
Chapter 4

Athena's POV

I'll be the judge of that" I said after Miss Hernandez or should I say Hestia left the room

I know I sounded like a cold hearted bitch but eyy that's how I am. The world doesn't have a place for soft hearted people.Why?


Human beings are ungrateful one chance they get to know you and discover your weakness they destroy you with it. No mercy shown,it will destroy you even more if they are close to you which usually happens more than often. Being hurt by someone close to you

I refuse to be destroyed by anyone. I've worked so hard and long for my companies and no one is going to ruin this for me

I'd rather people call me names like bitch,cold hearted,ice queen and all that than to have fake people out trying to please me and finally ruin me. Learned that the hard way

Although Miss Hernandez intrigues me, straightforward and honest...well not really I'm pretty sure I saw her waver a little when I asked why she left her previous company but it went as quick as I noticed it

I'd love to work with her, honestly out of everyone that I have interviewed today she just made my day

I know a beautiful woman when I see one and she is not just beautiful...she is extremely gorgeous. With her long smooth goldilocks,her button nose,her pinkish plump lips and a pair of brown eyes

The scar close to her eyebrow makes her even more desirable and not everyone can notice it until really up close

Wait....hold the fuck...what are you doing Athena??!!?She's merely a subordinate don't act like you care. I feel like slapping myself

I mean it is natural to appreciate someone's beauty after all..yeah that's it...I am merely acknowledging her beauty....and her eyes especially those eyes I could get lost in them

Woah!stop it Athena.I scolded myself

Is it just me or does her name sound familiar?I questioned myself. I feel like I know her from somewhere

Her name reminds me of the girl I liked ever since I was little. After my accident my mom moved us to the Emerith to start a new life. I left behind the love of my life with a locket that was engraved our intials promising to find our way to each other

Leaving was so hard for me but I had to. Now owning a billion dollars company but I'm still unhappy, hooking up with random people gets boring overtime

So now all I do is work work work and some more work

I really need a personal assistant,maybe just maybe she's fit for it. I guess there's only one way to find out

"Lilian?I called my secretary..call Miss Hernandez and ask her to come in to work at exactly seven am"

"Right away Miss"

"Good now I have work to do so if y'all can excuse me I'd like to get started"I said

Everyone cleared out except Harry Louis.My C.O.O and also one of my best friends

Before I could say anything to him my door bust open and in came my other loud and obnoxious best friend Cleopatra Adams.

Cleo owns a chain of restaurants all over the country and serves the best Italian food which is my favorite to say the least

"Cleo I've told you to stop budging in like that,or else you'll stop coming by" I hissed

"Oh please like you could leave a day without this gorgeousness" she shrugged

"Conceited much"Harry chuckled

"How dare you Louis?"Cleo feigned hurt placing an arm over her heart

"I really don't have time for this,what do you want?I have a lot of work that needs to be done like right now"I grunted

"Oh no! No no no Athy we are not doing that today no it's already the weekend ,you are coming with me and Harry to the club and not just any club but the one in downtown"Cleo exclaimed

I only sighed and stared daggers at her

She either ignored my stare or didn't care because she started grabbing my documents trying to shove them away

"Hey I need that"I swatted her arms away

"I won't have to do this if we just let for some fun, you're always cooped up in work ,right Louis?"

Louis said nothing but shrugged

Two against one....not fair

Giving up I sighed and said,"two drinks and we're out"



Both of them said at the same time

"Don't push your luck Cleo"I said standing up

Grabbing my keys we walked to the elevator and took it to the ground floor where I packed my cars

"Okay so what are we taking?"I asked them

"No need to go all wealthy on them just pick the Bentley and let's get going"Cleo said already walking towards it

I put the GPS of the club and gave Cleo the aux cord so she could put some music on before she asks me about it

Twenty minutes later I parked outside the club and walked in with the guys

The club was almost packed yet it was merely dark outside. This is my first time in this side of the town and clearly people here seem to know each other because as we entered they've been gawking at us.I don't blame them though

Cleo and I looked for a place to sit while Harry ordered our drinks for us. I always have the Martini when I go out which happens rarely

Harry came back with the drinks and handed then to us

"A toast to "Miss I'm all Serious All The Time"for finally going out with us"Cleo clinked her glass with Harry's and chugged her drink down adding another glass

"Slow down Bimbo before you choke we just got here"I chuckled

Smirking to myself as I glanced around the club. I spotted a couple of people dancing off. Some too drunk and staggering around. Turning my head in the direction of the bar,my breath got stuck in my throat

I must be seeing things because I could have sworn that was Miss Hernandez. Who could ever mistake those luscious goldilocks?She looked a tad drunkard

She seemed reasonable so maybe she's going through something to be letting herself go this much

I stand and start to make my way across the room when Harry asked me where I was off to

"I'll be back"

With that I glided past the sweaty dancing bodies and all the way to the bar area

"I didn't expect to see you here"I whispered in her ear and I noticed her shudder,hair in her naple standing up

She turned facing me and almost fell with how fast she moved

"Uh..you..eh..M.iss..Miss E.. Ealwood..wh..at are yo..u .. doing here?"She staggered forward

"Woah there you're quite drunk don't you have someone to take you back home?"I said holding her arm to prevent her from falling

"N..no..my..my..friends..j..just..l.. left..m..e."she slurred holding onto me for support

"Okay how about I get you home? Sounds nice huh?"

"S...uuu...uuure... you're...s...so...so...nice th...a..nks"she hiccupped

"Up we go"

We are not going to make it if we go on like this. Huffing I picked her up bridal style and to my surprise she's really lighter that she looks

She put her arms around my neck and I started towards the door not before I shouted to Cleo and Harry,"I'm heading out gotta take care of a little something."

"Is that the code for sex"Cleo snickered

"I don't got time for this"I walked out to my car knowing Harry will get a taxi for both of them

Settling Miss Hernandez prove to be difficult especially when all she does is fumble with my top buttons. Finally having the seatbelts secure her I put in her address and drove off

Getting there I had to walk all the way to her bedroom not before we fought with the keys

Now she's tucked in sleeping. I figured she'll wake up with a headache so I looked in her drawers and got some Advil,got some water from the refrigerator and put it beside her bed

I have no idea why I am being nice to her. This is so unlike me...I really hadn't picture my night to turn out this way

Staring at her sleeping peaceful I get some hair that was covering her face out of the way and traced my finger on her face

Okay creepo stop that and walk away This never happened and you are never mentioning this to anyone.I scolded myself

With one final look over my shoulder I close her door silently and walk to my car.

Now to go back to my place.I have to finish signing all those documents Cleo made me put away. I chuckled at the thought. She really had a way to get away with everything.

I'll call them tomorrow morning to know how they ended their night.

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