
Pure Manipulation - MHA Fanfic (On Hold)

Takuya Yamashita never knew his parents, but he did know his family. He was adopted from the hospital he was born in and has lived with his adoptive mother for as long as he can remember. However, since he was adopted they have no idea what his quirk could be. Takuya learns his quirk, trains, and enrolls in UA High. He will become a hero. He will find his parents. He will make friends and enemies. One of the first fanfics I've ever made so might not be very good at first. But I promise I'll do my best to make reading an enjoyable experience. I don't own anything but some original characters like Takuya, so yeah. Enjoy P.S. This fanfic is currently on hold and I won't be writing nearly at all, if any.

NephHarris · Komik
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5 Chs

End of Exams & Beginning of Class

Takuya After a few minutes could move his legs again. He pushed Mineta off of him and stood up. He looked down at Mineta who had all the color drained from his face. He just stared blankly in the distance.

"I should be dead." He looked at Takuya,

"Am I dead?" Takuya slowly raised his hand and facepalmed, embarrassed for the boy,

"No, you aren't dead. Get up, I think the exam is over."

Takuya lifted Mineta by his arm and they started walking to the head of the zero-pointer. Just as they arrived they saw Tamaki exiting through a narrow hole leading through the center.

"It takes a while to cut through this metal. It was really tiring."

Takuya looked at Tamaki who was no longer a cloud of fog. He had rust colored hair and grey eyes. He walked up to them.

"Do you think you got enough points?" He looked at Takuya.

"I should have. It felt like I took out a fourth of all the enemies. You?"

"I feel pretty much the same." They both slowly looked to Mineta.

"Mineta?" Takuya asked. Mineta slowly looked at him,

"I think I did. The task was just to stop the robots, not destroy them. So with my balls I can just get them stuck and I should get points."

It seemed like Mineta had revived a little. Just then A small old lady walked up to them.

"Are any of you injured?"

They all shook their heads. Takuya was still a little numb, but he wouldn't call it an injury.

"Good, then all of you should head towards the exit of the battle center. The practical exam is over."

They all started walking back to the entrance they ran in through. The didn't really talk and just left. Once they got to the bus they all got on. Takuya sat next to Tamaki this time. Tamaki asked a little about Takuya's quirk. Takuya decided not to tell him the whole truth as they had just met.

"I can manipulate the muscles in my body, I don't know how it works, it just does."

Tamaki noting that Takuya didn't seem like he wanted to talk, didn't ask anything else. The bus got back to the school and everyone got out. They all changed and went home.


One week later -

Takuya was home alone while his mom was at work. She worked for some kind of support gear development company. She didn't develop anything though, she just worked there.

He had been waiting for the letter with the results of the exams. He thought he would get in, the written exam was relatively easy and during the practical exam he should have gotten tons of points.

He heard a clang from his door. He got up and walked over. He pulled open his door's mail slide and pulled out a letter. It had a wax "UA" seal. It was weird that it made a metallic clank though. Takuya didn't really care. He ran over to his couch and sat down. He broke the seal and opened the letter. Inside there was a metal disk. He pulled it out and set it on the table in front of him. Just as he went to see if there was anything else in the envelope he heard a voice.

"I am here as a projection!"

Takuya quickly looked up surprised. There was a behemoth of a man with slick yellow hair. He had the biggest smile Takuya could say he had ever seen. It was the number one hero, All Might.

"That's right. I, All Might, am going to be a teacher at UA this year."

Takuya looked at All Might surprised. It was strange that the number one hero would work as a high school, even if it was UA.

"I am here to present the results of the exams to you. Young Yamashita, you, my boy, have done exceedingly well for yourself on the exams. On the written exam, you easily passed with a grade of 87%, fairly high even for the passing students. On the practical exam you achieved a remarkable 59 villain points."

Takuya was happy that he passed but was a little confused as to why he called them villain points rather than just points.

"However, that's not all. Of course, there is more than just taking out villains to being a hero. So how can a hero course reject people who save other and do the right thing? Call that lip service? Bring it on! This is a job that requires risking one's life to put that lip service into practice! Rescue Points!

The camera shifted from All Might to a neon board with a list of names. Other than the name there were two columns that were labeled: "Villain" and "Rescue".

"And they're given by a panel of judges. It's the other basic ability we at UA look at!"

The recording shifted views to a panel of hands raising numbered signs. Then it went back to the neon board.

