
reincarnated as Sanji from one piece

i got reincarnated as Sanji. i'm a guy?! could my day get any worse?!

Smiley_faceXD · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

chapter 4: sanji of the sea restraunt

Chapter 4:Famous cook: sanji of the sea Restaurant

I get ready for the day and take a deep breath. Today was THE day, where i meet the main character.. Oh boy how could this day get any worse. I don't know when they are coming but it may be sooner than I realize who knows.

I grab a wine bottle along with a few menus and a pen and a paper. I hear a few whispers and hear a man go

"And a marine ship"

I straighten up and i hear a crash come from zeffs office.


I call out and hiss. Back to work can't focus on this, even though i care- no scratch That!!. I shook my head and pour a man a glass of wine. I huff and smile at the woman and pour her a glass complimenting her. I huff, sometimes sanji's personality can make me think and do idiot things when I don't want to do those things. Damn morals, but his morals are his.. And mine are mine. I light a cigarette and walk slowly to another table wine bottle in hand. Whoever this pink haired bozo is seems fishy.. I give a fake smile to the man. I pour both of them a glass of wine. I didn't bother paying attention to the whispers treating the man unbiased. I look around bored not bothering to hear this chumps on and on talk. I look at the man and slam the bottle Down.

"Tell me waiter am i Right?"

'The fuck did he just say??'

"Eh.. Not even close sir"

I use the rag and wrap it around the mans wrist

I place the spoon into his hand

"Eat up, this dish is best when hot."

I turn away boredly and just walk elegantly humming along to the music

"And sir.. My Name is y- i mean Sanji, i am a sous chef, even though all the waiters ran off with their tail between their legs yesterday"

I walk off back up the stairs.

I walk around and i hear the guy say something and i look over.

'Oh he's talking to me'

'N/n-chan you need to pay better attention to customers even if they are.. Ugh men.'

I walk over lazily, hands in my pockets.

'I don't get paid enough for this crap…'

"I believe i am already told you..i am a sous chef not a waiter. And my oh my what a irresistible beauty you are"

'Damn it.. Me and my flirting mouth…ugh just roll with it.'

"My lady would you care to join me else where for a glass of wine"

I wink and huff, me and my body.. Damn..

I hear a bang and shift my eyes over. I see the annoying guy pointing down, the heck he want me to do feed his ass?

Aw shoot he said something about bugs.. Ew

"Bug soup? Ohh sorry sir i don't know really..looks like he's floating then again kinda looks like he's drowning its hard to say for sure…though i am sure since you have been eating this earlier you like the taste of bug soup"

I smirk and narrow my eyes and i see a fist slamming down on the table

'Jeez talk about anger issues along with wasting food..'

'Kick his ass!'

I can hear sanji shouting and i smile, man I've been itching for a fight

"You could've eaten it like you have been of you have taken the bug out. I quote honestly don't like liars or wasteful people in general. So you hit 2 marks on my list. And this took about 3 days of wonderful cooking to make this soup dish."

I glare up, bangs over my eyes my head tilted down. I can feel pressure on my hand. I could hear a crash and see a woman fall.

'Now hitting a woman 3 strikes your out'

I grit my teeth

"Can money.. Satisfy hunger?"

I twist around, it feels like slow motion, my leg twists up as I tilt my upper body down and my hips and legs up. My palms touch the floor as my foot lands at his neck as my upper body comes back up as I land on one leg. I see him get knocked down on the floor, as I use my other foot to hit his forehead. I see blood drip down when he made contact with the floor.

I pick him up by the jaw and I hear the doors open behind me. I ignored it and glared. "Don't even waste food around me again"

Sanji And I say linked up at the same time.

"At sea if you even provoke your cook, your signing your own death warrant. Remember that."

I can hear someone else, who is that again.. Damn.. I only been here for a few days amd i couldn't Memorize shit..

"You're a terrible cook..what makes you think you can talk to me like that.."

'I don't have confidence to say this to my zeff but at least this isn't zeff..'

'N/n-chan! your embarrassing both of us head out of cloud 9'

"A crappy cook like you is calling me bad, restaurants can't exist without customers they are lifehood so we don't want to hurt them like you seem to keep doing"

"But he deserved it… 3 strikes.. He didn't treat the food, me, and the woman with respect, and all the cooks"

I drop him and huffed,

"So i simply taught him a lesson."

I glare at the man who was getting up and look around and then back to him. I didn't like him and now he's spouting More b.s.

"Then maybe I should just finish you off now.."

I walk towards him and i feep arms wrap around my neck and arms to restrain me.

I grunt and yell

"Assholes like you think they're such big shots they can push anybody around really piss me off!"

I grunt and glare hard and reach for the man

"Tough shit You're not such a big shot now are you! Are ya?!"

'Cry bitch cry bitch! I had full rane in the past to beat peoples asses in my old work place I'll do it again no matter status'

I hear a crash above and a crack. I look up and then to the side

'Zeff?! And a kid? The hell?!'

