
Practical Exam

Takuya was ahead of the pack. There were dozens of students behind him running as fast as they could. If they didn't get enough points then they wouldn't get into UA, and there were only so many enemies to get the points from. So it was important to get to the enemies as fast as you could. That didn't bother Takuya at the moment though. He was focused on figuring out how he would manage to take out a faux villain. Sure, he could just punch or kick it, but would he be strong enough to take it out. Even if he did, would he be able to handle the pain of attacking metal and still go on to do it again and again.

The urban battle center looked just like a modern city, except for one thing, there were no people. There were street lamps, traffic lights, and even shrubbery all around the pretend city. The buildings were just as tall as real ones. The streets were even painted with white lines. Even little empty stores were scattered around. There were even huge robots just like normal...

'An enemy!'

Takuya looked right at the dark green robot and prepared himself. He focused hard and shot forward. Just before he slammed into the robot he jumped and pointed himself like a rocket at the center of the faux villain. His drop kick landed, hard. Takuya hit the robot and bounced off and hit the ground. He looked up to see a massive dent in the front of the green enemy. It stopped moving and slumped a small bit. He seemed to have taken it out. However, he knew he couldn't do that for all of them. He didn't have nearly enough energy.

He started running at another undamaged robot as he saw the other students catch up to him and the mechanical villains. One examinee's arm turned into a long metal blade. It cut through one of the faux villains, though it seemed to catch a small bit on the way out. A large chunk of metal landed on the ground beside him. He kept attacking the robot.

Takuya, while running, looked at the chunk of metal and decided to try something. He turned a small bit and ran straight at the other student.

"I'm just gonna borrow this. Thanks!."

He stopped himself suddenly and slid on the ground while grabbing the chunk of robot. He had to be as fast as possible. He quickly got up and was running toward his original destination again. This time however he wound up his arm and threw the chunk hard at the head of the one-point-villain. It worked better than he could have imagined. The piece of metal knocked the robot's head clean off.


He never stopped running and reached the broken machine in no time at all. He grabbed both the chunk and the broken head and kept going. He got to another faux villain and launched the scrap. Two more points. He found another robot and threw the head. Three more points. He kept going on and on like this until he had more points than he had been able to keep track of. Just in case though he made sure not to stop. One more point. Two more points. One more points. Three more points.

He heard a scream. He thought it was a girl. He quickly stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.

One massive faux villain had just turned onto the street. It was as tall as the buildings around them, maybe even taller. It seemed to look straight at them. Then it started moving.

Many of the students started to run onto different streets connecting to the main one. Takuya continued to look straight at the zero-pointer, the obstacle. He then looked down near its feet to see the boy he sat next to on the bus here, Mineta. He must have a really girly scream.

Takuya without thinking ran straight towards Mineta and the huge green robot. On the way he noticed someone running beside him. Or maybe floating? There was a translucent boy in a cloud of fog flowing quickly towards the robot. They both got to Mineta at the same time.

"Why didn't you run?" The fog boy asked.

"I CAN'T!" Mineta shouted.

Takuya looked Mineta over and noticed his foot was trapped under the arm of one of the faux villains. It couldn't have been that heavy and all Mineta had to do was lift it a little to slide his foot out.

"Why didn't you just move the arm?" Takuya asked.

"I CAN'T!"

Takuya looked at Mineta unimpressed. He really couldn't even slide the arm of his leg. Takuya got closer and gentle kicked the arm and it slid off easily.

"Wow... That's just sad."

"SHUT UP! AND WHAT ABOUT HIM!" Mineta screamed while pointing at the massive robot.

It was nearly on them and Takuya didn't think that Mineta would be able to out run it, and he really didn't want to carry him.

"Why don't we just destroy it?"

Takuya and Mineta both looked at the fog boy.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Mineta was still yelling.

"No, we just have to tip it over somehow and then we hit its head really hard."

Takuya looked back at the quickly approaching machine and asked Mineta and the fog boy,


First the fog boy answered and then Mineta.

"Rustic Fog, I can emit oxidizing fog that rusts most iron based materials, like the faux villains."

"Pop Off, I have little balls on my head that stick to things."

At least Mineta wasn't screaming anymore. Takuya thought for a short while before deciding on a plan.

"Okay, so Mineta will use as many balls as he can to stick the zero-pointer's leg to the ground. Then, I'll try and throw you up to the joint and you can rust the leg. Hopefully, the leg will split when it tries to move. And once it falls, I'll smash it's head with this."

Takuya picked up the leg that Mineta was stuck under.


The fog boy nodded. Takuya looked at Mineta and waited for a second before the purple-haired boy finally gave in and nodded as well.

"Let's go."

All three of them ran towards the giant robot that was quickly approaching. Once they were all at the base of it's left leg Mineta started sticking balls anywhere he could. He got about 15 to 20 down when his head started bleeding. Takuya not waiting any longer got on one knee and put his hands out. The fog boy stepped onto his hands and was thrown straight up to the leg joint. Takuya from where he was could see the green slowly turn brown and flake. Then, just as planned, when the massive robot tried to move the flaking brown cracked loudly and snapped. It began to fall onto its side.

Takuya was watching when he heard another girly scream. He looked to where Mineta was and saw that the zero-pointer was just about to crush him. He quickly burst forward, grabbed Mineta, and started to jump as hard as he could back. He probably wasn't going to make it. The robot was too big. Then, when he pushed off from the ground he shot back at an alarming speed. He flew backward nearly 30 feet and slid against the ground for another 5 feet or so. His legs felt like they were asleep. He had a pins and needles sensation from his waist down.

"You okay?" The fog boy ran up to him and Mineta.

"Yeah, but I might need you to deal with the robot. I don't think I can stand right now."

"I can do that, just make sure that you get checked out later." The boy began to walk away.

"What's your name? I'm Takuya Yamashita." The boy looked back at him and started walking backwards.

"Tamaki Hiroyuki." He turned around and continued running toward the robots head to finish it off.

I hope you liked the chapter. I haven't written anything like this before but had a fun time.

NephHarriscreators' thoughts
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