
Reborn as a villain in a fantasy novel

this story is set in a world where, by awakening, you can set your eyes on godhood and become a Demigod or a God The otherworldly races have invaded this world, occupying it for the rich resources available our Mc gets reincarnated as a young master and the heir to a powerful family and guild but there is a slight problem he is reincarnated inside the world of a novel he read long ago, and his also one of the main antagonists of this world destined for death and misery will he give up his dream of immortality, or he will rise up and destroy every obstacle on his path follow Aamon in his journey towards godhood and immortality WARNING:Aamon is a cold-hearted person, and he will do anything to achieve his goals he won't hesitate to kill if that's the shortest way of solving his problems,but Don't worry his not a maniac ___________________________________________ please read till chapter 15 I promise you won't be disappointed English is not my main language, so please bare with me it's also my first book, so give it a shot I will upload in every 3 days Tags:Villain # Antihero # Transmigration# Action# Fantasy# Ruthless protagnist Cold love interests# Cold protagnist # #academy #magic

Akuma_675 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

the ceremony


The huge black gates slowly opened, and the academy revealed itself

The students, be it the commoners or nobles, all went inside

The academy had many buildings it was like a small city inside it

Academy was made by the last 4 human kingdoms, and it was located right between them in the center of the 4 kingdoms

all their nobles, Prince, and princess would attend this academy, so the security was top-notch

Many knights [awakeners] were patrolling the city, and on top of walls were also many knights stationed

Some of them had such fierce auras that nobody dared get close to them

The weakest among them was excluding a C-rank aura, the rank of a true warrior

There was a huge building like a futuristic castle in the middle and many rectangular buildings, and the domes were surrounding it.

Some were arenas and some just for club activities and many others for conducting different tests

Each building even had some numbers on them indicating that it was only for 1st years or 2nd years until the 4th year

Furthermore, this academy even calling it huge was an understatement. This place could easily be around more than 30 km in size

This academy or even a city was equipped with cutting-edge technology to assist the students in any way imaginable from fighting arenas to entertainment districts all of it were present here, so students didn't need to leave the academy at all.

The lights of different holographic billboards and many intertwined to form a very beautiful scenery

Students soon noticed that everyone received an email saying that everyone should head towards the central building,

The Castle

Around 3000 students started heading towards the castle in the center of this small city

After an hour or so walking, all the students arrived at the castle but, of course excluding the nobles who used their flying cars to get there

Then they saw many of the academy staff waiting for them they guided the students towards the auditorium hall

When they arrived a huge hall filled to the brim with seats and a large stage in the far end of it revealed itself

There was a gigantic emblem of the Royal academy etched on the ceiling

A golden shield with a sword in its middle and a small sun at the background with many delicate designs gave it a royalty like feeling

There was special seats arranged for nobles in the first row until the 5th row according to their ranking

The children of kings and high-ranking nobles,the geniuses

the hope of the kingdoms were all supposed to sit there.

Their talents were in simple terms terrifying they were cream of the crop the hope of humanity, or the so-called The young elites

And soon all the students from 2nd to the 4th year slowly arrived at this huge auditorium which surprised the 1st years a bit

After an hour or so when everyone was seated the sound of chatting filled the hall

Kyle decided to sit as close as possible to the stage others also followed suit

They sat on the middle row which was for wealthy children, just below the nobles

Some people not recognized kyle and others and gave them Death glare but when they saw Olivia with the group they didn't dare to be disrespectful

"Wow, i can't believe it im finally here at the Royal academy

"You better believe it then Ellis "

Olivia despite being the daughter of an influential figure in the world didn't head toward the first rows and decided to sit with kyle and others

"What about you kyle what do you think about this place?

"It's the same for me I can't believe this either it's like a dream for me"

Then Ellis feeling overly enthusiastic about everything suddenly asked while tapping his fists together with a broad smile

"Olivia Who do you think is the strongest among the first years i can't wait to fight him!"