I ignored it and started to move again, while the others held me back.


I looked up and to my left, continuing trying to get past, they added another guy to my legs.

"Stop trying to rampage in here you idiot"

"Bah!! Put a cork in it old man"

I hiss and stop my struggle to look at Zeff.

"Oh?! Now your ordering me around just what do you think your talking too"

I stopped and the chefs stopped holding me Down

I crossed my arms and pouted as Zeff continued."do you want to sink my restaurant to the bottom of the sea"

I felt a strike to my cheek where a peg leg hit.

I grit my teeth, and uncrossed my arms, holding back the groan in pain just swallowing down any noise.

I just stood there.. I feel like i'm a child again.. I sigh and untense.

I eye the guy and just stood there letting out a sigh

"How can you deny our customer is key!"

"The only keenly customers are the ones who stomach the slop that you call food."

I grit my teeth, rubbing my cheek slightly.

'Treating us like kids..'

I could hear sanji mutter

"If you two want to fight, keep it in the kitchen."

I sigh and felt pain in my cheek,

'Damn.. Hard kick'

I heard a hum shot and jumped slightly. I crossed my arms and let out a huff.

'New customer my ass..'

I look at the man he was familiar.. He hold back a slight smile, did sanji know this guy. I hum, and relaxed, he looks famished

I shift my eyes watching him take a seat. I watched the guy get hit by the other guy. I still don't know his name.. I look away and start to walk towards the kitchen. He must be starving.. I felt my principles rise.. I felt a pang in my stomach.. Damn.. Wait patty? Oh so that's that guys name.. Huh..

I could hear the mans stomach growl and my brows furrow. I began to walk towards the kitchen and pull out a pan, a knife a cutting board and ingredients. I can hear Sanji begin to instruct me on how to make this dish. I grab a knife and began to cut the ingredients. Ignoring the sounds. I hum softly a song from my world. I began to set up the dish.

I walked out the door to where sanji instructed me to go. I frowned and saw the man. I set down the tray which had the dish along with the water on it with a spoon too. I began to walk slightly and then sat down deciding to smoke my cigarette. I didn't like the taste but I suppose its fine. I blow out some smoke and look up towards the sky

"Eat up.."

I say softly

"Take it and leave me alone.."

I frowned

"I won't accept charity..it doesn't matter how down and out i may be… Just take the stuff away now.."

I close my eyes for a moment

"Just stop talking and eat it already. I don't care what they say there. If i see anyone hungry then they are a customer..".

"Sorry but i'm not your customer..".

I can hear his stomach growl loudly. I look at him and furrow my eyebrows slightly.

I shift my eyes away and look up away from him

"Its amazing..how beautiful and cruel this ocean can be.. It's almost a death sentence to lose your food and Water out here.. how difficult it is to survive.." I can hear Sanji say something and I decide to say it..

"I experienced that too.. That feeling of starvation more than anyone..you can die for your pride..if you want..but listen"

I look back at him and stare at him

"But listen, if you eat and survive, wouldn't that give you the opportunity to fight for pride truly worth having now and in the future?"

I smile slightly and stare at him kinda fondly. I can relate to him.. Me and Sanji both… I smile and see him beginning to eat. I mask my smile with a neutral face. My eyes widen only to see him cry.

"I'm sorry"

I purse my lips waiting for him to continue

"I'm sorry, thank you so much."

I smile slightly

"I thought it was over i truly thought i was going to die.."

I close my eyes, enjoying the wind through my hair.

"This food is truly delicious. I've never eaten food truly this food before"

I grinned and chuckle.

"Of course it is".

I giggle letting a bit of myself seep in by accident

I can hear laughter above. I shift my eyes up in embarrassment and shook off the feeling

'This kid?'

"You're lucky he gave you this food. I thought you were a goner!"

I can hear him laugh. Who is this guy again..?

"Listen Mr.cook! Why don't you leave this boat and join my crew"

I frowned. Way to ruin the mood… But who is this guy really..I could see him grin and my eyes widened only slightly.

"I could use a cook like you on my pirate ship!"

"Hah?! So you're a pirate?"

I could feel the presence of the guy next to me.


"So that's why you went and did that crazy thing like shoot a cannon ball into the restaurant"

I looked up at him, deciding to tease him with a grin

"That was an accident, it was self defense that turned into a stray shot".

I laughed "a stray shot?! In any case you don't really want to do anything stupid to this place. The owner used to be a cook in a pirate fleet!"

I copy Sanjis exact words smiling.

"Ohh.. So the old man used to be a pirate"

"This restaurant is everything to that crazy old geezer, that's the treasure he'll need for the rest of his life. He'll do anything to protect that. On top of the list. All the cooks that joined him out of respect and admiration are just as hotheaded and are like a pirate too."

I pause."which helps because pirates come and go out of this place"

"Yeah, I noticed that. This is a really wild restaurant".

