
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Komik
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53 Chs

Chapter 43

After a deep sleep, when Evan woke up the sky was already filled with full of stars.

"Are you awake?" Steven asked looking at his younger brother who used to follow him around when he was still a child with a nostalgic feeling.

"Ah!! Brother, why are you here!!" Evan's eyes brightens instantly looking at his brother, Evan always admired Steven since young whether it was in the past or even now.

"Of course I am here to support and cheer for my little brother!! Why? Am I not Welcome?!" Steven said playfully.

"That's not what I mean, anyway stop treating me like a child, I've grown up I even won the Grand festival and became a top coordinator" Evan responded to Steven's playful tease.

"Anyway how long are you staying?" Evan asked again.

"Well, maybe until the end of the conference" Steven responded as he stood up and stroked his belly "I'm hungry, I haven't eaten anything since afternoon!"

"You should take care of yourself, why we're you starving yourself let's go eat something first!!" Evan frowned and pulled Steven away to the restaurant.

"Well I've been craving for your food, could you cook something tomorrow Evan?" Steven asked Evan with a childish expression.

"Alright but stuff yourself with restaurant's food for tonight"

Fortunately during the conference, many of the restaurants does not close at night, and the two ate their dinner casually and came back to the contestant's dormitory.

After getting up early in the morning, Evan made breakfast for Steven who was craving for his food.

"Mmm~ Delicious! As expected Evan's food is the best!" Steven complimented as he ate his breakfast.

"Well thank you brother! So I heard you are preparing to challenge brother Wallace for the title" As they ate their breakfast Evan asked Steven.

"Well that's right but not right now, I want to enjoy my life first, once I successfully earn Champion title I wouldn't be able to enjoy my freedom" Steven responded.

"Well it's not even sure you can win the Championship brother" Evan said as he looked at his confident brother.

"Huh!! Do you think I'm weaker than Wallace, if not for my interest Champion title would've been mine all along" Steven retorted to Evan's doubtful question.

Evan giggles as he looked at his flustered brother.

After chatting with each other, Evan and Steven went to the Pokémon center to see the pairings for his second qualifier round.

After confirming the opponent at the Pokémon center, Evan and Steven found Ash and his friends at the Pokémon center.

"Good morning Evan, I've already won my second round for the qualifiers now it's your turn!" Ash said with his nose up.

"Then I'll have to work hard in order to not be left behind" Evan responded to Ash.

Afterwards Evan came to the sub-stadium for his second qualifier round, Evan's opponent was already waiting for him.

"Both the pairings are on the field, let the second qualifier round begin!"

"Let's have a good match!" The girl in the opposite ring waved at Evan happily.

Evan nodded for her goodwill.

"The beautiful sister opposite to Evan is called Lara and she's beautiful I want to cheer up for her!" Sitting in the audience seat Brock immediately betrayed Evan.

"Let's go beat him up, Arcanine! Riolu!" Lara on the opposite side directly send out his Pokémon.

"Blaziken! Milotic! I choose you!" Evan chose two of his strong Pokémon.

"Way to go Evan!" Ash cheered for Ash excitedly.

"Arcanine use flame thrower against Blaziken and Riolu use quick attack against Milotic!" The girl who looked gentle, her battling style was fierce.

"Blaziken dodge and use Overheat against Riolu! Milotic use twister!" Evan didn't give the slightest chance to Lara for the opportunity.

Blaziken stomped on the ground with its strong legs and leaped out wrapping it's leg with raging flames and Milotic twister sent back Riolu backward.

Just went Riolu safely landed, Blaziken's overheat hit Riolu and he flew backwards again.

Evan smiled and thought to himself 'although Riolu is cherished with love, his strength was quite weak.

"Milotic! Use Iron tail on Riolu! Blaziken use Sky upoercut on Arcanine!" Evan commanded with no remorse.

Blaziken then charged towards Arcanine very fast.

