
Reborn as a villain in a fantasy novel

this story is set in a world where, by awakening, you can set your eyes on godhood and become a Demigod or a God The otherworldly races have invaded this world, occupying it for the rich resources available our Mc gets reincarnated as a young master and the heir to a powerful family and guild but there is a slight problem he is reincarnated inside the world of a novel he read long ago, and his also one of the main antagonists of this world destined for death and misery will he give up his dream of immortality, or he will rise up and destroy every obstacle on his path follow Aamon in his journey towards godhood and immortality WARNING:Aamon is a cold-hearted person, and he will do anything to achieve his goals he won't hesitate to kill if that's the shortest way of solving his problems,but Don't worry his not a maniac ___________________________________________ please read till chapter 15 I promise you won't be disappointed English is not my main language, so please bare with me it's also my first book, so give it a shot I will upload in every 3 days Tags:Villain # Antihero # Transmigration# Action# Fantasy# Ruthless protagnist Cold love interests# Cold protagnist # #academy #magic

Akuma_675 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The preparations

The capital city of Kreoris, Drosa

A young man with red hair and green eyes wearing a t-shirt with blue pants

While holding a piece of paper was walking down a street while mumbling something

"It should be here right?"

He suddenly stopped in front of a tall building with the logo of Ares guild on it

He walked in and looked around

'Wow this guy is filthy rich'

Then a waitress approached him

"Hello sir this is Ares guild how may I help you?"

Tristan looked at the lady in front of him

Although she was wearing her uniform her perfect curves were very eye-catching

"Hello love I'm here to see young master Aamon

"Did you have an appointment, sir?

"Hmm, I think yes you can call him,

say that im Tristan Ford he will understand

"Okay sir please follow me"

It didn't take long and after a short call Tristan went upstairs and rode an elevator to the 70th floor

After he arrived he saw a long desk with a very stunning beauty with cold looks sitting behind it

A woman in her 20s with short black hair and glasses, she took a glance at him before saying

"Sir Tristan Ford please go in young master has bin awaiting your arrival"

Tristan came out of his stupor and walked towards the huge door and lightly knocked on it


When he entered a spacious office with a full glass view revealed itself before him

With a very beautiful view of the city

And a young man wearing a black suit with his ashen hair combed to the side was sitting behind a desk that had a small mountain of papers on it

'That's a lot of work'

Upon seeing him he stopped his work raised his head and said

"Have you decided sir Ford?

"Yes I'm ready to sign the contract

"That's good pls have a seat, and what will you be drinking, coffee or tea?


Aamon POV

Then after a short call, Aamon gestured and both of them sat on the sofa in front and discussed the terms of the contract

Then the cold secretary brought coffee and tea

"Sir ford after you sign this contract you will join my Elite servant squad

then you will be trained by instructors in a martial art that suits you, and no need to worry

the cost of martial arts manual as well as your apartment will be provided by me, and you will receive advanced payment today"

After listening to Aamon Tristan had a questioning face and said

"Young master Aamon before i sign this i wanna know what kind of man i will be working for"

Upon hearing this question the sound of a small chuckle came and

'This question is quite funny,if he knew that this contract was one sided he would probably understand'

I laid back and crossed my legs and intertwined my fingers before answering

"If i were to describe myself, it would be,

I'm just a man trying to make an honest living in a very, very,dark world"

Then I smiled

"I think this would be satisfactory enough sir ford"

'Hmm his looking at me with,are you serious face'

"Yes it is"

Tristan signed the contract and it slowly dissolved into the air and disappeared

After Tristan left I called out my secretary her name is Lisa

"Arrange an apartment for Tristan near the previous one also do the necessary paperwork for his salary,arrange the best instructors in guild to train them and inform me of thier progress weekly

"Yes young master, also the guild master called for you"

'Hmm so his noticed it huh,i mean i cant just give Platinum coins away to some random people i hired recently'

"Ok tell him ill be there"

Then i did my tiresome work like always

And thought of some counter measures before meeting my father

1 pm guild masters office

Knock*knock *


As i entered this gigantic room i saw a man in his 40s with ashen hair and a sturdy build, with a pair of blue eyes, standing while his back turned to me looking at the city below

His one of the strongest awakened to ever live,The guild master of Ares guild the Second strongest guild of humanity and also The Duke of Lancester duchy

The S+ Ranked awakened ,

William Lancester

'This old monster's aura is as suffocating as ever'

"Hello father, you called for me

He turned around and said

"...Aamon you're going to the Royal academy correct?"

'What?his not gonna ask me about Tristan and Carmilla?'

