
Making up for lost time

Hoseok had finally managed to get himself to walk back to the empty apartment.

He cried all the way, his heart heavy with remorse for not doing more for his mother.

But that's just how it is isn't it? You're so focused on the now, that forgetting your loved ones becomes as easy as losing something small. He lost his mother. His grandfather. And possibly his will to live.

It took Hoseok twenty minutes to get to his front door, a door belonging to a 2 bedroom apartment and an attic.

He placed the key inside the lock.

Wrong key what the hell?!

Hoseok thought the worst was over...

His key was gone and he didn't know where he put it, which meant he had to go back and find it.

Along the way he searched dirt bins for his key, drains, and even park benches...

It's shiny now where the fuck is it?

That logic alone helped him realize that he had dropped it way before he got here. Dramatically rubbing his temples he could feel himself burning up and soon enough he screamed so loud the neighborhood heard him, he was now officially devastated, cold, miserable, hungry, tired whichever adjective you'd like to add in, that is exactly how he felt.


He walked the twenty minute journey back to his place, arriving and attempting to pry open the door.


It opened, it revealed the cold dark surroundings he had so desperately tried to escape for the last week or so, and now he was here. Again. Alone.

He walked to his room. Placing his stuff down carefully. Then he walked to the attic. If anything could get him extra money it was going to be the extra trash in the attic that no one can use again.

Half an hour later, Hoseok had made a neat pile of things to sell, now it came to his mother's box, terrified and close to tears, he opens the box and starts to differentiate between the sellable items and the waste.

He was making up for lost time, he smelt every item for a scent of his mother. He missed that.