
reborn in marvel as the ender dragon

a man dies and gets reborn in his favourite movie series as his favourite enemy monster the ender dragon (you have permission to use my idea) (I usaly dont get very far so support is heavily wanted or I might drop the story) (I dont own marvel(obviously)) (also I'm pretty sure I'm the first to come up with reborn in marvel as the ender dragon but if I'm not sorry for stealing your idea) (have a good day and goodbye)

mhafanboy25 · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

training and observing

(3rd POV)

we see Xiāolóng training with (insert big number of weight in your country here) weights on and and useing magic to shoot targets as well as make dinner all at once

we then see him get up stretch grab the dinner wich had just finished being made by him (meatballs and spaghetti if your wondering cooked perfectly with a bit of parsley on top and a 4 leave clover on the side of the food) he then proceeded to use a telekinesis spell to eat the spaghetti and meatballs and walk into a room the ancient one was in

"hi ancient one it's time to start to train again"we saw him say to her

"ok then let's get started"the ancient one nodded


we then see Xiāolóng watching what seems to be a man with a eye patch on


hmmm nick Fury(is that right or is it spelled differently?) a master agent and the current leader of shield (if I remember correctly(also a bunch of you said he was not the creator of shield but I still cant remember his exact role in shield so take it or leave it(either is aloud))) as well as the man who had his eye taken out by a cat and... well nick fury from mcu and that one show as a kid about spider man that everyone watched but cant remember anything about and comics to ofc

"so he dosent know hydra have infiltrated shield yet maybe I should help him out a bit...."


he then proceeded to fly off into space and observe someone else

"hmmm this alien planet wasnt mentioned in the mcu..."

we then see him observe diffrent colours of goop with little UFOs above there heads

"hmmmm I wonder where I saw these before?"

I'll give you a shout out in the next chapter if u can guess where I took the idea of this alien from and no the mc of the show and his family wont be in this just some of the aliens for when I make chapters about him being in space(also I wont be using the same name of the species)

"meh probably not important" he said

"well I'm going back to earth then,after my last lesson with the ancient one maybe I can actually do some things if I keep low"

we then see the mc head back down to earth

"hmmmm I have a couple of ideas"

we the see him slam his foot down and when his foot hits the ground kind of like the ice in frozen endstone and end bricks scatter in the ground near his feet and he looks cool

"hmm so it seems I can corrode the ground and like in the end I have a small boost in power"

(I think I forgot to mention he gets a boost of power in the end)

"hmmmmmmm and I have one more thing I want to try"

we then see him fall back on purpose and-

your not gonna know until I say so what happens next so time skip

(evil laugh while timeskip happens)

makes himself a cup of tea


"I wonder what that rob that sent me hear is doing right now"


"so now mortal u shall get *SNEEZ*"


"I hapen to REALLY wonder what hes doing"


"sorry mortal let me repeat"

"so kow u shall get *sneeze sneeze*"

"u know what I'll deal with you later"


sorry I was gone for so long but I just cant come up with anything but shout out to stagnant_water with some numbers I cant remember for the corruption of the ground idea I really liked it but couldn't get around to doing it for so long