
Reincarnate Into DouluoDalu Whith A Replication System

Jia Hao, a normal high school student, one day while sleeping late while watching anime, did not think that he would be reincarnated in another world, one without technology, full of magic and incredible creatures. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay. The Douluo Continent. ¿How will Jia Hao survive in this unknown environment? With a new path to travel, a new legend begins...

LeaderTang · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

"Working Students"

Jia Hao quickly found his way according to the directions he received in the dean's office, in fact it was not difficult to get there after all the student residence only had seven rooms in total.

Because the students of the primary Spiritual Teacher Academy were all comparatively young, in order to better supervise them together, every year the students lived together in a large dormitory.

Each year's Nuoding Primary Spiritual Master Academy students were only about forty people.

The lower three floors of the dormitory building had seven large student dormitories, and each dormitory had a teacher in charge.

Room seven among these seven student dormitories was a comparatively unusual place.

The circumstances were also very different: it was a place especially for working students.

After all, the academy was not a charity, and although the tuition for working students was reduced, the treatment could not be as good as that of ordinary students.

Room seven was also the only mixed-age dorm, so no matter what grade or age, all working students lived here.

Just as Jia Hao reached the door of room seven, he could hear loud noises from inside.

The door was open, however he did not enter immediately since as he remembers in the original work Tang San encountered a fight as he entered.

In fact, Jia Hao knew the reason why this was happening, rather than a tradition of the working student dormitory, it is more about the other students looking down on working students.

So they perform this ritual to strengthen the cohesion of the group, it is the same principle that weak animals choose a leader to defend themselves from predators, so the leader must have his position firm, otherwise problems will occur from within and would fall apart.

However, although Jia Hao knows this, it does not mean that he supports him but he will not criticize him either after all he is strong now, so it is not necessary, but if he were in his situation and did not have the system perhaps he would make the same choice.

Well this depends on the position one is in.

Well, this depends on the position one is in. But the main thing was that he didn't want to fight, in the first place he didn't want to be the so-called leader of the room, it was something very tedious in his opinion and it didn't give him any sense of accomplishment to do this, after all his strength is there, just like that. his mental age, so he wouldn't feel very good about abusing boys who don't even have their first spirit ring.

Furthermore, a month ago when he learned that he could gain enhancement and copy points by creating violent emotions in spiritual masters, he realized that to create this type of strong emotions he had to learn from his traveling predecessors and follow their example and that It's pretend!! Cough * cough * after all spiritual teachers are not as easy to surprise as ordinary people, so he came up with the idea of playing pig eating tiger 🐯.

Basically hiding the strength from him and then exploding with impressive strength shocking everyone, in fact he already started this plan since he came to Noghting City, hiding the appearance of him and hiding the strength from him, not even Tang San knew about the change. by Jia Hao.

For this reason he did not deny what the academy gatekeeper said, after all it is better to use this weak worker student template to grow in the early stage and break out in the middle and high stage.

Of course he will do this not only because it is beneficial at this stage but also because it is great! There is nothing better than those scenes where the protagonist is humiliated and then reverses the situation with a slap in the face.

Furthermore, when everyone is used to seeing a person hiding his appearance, he will feel inexplicably mysterious and when his beautiful appearance is exposed, it will undoubtedly generate a furor and he will be able to gain a lot of points and soon reach the top muahahaha.

Just when Jia Hao was in his thoughts a boy was looking at him strangely, after all seeing how this heavily coated boy suddenly stood still in front of the door laughing from time to time, he looked at him pitifully and thought to himself " He seems to be a silly boy" and quickly abandoned the idea of testing him when he entered the room.

This boy, compared to Tang San, was almost two heads taller, and his body could be considered comparatively tall and robust for his age. Walking in front of Jia Hao, he raised himself slightly and said:

"A newly arrived student worker?"

Jia Hao seemed surprised for a moment and after analyzing the situation he decided to start with the performance. There was a slight well-intentioned smile and he said.