"Riolu! Arcanine! Dodge!!" Lara was shocked to see the pace of the battle was faster than she imagined.

"Dodge?" Evan could only say that she was naive, with Blaziken's acceleration characteristic with its current speed unless Arcanine use Extreme speed move, they wouldn't be able to Dodge it at all.

On the other side, Milotic's tail was already engulfed in white light and it already reached Riolu. Riolu was stunned just by looking at it Evan could tell that Riolu doesn't have enough combat experience.

Boom! With a muffled sound Riolu was directly slammed down on the ground, on the other side Arcanine was also punched by it's sky uppercut into the sky.

"Evan is too unsympathetic towards his opponent!" Brock complained while staring at Lara's Pokémon who was lying on the ground.

"Riolu and Arcanine is unable to battle, the winner is Evan Stone!" The official referee announced the results.

"Yes Evan did it he won this battle easily!" Ash complimented and Steven nodded at the side looking at his little brother won the match easily.

After the match, Evan, Steven and his friends spent went to the shopping street of the conference,eating and shopping various things to prepare for lunch.

Then Evan,Steven and his friends came back to the dormitory building and started cooking while Brock helped Evan.

While Evan meticulously prepared dinner, Steven and the others waited for the lunch watching Tv.

"What's for lunch little chef!" Steven asked Evan expectantly.

"Cream stewed vegetables and steak!" Evan responded to Steven with a smile.

"The relationship between you siblings are good!" Brock praised their brotherly bonding.

"Yup! I admire brother Steven since I was a child!" Evan responded to Brock.

"Your performance in the morning was good!" Steven praised Evan as he ate his lunch.

"Well thanks brother but I still have a long way to go!" Evan responded indifferently.

"Yes Evan your battle was cool!" Max praised Evan excitedly.

After having lunch, Evan and his friends left the dormitory to head to the stadium for Ash's last qualifier battle.

In the last qualifier round, Ash met an opponent from Johto region wearing a scarf and a baton, He uses Charizard and Quilava.

And Ash chose to use Glalie and Sceptile, which defeated the so called 'conductor' trainer easily.

After Ash won his last qualifier round, he successfully entered Victory tournament. Soon Morrison who is Ash's fated rival in the anime also won his last qualifier round successfully entering the Victory tournament.

"Now only Evan's last qualifier match left!" Everyone looked at Evan.

"Why are you all staring at me like that?!! Don't worry I'll be doing fine!" After saying those words Evan took out his Luxury ball and walked towards the stadium for his last qualifier round.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is the last match of the qualifier round between Evan Stone from Rustboro city and Asher from a distant Kalos region" The referee announced.

"Oh from Kalos region?" Steven sat up straight and look forward to the match.

"Garchomp, Chesnaught, come out!" Asher send out his Pokémon. Evan noticed key stone on Asher's scarf.

"Oh he got a key stone!" Evan said to himself

"Alright Milotic, Blaziken i choose you!" Although Garchomp was a quasi legend Pokémon Evan got level advantage against Garchomp who was at the Late Elite stage, so he didn't reveal his Salamence, as for Deoxys and Rayquaza they are for emergency.

"Let's the battle begins!" The referee ordered as soon as they sent out their Pokémon.

As soon as they heard referee's order Evan and Asher acted at the same time .



"Mega evolve!" ×2

Then the gene light started to connect with Evan's earring and Milotics necklace, on the other hand Garchomp and Asher is also engulfed in dazzling gene light.After the light dispersed a handsome Mega Garchomp and Mega Milotic appeared, Garchomp who was in its Late Elite stage upgraded to Early King stage after mega evolution but still Milotic still got one level ahead of Garchomp.

[ Pokémon:Garchomp(mega form)

Level:Early King]


Level:Mid Elite]

Evan stared at his opponent then nodded because he was still a level ahead of him.

"Garchomp use dragon breathbreath on Milotic! And Chesnaught hammer arm on Blaziken!" Asher gave out his command.