Kyle hearing this his heart skipped a beat

Never in his life did he imagined that the academy would have this many strong students attending

At first he wasn't expecting much but after seeing some of the nobles and their strength a fire got ignited in him looking for a challenge

He never told anyone but his goal for attending the academy was to revive his family name and the easiest way was to become a member of the royal court or a high-ranking military member or even the awakened association

And for that he needs recognition, so he decided the seat of the strongest in the Royal academy should be his

"On the way here I heard many people talking about rankings and stuff, Olivia do you know who's number 1 ranking here"

Even Anna despite putting an indifferent face was closely listening to this conversation and noticed Olivia's body shivering for a second

Olivia as soon as she heard this, a vague Figure appeared in her mind, Someone that,she deeply feared,and wanted to stay as far away as possible,from him

Kyle seeing her strange behavior worried about him and asked with concern while placing his hand on her shoulder

"Olivia, are you alright?

"Y-yes im alright thanks for asking"

Ellis getting impatient asked again

"You didn't answer wh.."

But before she could end her sentence

Many bright lights suddenly turned on

And focused on the large stage

All the students suddenly got quiet only the sound of breathing could be heard in this large hall

Ellis and others payed attention

then,loud clicking sounds came like someone walking with high heels on a marble floor

Click! Click!


Not soon after a woman came out of the backstage

She had long red hair falling on her back and a pair of brown eyes along with a small nose with red lips her height was around 170 cm and with her heels, she was even taller

She was wearing a black suit that was buttoned to her chest wearing a pair of black ankle boots walked on stage with confidence

She came to the middle of stage and said

"Welcome to the Royal academy.."

Immediately many students gasped in shock

They couldn't believe their eyes this woman was the 27th-ranked awakened in the human domain the Awakened association was responsible for ranking

The S- Ranked Clara Johnson The witch of true fire or known by her nickname

Hell bringer

She has a superior Affinity towards The fire element to the point of changing her hair color

Suddenly many students started yelling and clapping the sound of cheers filled the hall

"I love youuuu!!!!

"Your my idol!!!

"Omg, he looked at me kyaaaa!!"

Then with a small gesture, the hall became quiet again she smiled and continued her speech

"The ones that are sitting in this hall

be proud of yourself,you are the hope of humanity in these dark times

you are all selected through a strict process of selection am..."

Her speech lasted for a minute or so before she said with a smile

"I would like thunderous applause for the top 3 students of the first years!!

Clap!! Clap!! Clap!! Clap!! Clap!!


"Please i ask for number 3 Sophia Berkeley !!"

A girl slowly walked in on stage

Her figure immediately draw all the attention

Many of the males even including the first rows were looking at her

Her captivating curves and curvy purple hair tied into a decorative style

paired with her purple eyes gave her fairy-like feeling, some even were drooling at her even Kyle had to admit that she was one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen

the girl's uniform was slightly different than the boys a blue skirt just above the knee a white blouse on top with a dark blue jacket over it and a red tie coupled with knee-high socks it was very beautiful

she gracefully walked on stage ignoring probing eyes

and performed a noble bow then said

"Welcome to Royal academy.."

Kyle that got interested in her because of her strong aura secretly used system and appraised her

[Name]:Sophia Berkeley





Str:F+ Dex:F Con:E-

Int:F Mana:F+ Luck:E



Empower (S)

[Earth control](A+)

[Mana control](C)

Body strengthening (B)

Regeneration (C)

Relentless assault(A)

Counterstrike (B)



Runic blade (Intermediate)

Duelist style (beginner)

System Evaluation:

a swordsman with a terrifying potential


After reading her stats, Kyle got interested

'At least she could put up a fight'

"..and that's all i hope we spend pleasant years together"

"Good now, please give another applause for Sophia!"

With her speech ended, she slowly climbed down the stairs and sat somewhere on First Row

"Now please, i ask for Ranking Number 2 of the first years Prince Tyler Aven Kreoris!"

