
The treasure in the attic

One more box from his late mother, devastated him even more. He wanted to keep opening the boxes, and in the final box, he didn't want it to end.

He found his mother's favourite picture of him, clothes and eventually her handheld mirror.

That mirror has been in the family for centuries.

I wonder how much this could go for? Are you kidding?? That's all you have left of your mother realistically!

He argued with himself till he couldn't anymore, he decided to keep it. It's was all he had left of his mother...

He looked at it in deep thought.

The mirror itself began to show his thoughts.

He dropped it as he screamed.

That's all I have of my mother. What is that thing?!

Then he remembered, before his dad left him he used to spend time with his grandmother, she was talented in the arts of fortune telling and spiritual arts. It was worth a try right?

It took him a while to stand up and gain his balance before walking towards the attic trap door, mirror in hand he knew he had to call his grandmother.

And that's just the beginning of this story. His whole life is about to change, and he doesn't even realize it yet.