He laughed and I nodded.

" its all true. That's how it's like every day. Its got so bad that customers come here just to watch fights between the cooks and pirates. Everyday it's been a new pirate ship and a new rampage it wasn't long till all the waters got scared and bailed"

"Ah.. That makes sense. So that's why the old man wanted me to work for him for a year"

I just hum softly."so are you joining my pirate crew or what?"

I looked up at him."sorry but i can't. I got a debt to pay off to the old geezer"

I jumped as Luffys face was inches from mine. I could practically feel his breath on my lips which was super weird…. I lean back in surprise."no way i refuse!"

"Hah! What do you mean! You don't except"

I look up at him as he crossed his arms and puffed his chest

"Its very simple i refuse to accept your refusal"

'Is bro saying nuh-uh to me.'

"You're a good cook and i need one, so its obvious we should be pirates together.. I move shift to the Right and look up at him. And grunt

"Listen to what i'm saying i can't leave here alright"

"What's your reason for staying?"

"I don't have to tell you anything".i puff my cheeks. Why do i feel like a girl again..

"What the-? You just said to listen to you"

I got up, and face him, my face close to his but not really a good distance. Its weird if not.

'Weird ass kid.'

"I told you my answer was no and that's all you need to hear from me now take your pirate ship now and find a cook somewhere else before i cut you up strawhat!"

He got closer to me clearly irritated

"You listen to me jerk no one makes fun of my strawhat unless they are ready for a beating!"

"I'm sorry to interrupt.."

"What is it".we both said at the same time staring at him

"My name is gin. I am a crew member of Don kreigs pirate fleet and you say that you're a pirate yourself, what is it you seek?"

'I'm also curious about this…'

I tilt my head listening in.

"Oh! The one piece. Pretty soon i'm gonna sail the grand line and find it"

I blink, 'I see.. So he plans on finding it..?'

"Well you cant have been seeking it for long, you don't have a cook yet, your crew can't be that big yet.."

"Nope he's only my fifth member"

Luffy pointed at me as my eye twitched.

"I told you! I am not going with you! So don't count me!"

I huff and hear sanji say

"Don't give into that brat..Zeff still needs me- i'm mean us.. Sorry n/n-chan.."

I just hum

'I get it sanji, i don't even know your reasoning nor have I been here that long..'

"You seem like a nice kid, so let me give you some friendly advice. Okay? the grand line is a place you want to avoid, you're still young, so you need to rush into things. Remember the grand line is only one small portion of the entire ocean if you want to be a real pirate there are plenty of other places out here on this sea to explore"

I just nod and look away

'Like the all blue, Right Sanji?'


The ocean and smile not bothering to listen in and then smirk

" being a crew member of a Don Krieg's pirate crew you sure are wimpy pirate"

I tease, smirking

" hm? Who's Don Krieg?"


"So long then"

"Thanks for the warning then but I'm still going to go to the Grand line" Luffy said.

I just smiled, it felt good serving the hungry.

" and to you Chef, thank you for everything you saved my life and I owe you for that you're cooking skills are the best I've ever seen"

I blush, flustered and flattered at the same time as he smiles brightly

" I hope to come back again sometime"

I grin

" I'll have a seat for ya"

"Chore boy get up here"

"Chef Zeff!"


I mutter, guess its my time to go back inside..

"Hey gin" I look up. "Go.." " I'm sorry you'll probably get yelled at or fired because you gave me that food for free". I won't carefully and pick up the cutlery and dishes and glass


I tossed the glass and Dish


" Now there's no proof so there's no need for me to get yelled at" I grin

"Try not to get caught again you hear?"

"Thank you again chef Sanji, I'll never forgot your kindness. I watch him sail off as a smile filled my features.

"Eggplant, chore boy, get back to world already!"


I walk around pouring wine while taking orders. I could hear chaos in the back and it starts to get slightly irritated. I could hear Sanji fangirling over some girls laugh.

"Go serve the wonderful mellorine"

I gently put the wine bottle in the guy's arms and walked forward towards the table that was causing a scene. I felt my body moving on it. I kick Luffy in the side. "Idiot! Quiet Down and serve!" I then get a flower from my pocket and get on a knee.

'Oh crap this is gonna get embarrassing..'

" Oh dear ocean! thank you for today's encounter"


"Oh love! I can't bear this hardship go ahead and laugh at me"

I cover my face and break free of it, setting the rose on the table blushing from embarrassment. I rub my eyes and make sure that there's no heart eyes.


'No! Compliment her more! She deserves it. She's pure..'

" i am multiple obstacles.."

I say sighing

"That obstacle is me, right Sanji?"

"Oh shit…geezer… I forgot.."

I grit my teeth.

"This an opportunity you do not want to pass up"

I turn to him

" why not join them because my pirate, I've no need to keep you here at this restaurant"

I grit my teeth conflicted.