
Reborn as a villain in a fantasy novel

this story is set in a world where, by awakening, you can set your eyes on godhood and become a Demigod or a God The otherworldly races have invaded this world, occupying it for the rich resources available our Mc gets reincarnated as a young master and the heir to a powerful family and guild but there is a slight problem he is reincarnated inside the world of a novel he read long ago, and his also one of the main antagonists of this world destined for death and misery will he give up his dream of immortality, or he will rise up and destroy every obstacle on his path follow Aamon in his journey towards godhood and immortality WARNING:Aamon is a cold-hearted person, and he will do anything to achieve his goals he won't hesitate to kill if that's the shortest way of solving his problems,but Don't worry his not a maniac ___________________________________________ please read till chapter 15 I promise you won't be disappointed English is not my main language, so please bare with me it's also my first book, so give it a shot I will upload in every 3 days Tags:Villain # Antihero # Transmigration# Action# Fantasy# Ruthless protagnist Cold love interests# Cold protagnist # #academy #magic

Akuma_675 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

The academy city

Inside the training room, Aamon's villa

Doof! Doof!! Doof!! Doof!!!

Huff huff huff

Aamon, wearing a black tank top shirt and black pants, was training hard with a punching bag. Every punch made very loud sounds

After training for 3 hours like this, he finally stopped training

his body drenched in sweat and breathing hard

he took off his training gloves

Drip! Drip!

Blood was slowly dripping down from his knuckles his skin was torn, and he couldn't feel some of his fingers

with a cold face, he was thinking about tomorrow, the day of his departure

'The academy arc is part of the novel where my misery starts

I was thinking of different ways and counter measures for my future troubles such as my fiance, Olivia Clark the only daughter of the James Clark the Ceo of the huge conglomerate J corporation'

The more i thought about this girl the more angry i got

About how much Aamon cared for her... and in the end, all he got was a betrayal

And an emotional scene with a SORRY at its end


I took a deep breath and calmed myself down

'Let's take a shower the stench of blood is very annoying'

Then i took out a vial from my space ring that had a colorless substance inside and drank it

The injuries on my hands were twitching visibly and after mere seconds they disappeared

I quickly went upstairs and took a shower and after eating my dinner i slept, tomorrow was the day of departure so i had to rest as much as possible




I opened up my eyes inside a hazy place filled with white fog for a moment i panicked but, then i remembered i slept inside my room so this is most likely a dream

'Are dreams supposed to be this realistic?'

Then the scenery in front of me changed suddenly then i heard a shout that was way too familiar for me

"Is this all you've got?

Is this it?

Don't embarrass me by calling yourself a Lancaster!"

I saw my father yelling at a younger version of myself with ashen blue hair barely at the age of 7

Aamon was kneeling on the ground holding a knife

His body was filled with claw marks and a big bite mark that looked like a dog on his torso

a body of a beast was lying not far from him

He was bleeding severely

"Fa-father huff* i-i can't huff* it hurts pl-please"

Then my father's face turned cold and said

"Shut up! Im not your father, im your master while we train"

Then he threw a vial with a colorless substance inside and said

"Your useless"

Then he turned around and walked away

Aamon had his hands clenched tightly the pain from his many injuries was numbing his mind and blood was filling his vision

He took the vial and drank it while

small tears traced down his cheeks he wanted to say something but couldn't, he cried for a long time...but nobody came

The scene changed again

Aamon was standing inside an underground training ground with an emotionless face holding a sword when the familiar voice said again

"Go on"

The boy slowly walked towards a man holding a sword the man was yelling

"Please!! Forgive me I don't want to do this!! Im sorry!! Im sorry!!

please let me go!! Please!!

Sob ahh hic

I dont wanna die!! I have a family" please!!"

The man was crying and yelling with all his strength, he was terrified of the boy in front of him

Aamon seeing the man begging him suddenly froze in his steps, his eyes wavered for a second with pity

But his face quickly turned cold and ran towards the man

The beggar lookin man struck down with all his might while closing his eyes but Aamon dodged it by spinning around then...




Drip! Drip!

Khhhhaa!! Tud!!

Blood came down from the man's neck before he fell down, still crying

Then a hand landed on his shoulder. "Good, you did well "




When i heard that, i suddenly opened my eyes,sitting up

the sunshine was Illuminating my room

'What an annoying dream'

I quickly got out of bed and called my maid


Knock* knock*

"Come in"

Then, with a bow, she stood still like a Statue

"Pack my clothes and belongings and put them on my bed, ready my breakfast,

i ll take a shower first"

After that, I took a shower and ate my breakfast

As usual on a long table with maids standing still around me there was only the sound of my cutlery in this room

It didn't take long I dressed up in a white shirt and black pants along with black shoes i looked at myself in the mirror

'Hmm something still missing a last touch perhaps?'

