
Reincarnate Into DouluoDalu Whith A Replication System

Jia Hao, a normal high school student, one day while sleeping late while watching anime, did not think that he would be reincarnated in another world, one without technology, full of magic and incredible creatures. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay. The Douluo Continent. ¿How will Jia Hao survive in this unknown environment? With a new path to travel, a new legend begins...

LeaderTang · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

"Second Awakening"

Unconsciously, two months have passed, and there is only one month left to go to the Spirit Master Junior academy.

Jia Hao was on a slope, a place where Tang San usually practices...

In fact, since waking up, he has been coming every morning, but later I remembered that Tang Hao is now teaching him the chaotic hammer practice... So he hasn't found a suitable time.

"I should have gone to say hello when I saw him that trip," he sighed as he nibbled on a piece of silver-blue grass.

He closed his eyes and as he was about to fall asleep he heard the sound of someone's footsteps as if he were running, followed by an exclamation.

"Hey, Jia Hao, what are you doing here, how did you find this place?" Tang San looked surprised and confused.

After seeing me, he after all chose this place to practice because he is quite far from the village and difficult to find.

"Tang San, long time no see, what have you been doing?" Jia Hao feigned confusion.

"Ah it's my father, he's been teaching me how to forge" Tang San responded as he walked over and sat next to me squatting, apparently to cultivate.

"I see..." Jia Hao replied vaguely as he closed his eyes but was in fact checking Tang San's panel.



Jia Hao focused on his mind and said yes. Then an extra panel appeared in his mind.

Tang San

Level: 10 (Spirit Scholar)

Martial weapon: Emperor Blue Silver Glass (Unactivated superior [2]), Clear Sky hammer (Superior [3].

Talent: Superior [2]

Skills: Mysterious Heaven (Stage1), Purple Demon eye (Stage1), Mysterious Jade hand (Stage1), Shadow Path (Stage1), Chaotic Hammer (Stage1).

Items: Hidden Weapons Steel Needle (Elite[1], Needle Dispenser (Elite [3].

Evaluation: A little master in combat

Jia Hao was a little amazed by this luxurious panel, he is undoubtedly the protagonist, with these attributes even if a Spirit Master comes he probably won't be able to beat him, and that's without using hidden weapons...

Removing the slight stun he quickly saw that he could copy, so without further delay he copied the four main skills from him.

And with his last point he copied his Emperor Blue Silver Glass...

As for why not the Clear Sky Hammer, it is because he has no way to explain its origin plus he would have to cover it up because he is a double martial soul and could only use the weaker Blue Silver Glass so it was undoubtedly his best option. .

According to his system with the remaining five upgrade points he could evolve her which was undoubtedly something he would definitely do...

Hours passed and they finally finished copying the skills.

Jia Hao was very excited but it wasn't until Tang San left that he couldn't help it.

"System loads skills"

It was already dusk, when Jia Hao felt a terrible pain in his body and mind, a large amount of information flowed into his mind about how to do this and that, while his body remodeled according to the level of the ability.

Once his pain subsided, he suddenly felt a pain in his mind and his martial spirit opened on its own. Blue Silver Glass began to grow spontaneously, Jia Hao began to feel strange, his body was enveloped by numerous vines, the other herbs silvery blue of the surroundings and in the distance they seemed to tremble, as if they were celebrating the birth of their king.

In the distance Tang San seemed to sense something and his martial spirit trembled as if he felt somewhat happy, but then he stopped moving... Tang San didn't think much and continued on his way.

However, in another place not far away in a dilapidated blacksmith shop, a middle-aged man with his eyes closed,

He seemed to feel something and stood up in shock.

"This feeling.. Ah Yin.." He seemed a little melancholy and looked out as if he could see what was in the distance, he paused and sat down again, but his eyes were still thinking deeply.


A few hours passed, the sun had already set and it was very late, on a cliff, a huge ball of roots opened and something came out from inside it, to be exact, a person.

That's right, this person is Jia Hao but at this moment his appearance has undergone a huge change.

