
Chapter 5

Hestia's POV

"Wake up Es it's already two pm"I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. I'm a light sleeper so I could hear Blair whining, which reminds me how did they even get in here? Wait .....how am I in bed? Maybe the guys brought me back

"No I wanna sleep some more"I said turning away from them

I felt the covers yanked away and bolted up. Hitting my head in the process. My head started throbbing,I had almost forgotten I had drunk yesterday and now I'm hangover

"Here take this"

I reached out for the Advil and glass of water

"Thanks"I mumbled

"How'd you guys get in here and y'all fuckin left me alone yesterday,who brought me back here?why don't I remember anything?"I groaned

See this is what happens when I let them drag me into their drinking shenanigans. Although I asked them yesterday but that's beside the point. They still left me,assholes!

"Woah there Es slow down,we found your door open and just got in,we wanted to check on you because we didn't see you leave."

"Wait what the hell guys!"I exclaimed

"Who brought me here and stop with the games my head is killing me. What do you mean you didn't bring me here then who did? I don't remember talking to anyone besides you."

"What if some stranger or a weirdo came with me and I just gave them my address....Oh my!What if I hooked up with someone and they left already?....I may contract some disease and I'll be blaming y'all" I was panicking

Who wouldn't? Being a lightweight has its cons,right now I don't remember whatever transpires the other night I just pray some creepy old man didn't take me home

"Calm down Es,Deep inhale.....exhale....we found you tucked in so a weirdo wouldn't do that"

"Yeah because Athena didn't stare at her like a freaking creepo."Laylani mocked

"Shut the fuck up Laylani this ain't your story."I hissed

"Okay okay no need to get defensive Es" she said

"Yeah that's right and wait what do you mean Athena stared at me like a creepo?"I asked


Estúpido...... that's what she does leaving me hanging after mentioning something you'd consider important. I can't believe I talk to her like she exists

"Plus the person left you some Advil,sounds like a reasonable person and you don't smell like sex so you're good, let's just get you in the shower"Charles reasoned

That's true I don't feel sore so I must be okay. Getting in the shower I let the cold water cascade down my body. Why do I feel like someone important brought me home?

Damnit the one time I get to go out freely then this happens

Washing my hair with the shampoo to get off the reek of booze, I took my washcloth and scrubbed my body gently then rinsed off the foam.

I got out and toss the towel around me

Walking into my room I found some sweatpants and a crop top laid on bed

Shaking my head smiling at what my friends did I put on some lotion and got dressed

I walked downstairs and found the guys eating in the kitchen

"Finally you're done"

"C'mon Blair I didn't even take more than five minutes" I rolled my eyes at her

"Still too long for me"she shrugged

"Here's some toast Es"Charles said pushing a plate filled with omelette and some toast for me

"Thanks,I said sitting down,So how'd you guys get ho...."

I was interrupted by my phone ringing. Picking up I saw a new private number. I turned the screen to the guys and they were all shocked like me

"Guys what if it's Ken?" I asked feeling my stomach churn at the thought of him coming back so soon

"You won't know till you answer it"Jade said

"Okay then here goes nothing"

Pressing accept I heard a female voice and instantly calmed down."Hello am I speaking with Miss Hernandez?"

"Yes this is her how may I help you?"I replied

"I'm calling from The Ealwood Jewellery Companies about how your interview went,she paused.We are pleased to inform you that you got the job and will be expected first thing Monday morning at exactly seven am not a minute or a second late."

I can't believe this...

"Thank you so much, I'll be there ma'am"

She hanged up. I jumped up and started doing a victory dance while the guys just stared at me clueless

"Okay either you got the job or you found yourself some cute boyfriend"Blair said

I was only smiling at them while fist bumping air

"Oh come one Es spill"Jade scowled

"Alright sheesh,I got the job am getting in on Monday."I squealed


Jade and Blair got up and started screaming with me while Charles blocked his ears from all the screaming

"We should celebrate,drinks on me"

"No more booze Blair,I can't take it anymore ,I gotta clean this place up get my things ready and call my moms."I said getting up

"So I'm gonna need you guys go away"

"Argh rude much it's still Saturday"Blair grunted

"No just go I'm gonna call you later,I wanna be as ready for this job and I can get I can't afford to mess up."

"Alright Es,Just don't forget to call and be safe"Charles said hugging me

"Thanks Charles"

"Bye boo"Jade and Blair hugged me while I kissed both their cheeks

"Get home safe"I shouted when they got in Charles's car

Now to figure things out here. I can't believe it I really got the job. I'm finally a personal assistant is some huge company huh. That reminds me I'll be working for Miss Grumpy Athena. I suddenly shuddered at the thought of her hazel eyes piercing holes in my soul

Shaking the thought away I picked my phone up and called my mom Lilith

She picked up at the first ring."Hola mi princesa, how'd it go?"

"Hola mamá,¿Cómo etas?I got the job mamà I can't believe it. I shrieked

"I knew you could do it mi pequeña, ¿Escuchaste que Lexi?Es said she got the job"

"I'm proud of you baby"I heard my mom from the kitchen I assumed shouting back

"Okay mamà I gotta go prepare everything I may need. Talk to you later. I love you and mom. Adiós."

"Take care my princess,we love you more."

Going back upstairs I decided to start picking up a suitable outfit. I should go shopping sometime I'm in need of more work clothing.

After some minutes of rummaging through my closet I got some blue pencil skirt with a slit that goes really great with my white polka-dotted shirt

"You sure you ain't trying to impress a certain someone at work Es?"

I heard Laylani again. Sighing I decided to ignore her knowing arguing with her would be pointless

"Hello....am talking to you Es.. you're just ignoring me because you know I'm right."she snickered

"What do you want Laylani just go away and I'm not trying to impress someone I'm only trying to look professional."

"Professional my ass"

"What ass?That flat out board?"

"Damn that's rude even for you Es"she pouted

"Serves you right now let me be."

"Yeah yeah whatever...bye asshole"she said lowly

Finally she can be a piece of work really. Now to get some groceries from the store.I decided to shop early not knowing how long is spend in the office with Miss Grumpy I may be coming late so I'd rather have some fruits I can munch on when I come home late

Locking my door I walked to the grocery store which was only ten minutes away from home

"Hey Greg"I greeted the old man I grew so fond of over the years

"Hello little Es,how is weather?"

"Awesome real awesome Greggy but I must be on my way"

"Take care"

"You too Greg"I waved and went on my way

With the sun shining that bright I feel like things are finally looking up my way

I just hope this is not calm before the storm