I unbuttoned my shirt to my chest revealing some of my sculpted muscles and used invisible armor in the form of a necklace with the design of a black dragon and a thin silver chain

'I didn't realize this but probably Aamon was a watch fanatic'

I stood before a large case filled with expensive watches some of them even had a separate storage space and functioned like a storage ring

I picked one glittering with small black diamonds

and then put the whole case along with my suitcase in my storage ring

Then i walked downstairs towards my training room and went towards a storage room i put my finger on the handle and entered a code



A room around 20 meters in size came into my view filled with shelves on my sides

Inside them were filled with vials of different colors and colorless ones

Along with many rare herbs used in boosting mana or strength and even some small pills with a strong aroma, they were used to aid in breakthroughs

On the far end of this room were placed many weapons, some for training and some for fighting

'It never ceases to surprise me, this amount is probably enough to aid me until rank B'

As the heir of this family, I naturally received all the resources available

'But still, there are some things that I need to get

some overpowered items that protagonist gonna get in the first and second arc of the novel'

I used my storage ring and stored all of it inside,in a very neat manner the potions on one side along with other things

Then i double checked on my belongings once i made sure i didn't miss anything I left with my car




Inside a train packed with many people most of them being teenagers that were wearing a special uniform

Gray pants with a white shirt under a jet-black blazer with red inner lining and a red tie

while the girls wore blue skirts cut above the knee along with a tight blouse and a blue blazer some of them wore knee high socks with these clothes

In a cabin 2 girls were sitting opposite of each other one of them had raven black hair fell on her back a pair of beautiful green eyes and a delicate nose

Her rosy lips with her small stature

Gave men an instinct to

Protect her

Wearing small glasses she was reading a book

the girl opposite of him wearing the same uniform with very short brown hair curly here and there and a pair of violet eyes crossing her arms giving off a tomboyish vibe

Her beauty wasn't short of the girl in front

but the twitching vain on her forehead was making her somewhat scary

"Tch!! Just how long until we get there im getting bored goddammit!!

"Hay Anna Im talking to you, hay!

"Can't you hear me?!"

The girl with glasses raised her head in an annoyed manner

"Would you please be quiet Ellis im trying to study

"Huh wha..."

Suddenly the door opened and a boy accompanied by a girl was standing

The boy had a blonde hair and sea blue eyes that gave him a special charm he was around 180 cm a air of confidence surrounding him,wearing the same uniform as the others

"Is this the right cabin Olivia are you sure?

"Of course you silly goose this the right one!

Sigh~this is why i told you to use my family's flying car to get there

But who would have guessed the high

And mighty mr Kyle smith has acrophobia

This is all your fault!"

The girl had blue hair and a pair of very attractive merlot eyes her curves were very eye-catching and her smile gave off a warm feeling like a spring breeze

Then kyle with a smile said

"Sorry you were right but its not like i can help it"

The two of them noticed the girls inside the cabin kyle walked forward and said

"Please excuse us if we were loud"

Suddenly Ellis with a slight haze on her face said

"I-its cant be helped please sit

"Thanks a lot

Olivia, come"

The pair sit inside the cabin and becuse of kyle they quickly got to know each other

Anna and Elise were both commoners accepted in academy due to thier powerful talents

Kyle was the son of a fallen noble family and got accepted because of his father's teaching and his terrifying talent in Swordsmanship although his family owned a guild it wasn't much in front of Olivia

But when Anna and Ellis heard Olivia's background they were dumbfounded of why such a person would ride a train like commoners and she responded by pointing towards kyle

The group chatted with each other about random things and formed bonds even Anna the quiet girl showed interest in this group

After an hour or so suddenly


The train stopped the group realised they have reached the Royal academy

When they got off the train the scenery made 3 of them stunned of course beside Olivia

The huge buildings and sky scrapers, along with holographic billboards and many security robots, were filled the streets giving off an otherworldly vibe

While flying cars and hoverbikes

Made it look even more otherworldly

They could even see the famous flying towers of this city each tower representing a school dedicated to studying its respective element for magic they were 5 in total

People named these the Mage towers of the Academy city

The group quickly found the academy to be at the 4th district along with many others getting off the train they slowly made their way towards the academy

They took another train called Mana train and went towards academy but even with all of that speed it took them nearly 3 hours to get to the academy

The city was composed of 20 districts and only the inner 5 districts were forming the academy and by no more mean the city

Or academy was small, the walls around the city spanned as far as the eye could see

So you can guess the size of each district the word Gigantic wasn't even close to describing it

The group then reached the huge walls surrounding the academy with even bigger gates at the front and many students crowded in front of it

Many flying cars belonging to different nobles of different ranks were also sitting in them like them waiting for the gates to open


When the huge doors started moving they couldn't contain the excitement they were feeling for this new journey in their lives


Author note:


writing this chapter took more effort then I thought |゚ー゚)ノ

introducing new characters and backgrounds is always the hardest part

but yeah anyway if you have any suggestions or any problem with my writing or descriptions let me know by commenting thanks for your support. d=(^o^)=b