"God that was very painful, I hope it was worth it" Then he felt a chill and realized that he was naked...

Then he looked closely at his body and a golden aura emanated from him, his body grew a few more circles and became stronger, he closed his eyes and carefully felt his height, realizing that he grew a few centimeters.

But the most important thing of all was that under his body, a yellow ring shone brightly from bottom to top, this must have been obtained thanks to the awakening of his martial spirit.

He stretched out his hand and out came Blue sil...No, it would be better to call him Emperor Blue Silver Glass now.

Unlike before, this one was of a deeper color, numerous golden lines spread throughout his body and it grew to the height of half a meter, and with it it brought an aura of majesty with it.

As for the specific change of his physical appearance, he would have to check it later..

"For now, let's take this first" he embarrassedly grabbed a couple of sheets to cover the important parts and quickly ran towards home.

Fortunately it was already nighttime so he arrived safely at his cabin.

But Jia Hao couldn't have imagined that a man was looking at him from atop a tree with complex eyes.

"I didn't expect that this child... just like Tang San, son of a soul beast just like Ah Yin" a deep sigh sounded, marveling at the outcome of things.

That's right, the man who was watching everything was Tang Hao, but in fact in his eyes he is simply a child with the lineage of Emperor Blue Silver Glass.

Maybe in his mind he thought that the reason he was abandoned was because his mother died and his father couldn't take care of him, so he handed him over to Holy Soul Village to protect him.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao looked at Jia Hao affectionately, as his situation resembled that of father and son...

Of course, he would never have expected that all of this was actually caused by the system and that this whole story was just a supplement to his mind...

If Jia Hao found out about the brain circuit he could only sigh, but he would surely say that, as expected of a Title Douluo, his brain hole is larger than that of the ordinary person...


The sound of birds singing sounded and Jia Hao stood up with a soft yawn.

But he was surprised when he saw several posters in front of him.




Jia Hao rubbed his eyes a little surprised thinking that he was hallucinating, then he thought deeply until he realized what happened.

First of all, the rookie period, the system already explained it, basically during this period any improvement or copy would be subtracted four zeros from its total value.

An example of this is the improvement to the Blue Silver Glass that cost five improvement points, since its original price was 50,000, simply cross out four zeros and we have its value of 5, as for the other skills they would only be equivalent to around 100 so you remove as many zeros as possible and it remains at 1.

Of course this low value is only why Tang San only practiced it up to that point.

As for the other information, it must be that Tang Hao must have found out about what happened yesterday, but this doesn't worry him much, after all, since he is this man he calls Uncle Hao, Jia Hao knows it.

In fact, what interests him most is the other information, a long time ago he was a little frustrated, since it was a problem to earn points... after all, killing and waiting to unlock some achievement is something too random or dangerous.

That is why this information seems to be the true way to follow to gain points, that is, shock or impact great powers...

Jia Hao thought with great realization.

After a few minutes and having carried out the necessary toiletries, he looked for a nearby river from behind his house.

When he looked out to see what he looked like, he was surprised after all.

It doesn't matter if you didn't see it, but now that you see it, the change in appearance is shocking. Her black eyes turned blue... Her face was fine and delicate like a jade with a sharp look... A body that was a little tall for her. age... And the glamorous long dark bluish hair.

What the hell is this...

"System opens State" when he was in deep shock he told the system to open the panel, after all he had not seen it yet, yesterday he was very tired.

Jia Hao

Level: 15 (Spirit master)

Ring: Yellow (750)

Martial weapon: Emperor Blue Silver Glass (superior[2], Sickle (ordinary[1].

Talent: Superior [1]

Skills: Mysterious Heaven (Stage1), Purple Demon eye (Stage1), Mysterious Jade hand (Stage1), Shadow Path (Stage1).

Copy: (1000)

Upgrade: (500)

Items: Gold Coins [8]

Evaluation: Invincible at Spirit Master, maybe you can try to fight one level further.

Once again Jia Hao was speechless...