

Fast cars, everywhere they go.

Regan climbed out of the black car with Letty, looking around.

They made their way to the beach. Regan sat on the chair, adjusting the straps to her yellow bikini. She watched Ramsey as the boys talked about her- seeing how her curly hair laid perfectly, how good the black bikini looked on her, how the strings to her bottoms hit against her thigh.

Regan looked down at her chest and sighed. Tej was eyeing another girl and it bugged Rae. Then, it bugged her that it was bugging her.

"Now that is a woman that's worth falling out of a plane for." Tej said. Roman smacked his chest.

"Your girl is right there." Roman told him.

Rae shook her head. "Not his girl anymore."

Regan stood, making her way away from them.

"Wait, Rae." Brian called, going to catch up with his sister. "What did you mean?"

"We broke up." Rae answered, looking at the sand.

"When?" Bri asked.

"The morning the house blew up." She answered. "I was on my way to tell you, but-"

"You're serious?" He asked. She nodded. "Why?"

"I'm too young, Bri." She answered. "Age. I mean, I just turned 21. We were together for four years and it bothers him now?"

"That's bullshit." Brian shouted, walking away from her. Regan ran back to him, stopping in front of him.

"Promise me." She said.


"Promise me you aren't going over there to lose your shit." She clarified.

"I promise." He replied.

"Promise me you aren't going over there to tell Dom so he loses his shit."

Brian's shoulders dropped. "I promise."

"Great." Regan replied. "I'm going with you."

They made it over there just as Ramsey was.

"You sold it?" They heard Ramsey asked.

"You hear that?" Letty asked Dom.

"I think we all did." Regan said, making her way up the stairs.

"I asked you to take care of it." Ramsey said. "Why on earth would you sell it?"

"We're gonna need it back." Dom told Ramsey's friend.

"Impossible." He replied.

"Safar, I- I stashed something inside it. It's important." Ramsey explained.

"Okay." Safar replied. "Okay. Uh, good news. It is safe."

"And the bad news?" Ramsey asked.

"It is very safe."

"Well, shit." Regan muttered.

"I sold it to the prince living up there, a trust fund billionaire. Said he wanted to use it for his supercar." Safar explained.

"Now see, this? This I like." Roman said. "Billionaire, supercar..."

"Hush, Roman." Regan replied.

"What makes it so super?" Ramsey asked.

"242 mile per hour top speed." Safar answered. "And it's bulletproof."

"242?" Rome asked. "Am I the only one aroused right now?"

"Usually." Rae answered.

"It's like- you know what I'm saying? Whoo-hoo. Whatever." Roman said. Regan shook her head.

"Where does he keep it?" Dom asked.

"In his penthouse. Tower number one." Safar answered.

"Poor thing's gotta be like a caged animal up there." Rae said.

"Why the hell would he keep his car in his penthouse?" Tej asked.

"He's a billionaire, my friend. He can do whatever he wants." Safar answered. "Now, tomorrow happens to be the longest day of the year. The prince wants to celebrate it, host a party tomorrow afternoon."

"So you can get us up there, right?" Brian asked.

"Sure, but, uh...not dressed like that." Safar answered.

They all walked down the stairs in a line, dresses flowing with the breeze. 

Regan felt really fucking weird in the dress. It was smooth and comfortable, but not her thing. 

They telling me they party like this everyday. On this level, they party every day. Roman said. 

"Wouldn't you?" Regan asked as she stood beside Letty. She talked into her champagne glass. 

This is crazy. I might have to move out here. I think I'm gonna start a new culture. It's called 'Blarab'. You know, like black Arab? 

How we looking, Tej? Dom asked. They all ignored Roman. 

We're almost in position. Okay, so this is how it works. We gotta move in sync is we're gonna pull this off, so let's go over it to make sure everyone clearly understands their roles. Roman, that means you. 

You know what? You're being real unprofessional right now, Tej. 

The God's Eye chip is hidden in a speed drive installed in the prince's car, which he keeps in a safe room vault. Tej said. 

Now, I make eight to ten plainclothes security. Brian announced. 

Not to mention the prince and his personal bodyguards. Dom added. 

Security cameras are clustered by the north wall. That's where the vault is. Brian said. 

So to get into that vault, we gotta tap into the security system, which can be accessed in the prince's bedroom. Tej said. 

Letty and Regan finished off their drinks. All right, guys, we're going in. 

"Excuse me." Letty said, as they walked up to a guard. "Oh, I was just looking for-" 

"The party is that way." The guard said. 

"What?" Letty asked. 

"This room is off-lim-" 

She'd knocked him out quicker than Rae could process. "I should've been locked on that bus with you." 

Letty smiled, getting the keycard off the guard, opening the door and pulling him in. Regan shut the door behind them. 

Once we're tapped in, Ramsey and I can hack into the network and pop the door so you can get in and get that shit. Tej said. 

Wait, wait, wait. You missed a step. Roman stopped him. What about my steps? What am I supposed to be doing? 

No, we didn't miss anything. You're special teams. So when we need you, do what you do best. Shine brightly like only Roman Pearce can do. Tej replied. 

See, now we're talking. 

All right, Tej. We're in. Letty said. 

All right, find the phone jack. The tap always runs behind that. 

"Got it." Rae told Letty.

It's gonna be a 350 megahertz CAT 5e cable. They probably got a couple dozen back there, but this'll be the bonded pair with the plenum coat. 