Then a young man walked on stage wearing the same uniform as others his Navy blue hair and blue eyes giving him a special charm his looks were on the bright side he was smiling like a buisness man when he reached the middle of stage

"Welcome, everyone."

Tyler spoke with a dazzling smile

Then suddenly, many girls started screaming upon recognizing him

Many were screaming with blushed faces


"Prince, look at me!!"

Kyle, when saw this scene, felt an even more powerful aura from him he didnt use appraisal. This time, he knew that this boy was at the same level as him

After a short while, Tyler finished his speech

"...And i hope that everyone can graduate from this academy along with me!"

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Clap clap!

Then, with another applause, Tyler slowly climbed down and sat on the first row, similar to Sophia

Then everyone was paying close attention to the stage and Miss Clara waiting for her to announce the number one student of the first years

Olivia with uneasiness was looking at the stage 'n-no , it can't be him I can't deal with him right now...'

Olivia was very worried about the consequences of his actions

She knew that many students had already seen him on the train and even in academy with Kyle, so the rumors were bound to spread

She was worried about the actions of a certain person when he heard the rumors

Miss clara, for the first time when announcing someone's name, smiled brightly like she was proud of the next person coming on stage

This action made others very interested, and they glued their eyes on the stage

"And now i would like a thunderous applause for the first-ranked student of the first year he has set a new record for every test that academy has to offer, please i ask for Young duke

Aamon Lancaster!"

Clap!! Clap!! Clap clap!!

Then, a young man wearing the Grey uniform the same as others, yet it was as clean as snow there wasn't even a speck of dust on them

wearing a pair of black gloves

with graceful steps that excluded a noble charm,that was hard to forget came out of back stage

His ashen blue hair was combed to his left, and a pair of light blue eyes that resembled the moonlight, giving him a cold and indifferent aura

He confidently walked toward the middle of stage. Many eyes were on him

Some looking at him with admiration, some with fear, and some with small hearts in them


The girls were screaming like they never have seen a man before

"Kyaaa!! Im in love!!

"Master Aamon~!

"I wanna marry him..."

The young man stopped and contrary to others he didn't bow his head instead he just smiled lightly

Then said slowly

"Welcome to the Royal Academy, im Aamon Lancaster. it's nice to meet you all.."

Kyle, when he saw this man he felt an indescribable amount of danger from him his instincts as a swordsman was screaming at him that

this man in front of him was extremely dangerous

He quickly used his system appraisal on him and got even more surprised

Name]:Aamon Lancaster

[Titles]:Young master of Lancaster Duchy




Str:E+ Dex:E Con:E+

Int:E+ Mana:D- Luck:E


[Abilities]:[Unable to evaluate]


[?????????](SS) [????????](S)

[??????????](S) [??????](B)

[???????](B) [??????](C)

[???????](C) [???????](A)


[Techniques]:[Unable to evaluate]

System Evaluation:

Extremely dangerous!!! [Written in Red]


It was the first time for him that he saw this massage after his father

System was only able to evaluate his abilities rank and it was more than enough to Stun kyle

Never in his whole life has he seen this many powerful abilities even his father only possessed 2 S rank ability

'where did this monster crawl out from'

He then noticed the look on Olivia's face her eyes were opened wide, her hands were trembling and her face devoid of any color

the young man on stage was looking at her for a brief moment before averting his gaze

Ellis and Anna were staring at him too

Ellis had a red haze on his face never in his life had she seen someone this handsome she even felt guilty for wanting to fight him just a moment ago

Sophia was also looking at Aamon with indescribable feelings,for some reason after that night when she danced with him

she couldn't get him out of her mind

And even her so-called friend Stella

Asked him Many questions regarding her relationship with Aamon

She was already making plans on how to make Aamon attend a ball with him as her partner

Not soon after that Aamon finished his speech a very short one at that and with another round of applause he climbed down the stairs and sat on the first row

Then Miss clara started talking again and soon it was the most anticipated time of this ceremony

Announcing the Dorms and classes