
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

The Protector

Hearing that Familiar clanking of armour creeping up on them as they walked down the hall, Xilo was happy. This was the best distraction he could ask for at the moment. "I wonder how strong this one is?" The others usually crumbled to pieces pretty fast against them so he kind of hoped this one was different. Looking at that familiar armour he scanned its helmet as he saw the difference for this one. Unlike the previous ones, this one had one Horn sticking out of the middle of its helmet with a red cape on it's back.

"It's shoulders seem a bit bigger as well. Alright we need to defeat it to get to what it's hiding. Want the first smack at it?"

"For once yes."

He could see what looked like two different rooms on the opposite sides of the hallway along with a staircase that led upwards being blocked by it. "I wonder if there is more of what Felli was after. Though it's not like i know exactly either." He had noticed the strange pattern of statues that had still continued now but he was trying to figure out what could possibly be so important to her. For such a huge turn around it had to be something important at the very least. Watching Tearia create a rod of lightning before he had lost a lot of his worry for her as she stabbed it forward.


Watching the first blow land Xilo created some ice of his own before throwing it towards the Knight. He would only let her have the first attack like he said, now it was fair game for the both of them. While it might not have affected him as badly as Tearia he still felt down about watching Felli walk away. As his ice travelled through the air he stepped forward himself as a dagger of ice appeared in his hands. Ever since he had fought Zilan he had been unable to spawn his Astral Dagger.

"I wonder when that will be fixed."

Every time he tried he only felt a quick jolt of pain run through him that forced him to stop. So in the meantime while it was repairing itself he was forced to use his ice daggers. Truthfully though that wasn't the only reason for it but it was for the best this way. Making that same mistake again one day wasn't a happy thought for him to have. Feeling a chill enter his hands he slashed downwards as lightning from Tearia zipped by his face at the same time before clashing into a sword in time with his strike. Feeling the weight of a blade stop him from reaching it's armour he was impressed with its reaction speed.

"The others couldn't block all that."

Even in this little stalemate he could feel the ground underneath him move as he was slowly being pushed back by its strength. "It seems like this knight has a lot of bite to it." Most looked big and tough but they were surprisingly pushovers. Pumping some strength into his legs he tried to hold his ground as he watched Tearia attack out of the corner of his eye. If he wanted this to work he was going to need to play a bit of support for her. If not he was pretty certain it might be able to take out of the both of them if they weren't careful.

Pushing harder he stopped himself from moving back as he added more strength into his arms as well. He could feel himself straining his body doing this but it felt good. Very rarely did he get a chance to do this kind of thing without feeling completely outclassed. Making sure Xilo was on her left she went straight for it while it was distracted with Xilo but she wasn't confident she could do much. After watching her first attack just bounce off without much of an impact she knew it wouldn't be an easy fight for her.

Her attacks weren't strong enough since she could only use one arm and she wasn't good at defending either so Xilo couldn't take her spot especially since she hadn't even told him that yet. She was scared to see his reaction if he ever found out. "Would he push me away?" She could finally feel her relationship with him growing a little bit and she didn't want to ruin that. Even if he didn't push her away if he didn't let her fight she would still be sad. She didn't go through all of this work just to be put on the sidelines because he was worried about her.

"Then I just need to prove myself more and more until there's no doubt in his mind...or mine."

Slashing it's arm she felt her Lightning Rod hit it hard right in it's blind spot under it's right arm. It connected thanks to Xilo keeping it busy but it still bounced off even though she thought had given it more power this time around. "Dammit." She didn't even leave a scratch with that attack and it was wide open for her. Seeing Tearia fail to do any damage Xilo tried to make sure it didn't attack her while she was unguarded. She had put a lot of faith into him so he had to live up to it as well even if it was going to be tough to finish it off.

"It's got some really tough armour from the looks of it. I wonder if there is another way to defeat this thing maybe?"

Feeling its blade begin to slide to the right to attack Tearia, Xilo pushed even harder as he dragged his body with it in order to stop it from doing so. Sliding across the floor he made sure he kept it's blade from breaking the lock as he pushed Tearia out of the way.

"Just keep attacking alright, I've got you covered."


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