gonna say this once. Feeding someone who's hungry is my sacred moral duty". I stepped on the table leg, repeating sanji's words that rang off in my head. "But." 

I stepped on the leg and the table jumped and bounded into place as my heel held it in place and i turned off to the side.

"Now that your crew is satisfied. I have zero obligation to still hold that duty. With a clean conscience. I can beat every last one of them to a bloody pulp..though if any tried to take the restaurant…"

 My face darkness "they're dead. I'll kill then without a moment's hesitation. Got that?"

Though after my words patty seemed to mock me to which i just rolled my eyes at crossing my leg loosely and sassily. Forgot i wasn't a woman for a moment..yikes.. 

Luffy seemed to be pleased and threw a compliment pointing at me. My heart sped up, jeez never really been complimented before…

I didn't pay attention much to their conversations and luffy asking about the Grandline.. This place is pretty confusing.. My earth wasn't thst complexed..just some oceans and a few countries.. I focus back in noticing shock.. Oh shit.. Did I miss something important..? Though sanji yelped in shock.. A worlds greatest swordsmen? Hawkeye mihawk.. Who the fuck..? I'm just new.. I don't know these powerful people..I need filled in..sanji..please.. Though he didn't respond. Though a shout broke me out of thought. I just shook my head..and zoro said something about that guy being his goal.. His rival? Isn't he dangerous? Isn't this world dangerous? What morons.. I just shook my head and i heard luffy's excited shout.

A big wave seemed to crash the next moment as the galleon split into two. My eyes widened. What just happened?! No normal human could've done something like this.. What is this world? I tried to stay balanced as waves crashed, lifted, and wobbled the baratie. I rush outside and i gulp,

What the hell just happened?

bam. chapter 5 is done

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