"Hello, I am a student worker from the Holy Spirit village."

The boy looked at him confused as if he didn't know such a village, but he quickly introduced himself:

"My name is Wang Sheng, my spirit is a future war tiger battle spirit. Also the boss of this place. Boy, what is your name? What is your spirit?"

"I am Jia Hao Scholar Master level 2, the spirit is blue silver grass."

"Blue Silver Grass Spirit?"

Wang Sheng looked at him with even more pity, he seemed to have understood something so he put his hand above his head and gently guided him around the bedroom.

He approached the rest of the dorm residents who seemed to want to see something.

Jia Hao thought that the time had come and had already devised a moving battle plan and then lose so that he could integrate more easily, knowing that he is weak but that he has a battle spirit, so that he will not be despised nor will they bother him for fights. group, so you will live much more comfortably.

Jia Hao thought he had everything covered and had a smug smile on his mouth, but what followed next confused him a little Wang Sheng approached the students and secretly told them something, then introduced him to the rest of the resident students and before After saying a few words, they suddenly treated him with a lot of enthusiasm, eh, some even gave them their most precious treasures, of course, they were just some simple sweets, eh, they even explained the rules and customs of the academy, then they gave him a bed near the bathroom and he They left it to settle.

As Jia Hao was met with a look of doubt about life, a wind passed by him as if it was mocking him...

No, really guys you don't follow the rules at all, what the hell just happened!!! Jia Hao didn't understand at all what had just happened, shouldn't everyone ridicule him and then he would pretend a play, lose magnificently, then blend in without attracting attention, at least that was the plan, besides, what the hell is going on with your look? , why do I get angry every time I think about it, I want to hit someone.

Jia Hao felt that it was somewhat redundant and a big cross of anger seemed to brew in his head, but he quickly shook his head, anyway he wouldn't have to scheme so much and exhaust himself acting so this is the best, yeah, let's just say I skip the process but the result is the same, yes, that's it...

After putting all his things in order, which, in reality, is not much since he only brought a small cloth that he used as a backpack where he kept some clothes, as for bedding or something like that, he planned to buy it in the city after He still had eight gold coins that his parents left him when they abandoned him.

And if it really weighs on him he can spend a small copy point and copy the high-quality sheet that the teacher will bring to Tang San later so he doesn't have much worry.

Minutes passed and finally Tang San arrived and the same thing happened as in the plot Wang Sheng was hit from side to side by Tang San.

And Wang Sheng who did not fall easily, struggled for a long time to get up from the ground.

Looking at Tang San, the expression in his eyes already became fearful and angry simultaneously.

No matter what he said, he was just a twelve-year-old boy; When facing a person even more powerful than him, the fear was still much stronger than the impulse.

Tang San picked up the school uniform from him.

"Now can you step aside?"

Jia Hao wanted to complain a little, obviously when he wanted to pretend he was pushed aside and as soon as Tang San arrived it was a scene of, you offend me, then he punched his face.

Then Tang San officially became leader, everyone bowed and called Brother San but the happiness didn't last long.

As soon as he was named leader the boys suddenly looked a little silly as they looked out the door.

Jia Hao, he didn't know when there was already a girl standing at the door, the girl was beautiful and delicate and she gave people a very cordial feeling like a little animal.

Bowing his head and skipping, he entered and looked at everyone in confusion.

Her charm was so obvious that even a standard man of steel like Tang San, who had never known the word love in his previous life couldn't help but be shocked by her beauty.

As for this little Lolita, she is clearly Xiao Wu, one of the top heroines of this world and also a hundred thousand year beast.

Jia Hao was also very excited, although thanks to what he was covered in, no one noticed, of course, it was not because of the charm of the loli, because although she was very beautiful, he, Jia Hao, had not seen such great scenes in his Past life.

The reason he was so excited was because when he saw Xiao Wu, a panel appeared in front of him and it showed...