
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasi
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716 Chs

Separate Ways

"I found It."

After noticing the room of statues Felii paid close attention to each one as her mother's words echoed in her mind. "If you find a room with Status that have multi- coloured eyes, find the purple ones." In this room she saw statues with Red, White and lastly purple eyes that lined each corner of the room. Locking onto the Purple ones on the opposite side of the room her urge to move forward forced her to take a couple steps.


Her goal was right in front of her now so the thought to stop never occurred to her. She had been sent here for one reason alone from her mother and now it was potentially so close. Drowning out Tearia's voice she continued forward until she felt a soft hand grab her by the hand. Quickly she ripped herself out of the grip without a care in the world as Tearia appeared in front of her in the next second. She had felt some anger at being stopped but once she saw Tearia's confusion she settled down a bit.

"Where are you trying to go without us?"

"There's something in there I need to find Tearia."

"Then why can't you tell us that, I'm sure Xilo wouldn't mind coming with you if it's that important."

Stepping forward Xilo almost called out to Felli but stopped himself as he changed the words in his mind. He could Feel Felli's aura turning more sporadic than it had ever been before. Right now was not the best time to stop her. "It seems Felli has found her goal." He remembered her mentioning something along the lines of that a while ago and if that was the case it was best to let her go. Even if that meant this was where they would part ways.

"Because I need to do this by myself."


Anger and impatience edged into her voice as she sat there blocked by Tearia. If she wanted to fulfill her mother's wishes then she needed to do this alone and find what she was after. After that she would bring it back and hopefully complete the test. If that was the case maybe she might make a break through in her Space energy and make her happy at the same time. "That woman was right...My Astral Space is full of so many defects and weaknesses. I'm just a failure." Hopefully though whatever was behind that door could fix all that or at least get her started but she wasn't allowed to get help to do this. Spawning a small ball of Space in her hand she prepared herself just in case she needed it.

This was something she had to do by herself.

"Tearia come here."


Seeing Xilo standing on Felli's side in this matter she was confused. "Why can't we all do it together?" Felli had become her second best friend in her life over this little journey and she didn't want to lose her like she had lost Relia. "Maybe I'm overthinking this...." However she saw the look Felli had made as she stared at her. That wasn't the look of someone staring at their friend. It was a look of a predator getting ready to rip open their prey. It wasn't something she had never dreamed of seeing being directed at her by Felli.


With a sharpness not in his previous words he commanded her to move. It hurt a bit to get so commanding with Tearia but he knew it was for the better. That aura was getting more out of control as time passed and if Tearia didn't move he was afraid something bad might happen to her. Felli currently wasn't acting like herself or the person Tearia knew. Watching her hang her head for a second he saw her walking towards him as Felli's aura settled a little bit and she continued forward.

"Is this what you want Felli?"

Not even pausing at the sound of his words he watched her simply walk away without a care for them anymore. "I wonder if this is the real you then?" He always had a feeling something was off about her while they had spent time together but he wasn't sure. His mind wasn't in the right spot so it could have just been playing tricks on him but it seemed that wasn't true. Taking Tearia by the hand he looked at the statues and door she was headed too as her footsteps echoed through the room.

"Xilo! Why did you stop me? we can't just let her go. She's our friend right?"

"Tearia I know you care about her a lot but sometimes there's just things we need to do by ourselves. I'm sure you know that feeling just as well as her and me. She'll come back just give her some time alright."

She wanted to argue with Xilo and throw a tantrum in that moment but she knew he was right so all she could do was sulk as Felli disappeared from her vision. "She'll be back right?" However a weird part of her was slightly scared of her return. Like something bad was going to happen but she wasn't too sure if she was just over reacting. "We all have our own goals in doing things and this just so happens to be hers." Thinking about her goals she felt her right arm twitch slightly in pain. "I found my goal again....but I've still not reached it." Feeling Xilo hold her in place she looked up as his silver eyes shook a little bit.

"Let's go..."

Turning towards the left set of Statues with red eyes Xilo tried to ignore the little voice nagging inside of him as he dragged Tearia with him. He didn't know what was through this path but it was better then going backwards. He and Tearia both needed a little distraction right now so anything would do. Thankfully one of those Metal Knights showed itself relatively quickly after entering the hall.


A bit late today sorry :c


Thank you for reading...

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