"Yes father, I'm moving tomorrow

"I see, your future fiancee will also attend the Royal academy don't be cold to her I can't bear his father's complaining

"Yes father,i have some work t.."

He suddenly cut me off with a hint of sadness in his eyes that quickly disappeared as fast as it appeared

"I know...you always have work to do,before you go take this,there is a gift inside one from me and one from your mother, she sends her regards"

He took out a Ring with the emblem of Lancester duchy on it, a shield background with many beautiful designs around it and a black dragon roaring in the middle of it with the word L on top of it

I walked forward and picked up the ring

"Thanks father i will use them wisely

"Good,make the Lancester house proud"

Then i wore the ring and walked out of that office

'for some reason I feel very uncomfortable when I talked to him,perhaps it's becuse of... no forget about it I have more important things to do'

I quickly rode my car, towards home

today i didn't take any classes or anything I just did my usual mana breathing and Swordsmanship training

while I was breathing roughly after some intense swinging session I suddenly remembered the ring my father gave me

'Oh i was forgetting about this'

I put my mana inside the ring which was a huge storage ring size of 200 cubic meters, 3 items were slowly floating inside a book, and a pair of 2 black gloves with a dark blue cloak inside, i took them out

'Its a martial arts manual and magic items, good I was thinking of how to increase my power in a short time

This martial arts manual was described in the novel I quickly poured my mana inside it and a lot of information about this new

Martial arts popped up inside my head

'Status window '


[Name]:Aamon Lancaster

[Titles]:Young master of Lancaster Duchy

[Affinity]:Light and Dark--- [????]



Str:E- Dex:E Con:E-

Int:E. Mana:E+ Luck:E-




[Light and Dark manipulation](SS)

[Mana control](SS) [Telekinesis](S)

[Endless shards](S) [Soul shards](B)

[Slayer shards](B) [Rush](C)

[Bloodlust](C) [Fighting instincts](A)

[Fast spell](A)


Hand to hand combat (Master)

Shard mastery (Proficient)

Asura Style Swordsmanship (Intermediate)

The Death bringer style (beginner)(New)


'Its just as the novel described, the Death bringer style is a sword art

that is passed down only to the heirs it's an art that focuses on killing with every slash

It consists of 12 moves, right now with my rank i can only use 2 of its moves, this sole sword art was the reason that the protagonist couldn't defeat Aamon in the novel in multiple fights'

The more i thought about the contents of this art the more the smile on my face grew

it was simply unbelievable

this art was created by the first family head of our house and passed down from generation to generation so its value was immense

'That old monster (referring to his father)

Should be able to execute the 12th move

I guess his title as the strongest awakened is not a joke'

After absorbing the martial arts manual it disappeared, it broke into many pieces like a broken mirror and turned to ash

'The safety measures'

Then i paid attention to the magic items the gloves were made to increase my Telekinesis and control abilities they were black and sturdy with a ferocious aura coming out of them

'Made from dragon leather huh"

The other item,the armor had the same aura but with different ability

I quickly remembered this item it was used a lot by Kyle in the novel

Aamon lost this precious item when his fiancee betrayed him, stole it from him and gave it to kyle to save his life

This Cloak and gloves are a set and cloak can turn the bearer invisible in a blink of an eye very fast ,it also gives buffs such as speed boost, and healing at the same time, as long as the mana supply isn't cut off it can work

'In the novel, it was called the [invisible armor], it's a high-tier magic item

very close to the legendary ranked ones

When out of combat, it takes the desired shape of the bearer and makes the bearer invisible in an instant without changing shape or size and when used

With gloves it gives a huge buff, healing and speed'

'paired with my Rush ability I can simply disappear '

These items are undoubtedly very precious, i can't lose any of them like the original Aamon in the novel,...and that fiancee of mine I don't plan to marry her at all

'She's one of the heroines in this world

so it's a big no, and even if she wasn't a heroine, i would never marry someone that will betray me, well the original Aamon trusted her quite a lot to the point of sharing his family secrets'

for some reason when I thought about her betrayal, there was a pain in my chest like a needle stabbing me the same feeling I get when I touch anything without gloves

'I guess you liked her a lot...but not me I'm not gonna love her'

I felt very irritated that my feelings were getting affected like that... I kind of felt pity for the original Aamon, he got his feelings played with like that, got betrayed, and after struggling a lot, died miserably in the end

I picked up my training sword and began training in my new sword art I needed to train to take my mind off of things

'I have no tolerance for betrayal'


Time passed quickly, and soon it was time for my departure


author note: hello guys I'm terrible sorry for the delayed release its my university exams time so I'm busy with studying ill make up for it in the next chapter (long one) tnx for your support (^ー^)