Letty got down, pulling out her knife. She pulled the covering off. "English, Tej." 

"It'll be the orange wire." 

It'll be the orange wire. 

They'd said it in unison, which made Rae quickly shut her mouth, looking at the floor. Letty offered a soft smile before she cut the orange wire 

All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are in the pilot seat. All right, Roman. 

It's your birthday, right? Are you Jasmine? They heard Roman said. 

"Oh, God." Rae muttered. 

Not the birthday routine. 

Take my hand. Happy birthday to you. This way, this way. Excuse me. So sorry. I'm coming through. Sorry. Right this way. 

"I've heard enough." Rae said. She looked around the room. White and gold décor. 

When she put the earpiece back in, she heard Ramsey. 

You're in.

"Great, so we're almost done." Regan smiled at Letty. 

"You wanna talk?" She asked Rae. 

"Now?" Regan replied. 

Letty nodded, pulling the ear piece out. 

"Now isn't the time-" Rae started. 

"Okay, let's get out of here then. But you will be telling me later." She replied. 

Regan nodded, following her to the door. When she opened it, there were 4 bodyguards. The one in front looked down at the guard on the floor. 

"Would you believe I knocked him out with my charm?" Letty asked. 

"You ain't that charming, bitch." The body guard replied. 

"I beg to differ." Regan stood in front of Letty. 

She quickly went to slam the doors, the guards getting through before she could. They kicked Regan into Letty, both girls stumbling as they continued to kick at them. 

"Look familiar?" Regan asked. 

Regan watched as Letty was thrown over the couch. She moved quickly, roundhousing on guard into the pillar behind her. She kept her right foot in the air, pushing up on her left to lift herself up, spinning. The one thing she'd learned from Riley. She spun, throwing her left foot out towards another guard. She landed, noticing Letty had held herself just fine. She threw one guard into the glass table, sending her heel between the legs of another. Regan noticed the third one coming up behind her, jumping over the couch. She was quick to connect her fist with the guards jaw, quickly leaving the two in a close combat. She threw out her elbow, straight to the face of the guard. Letty finished off the one on the table as Regan did her final spinning kick, sending the guard falling over the stairs. Rae pulled down the curtain, letting the rod hit her. 

Letty clipped her hair back as she walked to the main bodyguard. 

"Thank God you showed up. These parties bore me to death." 

She jumped off the stairs, straight for Letty. She hit her, throwing Letty back into a chair. Regan threw her fists up, dodging and delivering hits as best as she could. The guard kicked her into a table as Letty made her way back. Letty grabbed a vase, breaking it over the guards head. As Regan slid off the table, the guard picked Letty up and threw her through the lattice wall. Rae took two steps forward, lifting her left leg to send her heel into the back of the guard. She fell forward, making it pretty easy for Regan to punch her jaw. She lifted Rae like she had Letty, throwing her in the opposite direction. A squeal left Regan's mouth. They went around the room as Regan struggled to get up. Once the guard was on top of Letty, she found it easier. She pulled herself up, taking a running start before tackling her guard off of Letty. Rae only got a few hits in before she was thrown off again. Letty took her place, straddling the guard. She pushed Letty off of her, wrapping her legs around her neck. Letty pulled her knife out, stabbing her thigh. She kicked Letty off of her. They held each other by the neck as they made their way out of the room.

"Little help here, Rae." Letty called.  

Regan pushed herself up, following after. She tried to get in the middle, the guard grabbing her hair. The three of them wrestled around the hallway, bumping each other into walls, pushing and grabbing at each other. There was one particularly hard shove, sending the three of them over the railing. They landed on the DJ table. 

"Letty, Regan, talk to me. Are you okay?" Roman asked. 

Letty rolled over to face Regan as Rae did the same. The pain coursing through her body was unimaginable. She felt like she couldn't breathe. 

"Regan?" Roman called again. "Letty?" 

Their eyes were glossed over as their mouths were wide open. Her back arched instinctively in an attempt to subside the pain. Roman pulled both the girls up. 

"Go!" He yelled as Shaw walked in with a gun. "Stay with me. I got you." He told them as they rounded a corner.

"There they are." Safar said. "Disaster." 

"I'm sorry." Ramsey replied. 

"I get you an invite to the most exclusive party in Abu Dhabi." 

"Safar, I-" Ramsey started. 

"No, no, no. You steal the host's car, and you jump it between two buildings." Safar stopped her.

"Actually, it was three buildings." Brian corrected.  

"Oh, two, insult. Three, honor. My bad." Safar replied. 

"Business is business." Rae said. 

"Well, well, well. I have to say you've got an interesting interpretation there of low-key, Mr. Toretto. You know, Dom, I thought we had an understanding." Mr. Nobody walked in. 

"Sometimes you have to play the hand you're dealt." Dom replied. 

"Well, that's why I prefer to be the dealer. Goodnight." He looked over at Safar. 

"Kicked out of my own garage. This is great." He muttered as he left. 

"May I?" Mr. Nobody asked. 

"Brian." Dom called. "Give it to him." 

Brian hesitated before stepping forward. He handed him the chip. 

"All that trouble for this little...thing. With all due respect, Dom, you really did great work back there. All of you. All of my men are now standing by and are fully at your disposal. Your call." He handed him back the chip. 

"Ramsey." Dom called. He handed her the chip. "Fire it up and find me Shaw." 

She took the chip, walking over to the nearest computer.