"Takuya Yamashita, 50 points! You pass at the top of the board! Come, young Yamashita! This is your hero academia!"

After showing the board with Takuya at the top with 53 villain and 50 rescue points, it went back to All Might. Then the recording ended. Takuya looked back to the envelope and found a slip of paper with a list of supplies, some kind of syllabus, and the list of students from the hologram.


April -

Takuya had gotten everything he needed for school and was nearly ready to go. He decided that he would get up earlier than needed as he lived relatively far away and wanted to take his time getting there. He wrote a note to his mom telling her he left early. She got home later most days and slept for a while.

He walked all the way to the school. Most of the way to UA he didn't see anyone other than workers who must have to show up early. Eventually, once he got close to the school, he started seeing other students who wanted to come early. He walked up to the doors of the school and entered. He quickly checked a paper in his pocket.

'Class 1-A, easy to remember.'

He started walking around until he saw a huge door with a sign near the top. "1-A" He walked up to the door and pulled it open. There were only a few seats filled. One of the students there before him had hair that was two colors, red and white. There was also a girl with a massive black ponytail. Lastly, there was an excited boy in the front staring at him, fluttering his eyes. The boy had blonde hair.

Takuya walked to the back of the classroom and took a seat on the left side. Then he waited for more students to show up. He wanted Tamaki to be in his class as he seemed like a decent person. He felt a little less desperate for Mineta, he was an okay person from what he could tell, but he was pretty annoying.

Over time students started to show up and one with spiked blonde hair began arguing with the stuck-up one from before the exams. They were yelling about having feet on the desk or something along those line. Eventually only two seats remained. Neither Mineta nor Tamaki ever showed up. Then the door started to open again and Takuya glanced up hoping for Tamaki. Instead there was a shorter boy with messy green hair. He began to look back down when the stuck-up student quickly ran over to the green-haired one.

The stuck-up student went to introduce himself as Iida. Then the green-haired boy said his name was Midoriya. Iida went on to ask how Midoriya knew about the rescue points before anyone else. Takuya was interested to know how as well. The Midoriya said that he didn't know and that it was just a coincidence. Just then it seemed like a girl started saying something from behind Midoriya. Takuya couldn't see her but also didn't really care. It seemed like neither Tamaki nor Mineta would be in his class.

He went back to just sitting there looking at each of the students in his class individually. He had decided that he didn't really like Iida or the boy he was arguing with before. He could hear quiet mumbling from outside the door and everyone got quit slowly. He could then hear something like a zipper. A tired looking man walked into the room.

"I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you."

After that, Aizawa Sensei told them all to put on gym uniforms and head outside. Takuya went with all the other students while not talking to anyone. Once the whole class was outside Aizawa told them that they were going to do a quirk assessment test. The girl who was last to arrive at school asked,

"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?"

Aizawa without looking at her said,

"If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. UA's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are."

While looking over his shoulder back at the girl he continued,

"That's also how the teachers run their classes. You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right? Physical fitness test where you weren't allowed to use your Quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their Quirks. Its not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating. Yamashita, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right?"

Aizawa looked at Takuya.

"Yes, I did."

"In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?"

"Around 70 meters."

"Then try doing it with your Quirk."

Takuya walked through the students in front of him and into a chalked out circle with white chalk lines leading outwards attached. Once he was ready Aizawa continued,

"You can do whatever you want as long as stay in the circle. Hurry up, give it everything you've got."

Takuya felt the ball in his hands and got a firm grip. Good thing he had been training for so long. Even better throwing a ball was included in that training. He took a step back and got comfortable. He stepped with one leg forward and used his quirk to throw the ball as hard as he could, trying to get a good 45 degree angle.

The ball shot through the air at an alarming speed. He hadn't thrown that fast before. After the practical exam he hadn't really used his quirk at all until now. Maybe something changed.

The air could be seen rippling in waves as the ball continued to fly upward. Then it started to slow its incline and started to descend. After it hit the ground Takuya heard a beep coming from Aizawa's hand. He looked over to see Aizawa showing the class the result.

"812 meters."

Takuya looked at the result in surprise. The farthest he had thrown with his quirk before was only around 730. Everyone started to talk excitedly about using their quirks on the tests and having fun. Aizawa seemed to dislike the fact that they thought it was for fun and added a twist.

"All right. Whoever comes last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."