
Reincarnate Into DouluoDalu Whith A Replication System

Jia Hao, a normal high school student, one day while sleeping late while watching anime, did not think that he would be reincarnated in another world, one without technology, full of magic and incredible creatures. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay. The Douluo Continent. ¿How will Jia Hao survive in this unknown environment? With a new path to travel, a new legend begins...

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12 Chs

"Nuoding Academy"

The passage of time is both slow and fast, and almost a month has passed since Jia Hao awakened his martial spirit for the second time.

Jia Hao was following old Jack because apparently they were going to look for Tang San to go to school together in Nuoding City...

In fact this month Jia Hao has not been idle, he spent his upgrade points to level up his skills by one level, which left him with only a pitiful hundred points.

Now those skills cost him a hundred each but it seems that the third level is a big change, since all of them except Purple Demon Eye which jumped directly to five thousand went to five hundred.

Although it is understandable since with nine different levels for the skill Mysterious Heaven and the rest, while Purple Demon Eye only has four levels: Survey, Detailed, Mustard Seed, Limitless. As for the last level it is just a legend, and in the series Tang San mentioned that he never hears of anyone who will achieve it...

In addition, he also began to cultivate, thanks to Mysterious Heaven and his talent that evolved with his lineage, his cultivation is relatively fast and in just over a month he has risen a level, which is a very fast speed wherever you put it.

While Jia Hao summarized the profits in his mind.

Old Jack had already arrived.

Perhaps because they were going out to Nuoding City, today the clothes old Jack was wearing were especially new, making him look even more healthy and vigorous.

"Little San, let's go. That lazy father of yours can't get out of bed."

Old Jack called out to Tang San.

Tang San made a silence gesture in Jack's direction.

"Grandpa, please don't make noise. What Dad dislikes most is having his sleep disturbed."

While he was speaking, he took out a piece of burnt charcoal from the stove and on the ground he wrote several lines. He turned his head towards his father's room again, reluctant to part, and only then did he get up with a bundle of cloth on his back and silently left with Jack and Jia Hao.

The door curtain was lifted and a large shadow walked out of the room. There was no trace of sleep in Tang Hao's eyes. When he approached the door, he could still vaguely see the frail body of old Jack, Jia Hao and Tang San.

Tang Hao stood there and did not move, even when the backs of Tang San, Jia Hao, and Village Elder Jack had already completely disappeared, he still stood there blankly for a long time.

As if he remembered something, Tang Hao abruptly returned to the blacksmith shop, looking at the part of the land that Tang San had reserved for writing.

A few very simple words,

"Dad, Grandpa Jack and I left. You yourself should take good care of your body, drink less. Congee in the pot, don't forget to eat."

With his gaze changing direction from the writing on the ground to the iron pot on the side, Tang Hao quickly walked over and opened the lid of the pot with a handle. With both hands he directly lifted the iron pot.

Thanks to Tang San just adding water, the congee in the pot had not yet boiled again, but Tang Hao still held the iron pot and poured it into his mouth, gulping down mouthfuls. In his eyes there was a layer of hazy mist; He didn't realize how quickly time had passed.


When they left Tang San's house, he was somewhat sad or perhaps reluctant to leave his home.

"Don't worry Tang San, we can come back to visit on vacation." Jia Hao only asked to say to ease the atmosphere.

Old Jack seemed to have heard and asked with concern, "Little San, do you hate parting with the village or do you still hate parting with that old drunk of yours?"

Jack stroked Tang San's head and asked with a smile.

"A little of both."

Tang San responded in a low voice.

Jack smiled slightly and said:

"Compared to those useless grandchildren, you, my son, are much smarter. It would be so good if you were my grandson. Tang Hao, that drunk really is lucky. Don't think too much; outside, heaven and earth are very vast. "At the academy you can meet many friends. You can learn many things. Once you become a spiritual teacher, the country will give you a monthly stipend and at that time your family will also be able to live well."

Tang San just nodded his head, and then asked Jia Hao who was walking next to him.

"By the way, Brother Jia, why do you dress so strangely..." Tang San asked about his appearance, after all he was wearing a mask and glasses while a cap enclosed his long hair.

Jia Hao just asked to smile helplessly. "Brother San, you have already seen my appearance, if I don't cover it, it's very annoying."

Hearing this Xiao San seemed to understand, in fact he still cannot understand how this friend of his changed so much from one day to the next.

But in fact there was a commotion in the village because of his appearance and he was surrounded by village girls and people around him for a few days... In fact, it's a bit annoying, can I punch him in the face?

As the three of them chatted they slowly walked to Nuoding City…

From Holy Spirit Village to Nuoding City there was certainly not much distance; Three people walking could get there in half a day.

Eating some simple travel rations halfway, in the afternoon they could already see the city walls in the distance.

Even though Nuoding City was not counted as a large city, because it was very close to the border of the Heaven Dou Empire, the city walls were still built thickly. We were then screened like all other travelers upon entering Nuoding City.

"Tang San, Jia Hao ah! Grandpa will take you to the academy in a moment and then return. When you are alone in the academy you must listen to your teachers, you must not leave the academy without permission. When the semester ends, the Grandpa Jack will see you again. That time will be almost in the New Year."

After all, this was Tang San's first time leaving home. In his heart he was somewhat nervous and unconsciously he said:

"Grandpa Jack, will you be leaving soon?"

Old Jack said with a wry smile:

"A hotel is not for us poor people to stay in. We have to try to earn credit. When grandpa sees you next time, I hope you have already become a spiritual teacher so that you can be the pride of our village in the Holy Spirit".

The Nuoding Primary Spiritual Teacher Academy was located in the west of Nuoding City. Old Jack asked passers-by for directions several times, and finally they took Jia Hao and Tang San there.

In the distance they could already see a large arched door. The arch was twenty meters wide and more than ten meters high and was made of solid rock. Below it were two iron doors, jet black in color.

Through the iron bars you could see a winding road. A main road led directly inland, lined with trees on both sides.

In the middle of the arched door were four large characters, "Nuoding Academy".

From the door one could see that in the Douluo Continent, the spirit master vocation was significant. This was still just a primary spirit teacher academy, nothing more.

Once they got closer, the same thing happened as in the original plot, only this time Jia Hao was also included as a wasted martial weapon and low on soul power.

He then slandered old Jack by saying that he forged the paper, naturally, they couldn't be forged, something that guardian knew well.

However, the people who come to deliver new students usually leave a little gratitude, especially ordinary families. What is called 'better King Yama than an irrational imp' is just this principle.

Then Tang San couldn't take it anymore and hits the doorman and the same thing happens as in the original plot, the teacher appears and took Tang San and me inside the academy, he made an excuse and sent me to the workers' room while he was chatting. alone with Tang San.

Jia Hao of course knew what the master did was nothing more than finding an apprentice and Jia Hao had no intention of meddling. He is someone with a replication system so he doesn't need a master.

Later he passed by the principal's office got the things from him and walked ahead towards the student workers room...