
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

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time flies

After everything was all said and done we settled back at the base, Peggy and Phillip (mostly Peggy) forced me to tell them everything, and for the most part I did I told them About my family, how old I was, some of my abilities, and some of the adventures I've been on.

After my story was told it was to be kept secret no one other then the people I tell should know.

After the war was over with, The government decided that the SSR should still operate and we did.

Howard was also still involved but he made it his mission to find Steve.

In the early 50s we decided to change our name from S.S.R to S.H.I.E.L.D and with that we expanded and changed the way we operate there is now a council and a Director.

With the change we added levels, with each level comes new information your able to get access to.

1-4 still pretty much at the bottom.

5-8 coming to the top, getting more top secret missions.

9 you have everything that is not deemed so by the director, you are also one of the right hands of the director.

10 is the director there is only one level 10 at one time.

11 are founders, I added this level from the original.

There is information that even the director can't get access to.

This level will also always have the most pull in the organization, with all the founders on the council we all have the same but as everyone dies I'll be the only level 11 left.

Shortly after we were fully sanctioned i added a vampire division code named (night watch) and made it a level 11 secret. It can only be controlled by a level 11 also.

After I made the night watch I decided it was time to tell Howard my little secret since he had access to them and because I owed it to him.

I asked him to come the the conference room and sat him down.

"Hey, I've known you for a very long time and I think it's time I tell you a secret, I've kept this from you from day one and I'm sorry."

Howard looked a little confused "just say it there's no reason to be sorry."

I changed to my original form "my true name is Ethan Mikealson, but some call me the original monster, that is because me and my family are very old and we are the first vampires to walk this earth, but I'm not just a vampire I'm also other species."

Howard looks shocked for a second before he starts laughing. "You almost got me there for a second, with your straight face I thought you were serious but that's impossible I grew up with you like you said. What technology did you develop to change your face like that."

Slightly smiling "it's all true" I sped to the other side of the room stop so he can see me then sped back to him.

After he seen little my demonstration, he finally believed me, and told me he needed to think, this changed what he thought of what's possible.

After a couple of weeks he finally came back to talk and we settled everything, not like we were, but we will get back there.

Shortly after me confessing Howard came to me with a project idea, he found the Tesseract and was doing research on it. He figured out that it was producing some weird energy and wanted to make something that produced such energy.

So me and Howard started working on what would be eventually the arc reactor.

After a few years towards the mid 60s we finally finished the first arc reactor in all its glory. I helped make it push out more energy, but even though we found what would be the new element for the reactor in the future, I still couldn't make what's was needed to synthesize the element in this era.

While me and Howard was creating the arc reactor, someone in shield by the name hank pym, made a big breakthrough on a idea he had.

He successfully created the pym particles. (Which would allow him to shrink to a microscopic level.)

After he made them, I sent a clone that was invisible inside his lab to steal some, while I talk to him to make sure he wouldn't be inside.

I plan on doing my own research on them and maybe use them later on.

During the 60s I also bought land near where tony will have his mansion in the future.

With the internet finally being used, and my house finally done I put Raphael on line.

This way she can help me online and in my head.

Maria stark is pregnant with Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark, and will be born in may so I (for the final time) faked another birth in January.

the world heard news of the birth of Ethan Mikealson, but instead of having a fake death of a mother, I made it be a surrogate this time but I just hid it, but if anyone looks it will say that on paper.

Then after a few months in may tony was born and the media really had a hay day on that news with tony and (me) being born so close to one another they are already calling it that we will be another "howard and Nathan."

Before I faked my birth, I told Howard my plan of having a clone be me and make friends with tony and he was perfectly fine with it saying "at least I'll know who one of his friends will be, and I know you'll be a good one long after I'm gone."

After he brought up his death I offered the opportunity to become a vampire I'll give him a day light ring and everything, but he denied it saying "I'm a man of science and in science everything lives then dies, I'm no exception." So sadly I had to agree with his wishes and leave it be.

For the next few years I did what I did with Nathan and Howard, I sent my Ethan clone to go to school with tony and they moved up in grades together and grew close.

In the year 1983 I remembered that kora the inhuman from afterlife dies this year and that's what makes Jiaying leave afterlife and have daisy.

So I decide to make my way there and wait for the day she decides to kill herself so I can take her powers.

When the day comes for her to die, I'm standing off to the side (invisible of course) waiting for her to pull the trigger, once she did the deed I didn't take action just yet I have to wait for Jiaying to see the body so she can come to the decision to leave.

Before they bury the body I use compulsion on everyone in the area to think they did bury the body when they actually didn't.

I decided to take the body to my lab and see what makes her have powers and see if I can figure out how to give inhuman powers to a normal human,

And once I'm done with my research I'll drain her to get her energy manipulation power.

After a year or so I figured out how to give them to humans. I also figured out how to fully get her powers, instead of doing what I did to the witches and werewolves and getting just a bit of the power I figured out how to fully get all the power she has.

After figuring the process out I did the operation on myself with the help of my clones and now I can manipulate and shoot energy with ease.

In 89 hank decided to leave shield because Howard was trying to get his research on the pym particles behind is back. so he made the decision to leave.

My Ethan clone and tony both graduated College at the age of 17 and when I made my clone take control at 18, tony hasn't done to much of anything, which I hear about all the time from Howard.

Ever since the captain died, me and Howard have been trying to recreate the serum and we did but I convinced Howard not to bring it to the pentagon but have Peggy do it instead.

I did this because I couldn't get Howard to agree to become a vampire but I did convince Peggy to become one.

But she said once she became one, she wanted to disappear she wanted to get away from society for a while, so I came up with the plan of having her taking the serum, and instead of Howard and Maria dying she would in there place.

But the only difference is that she'll come back as a vampire.

This way tonys parents won't die and hopefully I can completely get rid of the civil war arc all together.

The plan worked perfectly around Christmas in 91 they sent the winter soldier to kill the carrier of the package.

after she woke up I fed her blood and sent a clone and Peggy to a island I bought just for her to live on by herself after the clone teaches her the vampire way.

Unfortunately there was unforeseen consequences of Peggy dying the way she did Howard died a few years later from the loss and guilt of her dying on the trip he should have been on.

Then months later Maria died as well, so unfortunately even though I saved them tony still lost his parents but one good thing is that tony was 21 so he took over the company without anyone being a stand in.

1999 on new years night me and tony was at a New Year's party, they invited use to give a speech, I did it slightly drunk but tony was completely gone.

As we are leaving the party tony has Maya Hansen on his arm and I have some random girl on mine, as we walk to the elevator, as the door is about to shut Aldrich Killian shows up trying to get use to talk and invest in his think tank A.I.M, we both shut him down not having any interest.

But later I did had one of my clones take care of him just in case he still tries to take revenge on use not wanting to invest in is think tank.

But before the clock struck midnight I had Nathan mikealson die of old age.

The next morning before we left I left Mya some notes on her extremis idea she has to make it better.

And with that the 1900s are over and we are going into a new era.