"Milotic block Garchomp with dragon breath too! Blaziken dodge and then Blaze kick" Evan didn't hesitate and ordered directly to counter Asher's Pokémon.

Blaziken dodged the attack and kicked Chesnaught and it was super effective against it.On the other hand Milotic also held on Garchomp's attack.

"Milotic use ice beam on Garchomp! And Blaziken use flame thrower on Chesnaught!" Evan gave out his next order without any hesitation calmly.

"Garchomp!! " Garchomp got hit by ice beam which was super effective against the Dragon and ground attribute,then Garchomp shook his head and stood up again.

On the other side Blaziken was using flame thrower against Chesnaught but was countered by mud shot.

"Milotic now attack with aqua tail! and Blaziken sky uppercut on Chesnaught!"

"Garchomp use dragon pulse and Chesnaught dodge!" Garchomp countered Milotic but for Chesnaught it was already too late to dodge and Chesnaught was sent flying to sky by sky uppercut falling to the ground.

Even after sky uppercut successfully hit, Chesnaught shook it's head and stood up again.

"The starter Pokémon of Kalos is remarkable, it got a tough defense there" Steven noticed Chesnaught's defense and nodded.

"That guy named Asher and his Pokémon is amazing, I would like to visit Kalos region!" Ash fighting spirit lit up seeing Evan and Asher battling.

Evan and Asher had a stalement for a long time, in the neither of them suceeded in breaking through the defense of each other, so they distanced themselves.

"Chesnaught use spikes! And Garchomp use Dragon claw on Blaziken!" Asher gave his order again.

"Milotic use safeguard and Blaziken dodge it quick attack!" Milotic successfully protect themselves from spikes, Evan felt uneasy he had lost sight of Mega Garchomp.

And Evan's instinct was right Garchomp slammed down Garchomp with its Dragon claw attack.

"Blaziken are you alright?" "Blaziken~" Blaziken nodded expressing that he was okay.

"Good, then Blaziken now full power overheat on Chesnaught! Milotic use charm on Garchomp!" After knowing that Blaziken was okay Evan directly issued his next move.

Bang! Overheat engulfed Chesnaught finally loosing it's able to fight. On the other hand Milotic's charm was avoided using dig, hitting Blaziken and knocking him out.

Now both Asher and Evan has only one Pokémon,Mega Garchomp and Mega Milotic.

"Alright Garchomp use dragon claw on Milotic!"

"Quick use draining kiss Milotic!" Draining kiss was directly effective on mega Garchomp who was rushing towards Mega Milotic but stopped after being hit with draining kiss.

"Good job Milotic now end it with Ice beam!" "Mmmmmii~" Ice beam hit mega Garchomp who was in daze directly freezing it and it came back to his normal from his mega form, thus making Evan won his last qualifier match and successfully advancing to Victory tournament.

It was a pity that Asher met Evan he could've go all the way in the tournament. Asher took back his Pokémon and the two walked to the center of the field.

"Congratulations for advancing through the qualifier round to Victory tournament, it was a great battle I would like to battle with you again if there is a chance!" Asher shook hands with Evan as he congratulated him.

"I would like to battle with you again as well, I had fun battling with you today!" Evan responded sincerely, he was indeed strong.

After shooking their hands they bid goodbye and left the sub-stadium.

"Congratulations Evan!" Steven, Ash and the others congratulated Evan.

"Thanks everyone finally the qualier round is over, I will have a good night sleep tonight since tomorrow is a rest day before the main tournament of Ever grande Hoenn league conference." Evan thanked everyone.

"Then Tyson and I am going to eat every food of the conference tomorrow!" May as a foodie immediate made a decision.

"Morrison and I will be doing a special training tomorrow" Ash said.

After planning and suggesting, Evan and Steven bid farewell to the large army of his friends and left with Steven to the dormitory building.

The Victory tournament of the Every Grande Championship,Hoenn league conference will start soon.

~To Be Continued...