
reborn in marvel as the ender dragon

a man dies and gets reborn in his favourite movie series as his favourite enemy monster the ender dragon (you have permission to use my idea) (I usaly dont get very far so support is heavily wanted or I might drop the story) (I dont own marvel(obviously)) (also I'm pretty sure I'm the first to come up with reborn in marvel as the ender dragon but if I'm not sorry for stealing your idea) (have a good day and goodbye)

mhafanboy25 · Movies
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15 Chs

ancient one talk

(3rd POV)

"hmmm it seems since the presence of the ender dragon is hear it revealed what you would say in the future even though I cant see your future"the ancient one said

"ahhh ok"

"well I will teach you sorcery if you promise to not hurt the earth or even protect it?"she said in a hopefully voice

"sure" he said in reply

"I'll be back at 8:00 to start learning"Xiāolóng said

he then left the sanction and the city entirely and started to fly useing his wing and captain end marvel powers

he lands in the middle of nowhere and under him a giant purple and hints of a bright yellow rune appears and it glows and suddenly a black skeleton with 3 heads appears It then charged at Xiāolóng

in response Xiāolóng did a front flip over the wither and stabbed one of its heads doing a 10th of the withers hp he then proceeded to jump of the wither and transforms into his dragon form he dose a cork screw in his form and opens his wings makeing a giant shadow over the wither he then used his dragon breath in the air and when he looked down at the with he made a bunch of yellow runes appeared and shot yellow spears wich seemed to make the air denser to any in its presence the spear than shot towards the wither and went in between the ribs of the wither and trapped it to the ground Xiāolóng then seemed to glow where his purple accents where and a breath 10× bigger than the breath in the game came out his mouth and turned the wither to ash

we then see him float down in his human form useing the captain end marvel syringe and pick up a nether star from the ash he seemed cold in his eyes


I cant think I'm all powerful just because I have a plan like what if the ancient one was more powerful than I thought and wasnt scared of my backstory I might have died since I dont know my capabilities I need to train

(3rd POV)

we then see for the next 5 years Xiāolóng doing sorcery and training and of course useing the internet to keep up to date in education and events

he hadn't wished for extreme talent or anything so now he felt mabey he could live if he kept low but if he ever actually wants to do something he will have to train more and more just to make sure he can be free from the consequences of helping anyone even if it's just ice cream he no longer sees this as marvel he sees this as it's own universe he will have to fight on he has matured more than he was when he first had when he heard hes getting reincarnated.Hes getting used to things during these 5 years he visited the end and made sure to be a good leader


"I will become strong so I can have the freedom to be good and a little bad I mean I had to get money from somewhere"he then chuckled a bit but he was still wary of his surroundings youd have to be if you where in marvel the only time he wasnt as wary was when he was in the end then place wich is most dangerous in minecraft will make him feel safe ironic isnt it haha


ok if you couldn't tell while writing this chapter I felt mad because a game was being biased it was a mobile game and me and the AI punched each other at the same time and I died so I pretty much made the mc reck a wither to get it out of me and to make sure the fight didnt go weak in the middle of It i was listening to songs like wolf in sheeps clothing and courtesy call it's also the reason it may be a bit like a tiny bit short is because I'm calm now also in the game yes you can knock each other out at the same time wich is why I'm mad in the first place