
Birth of Iron Man

When Nathan died that means the last founder died and I had no one in the council, but I solve the problem.

A while back, I had a clone, go into shield and make his way up the ranks, so when I left he could take my place.

That's how I still have a say in the council, I also made sure that my credentials from Nathan didn't get deleted so it's still active and I still control the night watch.

another thing I did after I killed off my Nathan persona was go to nick fury and explain everything to him.

in doing this he knows what's going on and why he doesn't have access to some things, and to show him that I'm not someone to mess with.

It's now 2009 and I'm sitting at a rewards ceremony for Tony to get a Apachee award.


"Tony stark, visionary, genius, American patriot."

even from early age, son of legendary weapons, developer Howard Stark stole the spotlight with his unique mind.

At age four, he designed his first circuit board.

When he was almost seven, he built a V8 motorbike engine.

at 17 he graduated mit.

then the passing of a titan, after the founders death he got the keys to the kingdom.

tony ushered in a new era to his father's legacy, creating smarter weapons, advance robotics, satellite targeting. Today tony has changed the face of the weapons industry, by insuring freedom and protecting America and her interest around the globe."

Rhodes "as liaison of stark industry's I've had the unique privilege of serving with a real patriot, my friend and my great mentor, it's my privilege to give this years Apache's awards to Mr. tony stark!"

As he's repeating his name and looking in the crowd for him he locked eyes with me and all I do is shake my head.

I decide to help him out, so I make my way to the stage and take the award from Rhodes.

"Thank you colonel, this is beautiful almost as beautiful as mine, I can't believe it took him this long to get one." Everyone laughed

"Of course I'm not tony stark, I'm the other handsome genius. But if I was he'd tell you all how honored and thankful he was at receiving a award. One of the good things about Tony is also the bad thing about Tony, he's always working. Thank you I'll make sure he receives this award, have a good night."

I walk down the stage and make my way to the casino where I know he's at.

As I find tony I see that Rhodes bet me to tony.

"It's right here, there you go" as Rhodes hands him the award.

"There it is" as tony grabs the award, "that was easy, I truly am sorry."

"You should be sorry I had to receive it in your Stead.

I had to save Rhodes the embarrassment of not handing it to anyone."

As he hands the award to a random girl "oh they roped you in to, don't you already have one of these."

"They didn't rope me into anything I did it to save Rhodes the embarrassment like I said. And I do and I mention that in my speech."

Tony picked up some dice and had a girl blow on it then tried to get Rhodes to but he pushed it away.

"There it is Colonel Rhodes rolls."

As tony looks at Rhodes I say "two really two you can't get any worse."

Tony looks back at the dice "worse things have happened I think we will be fine color me up will you."

Later as we leaving we start to go out separate ways, Rhodes reminds tony not to be late tomorrow.

I stop look at Rhodes "you know he will be fashionably late like always."

He lets out a breath "I know but I have to try, have a nice night."

That night I went home to work on my current robotic project.

After the Ethan persona took over the business I added different divisions the robotic, power, and tech are the most successful divisions.

The next day late at night I got a text bragging about how well the demonstration went.

He started to do this after he took over the business.

And when I got that text I knew that tony was about to be kidnapped and Ironman was about to be born.

2 1/2 months later, I got a knock on my door and to my surprised it was nick fury.

As fury walks in "I need your help to find tony, I'm actually surprised you haven't found him yet yourself."

As I lead him to my couch "I haven't because I thought either you'd find him or he'd use his big brain to get back by himself already."

As fury gets comfortable. "well obviously we haven't, all our satellites and people on the ground can't find any whereabouts of tony, so I thought with your tech and abilities maybe you'd be able to locate him."

I stand up to go towards my book shelf "I'm actually disappointed with all your spy networks and the tech you have, heck some of the tech you have I built and should locate him."

Fury stands up also. "it's like he's in a technology dead zone, will you help or not."

As I look through my book. "I will, I'll contact you with the location once I located and grabbed stark."

I look at fury because he's not moving. " that was your cue to leave."

Looking a bit vexed fury asked " Are you not going to tell me how you plan on doing it?"

Looking straight in his eyes "no I will not, remember fury I'm a higher rank then you you can't boss me around and expect things from me." I turn back to my book as I see him leave.

Im reading up on locater spells I done them before but a very long time ago and I just want to make sure I got it correct.

Once I'm all caught up I portal to Tony's house to get a hair from him to make a portal in his vicinity.

As I walk through the portal I come out not to far away from the cave tony is located at.

When I see where I'm at I tell Raphael to send the plane to Afghanistan so after he's rescued we can fly back.

As I listen in I hear tony saying "I'll have the missile completed by tomorrow."

I keep listening in throughout the night and into the morning.

When I hear a bomb go off then gun fire I run into the cave.

When I run in I see Yinsen being held at gun point by 15 men, I run and rip all their hearts out. "You all won't be needing these."

Before Yinsen can say anything I say."hi I'm Ethan I'm here to save you. Talk later." As I finish my introduction I open a portal underneath him that leads to where I was staying at last night.

I continue to walk to the back of the cave where tony is located.

As I get to the door I take out three more men and walk in to see mk 1, not that advance but for being made in a cave all I can say is beautiful.

"I can't believe you built a suit of armor in this cave, its actually quite amazing when you think about it."

Tony was about to hit me until he heard my voice.

"Ethan? What are you doing here, this cave is very dangerous, And why are you here by yourself?"

"I'm your rescue party, I'm a lot more then what meets the eye."

I open a portal "do you want to go out this way or take the long way since you made that armor?"

Tony pointed to the portal "what's that thing and how did you do it?"

"Oh that it's just one of my abilities it's a portal to where I put Yinsen, it's just outside the perimeter of this base."

Looking relieved "thank god your saved Yinsen, but your correct I want revenge, they held me captive and have my weapons I want them gone."

I did a Mock salute "can do I'll follow behind you on the way out then we will meet up with Yinsen and go to my plane to go home."

Tony turned around started to walk towards the entrance.

More men came but it was all a failure on there part we didn't slow down.

As we turned to corner to the entrance I remembered the leader should be waiting there with a rocket launcher, I speed around the corner and I was correct he was waiting, I knocked him out and speed back to tony.

Shocked tony finally asked "another ability of yours?"

"Oh that's nothing, I'll tell you about them all later."

As we made it outside the rest of the group was waiting and started to fire at use, once they stopped tony said "my turn" he then proceeded to set all his weapons and captures on fire.

Before he decided to try to fly I used a portal to take use to Yinsen.

After they caught up and Yinsen thanked me he asked to be brought to his home town to help his people.

Tony and Yinsen talked it out and once tony released he really wanted to go he relented and I searched his memories to find the location and opened a portal for him.

After he left I opened another portal that lead inside my plane.

As I'm helping him take his suit off I have to say "you look like shit just so you know."

After taking the last piece off he sasses back.

"I think I have a very good excuse, what's yours."

I laugh as I tell the pilot to take off.

Next chapter