
Playing PokeMMO In Another World

Imagine a Guy with barebone knowledge of Pokémon, gets transferred to a World where no one knows about Pokémon And the said World somehow gets connected to a World which is similar to Pokémon Games. Well, This Story is all about that Guy. Introducing Dipper, a normal teen who stumbled upon a game called PokeMMO while watching a short video. Dipper who is neither a Pokémon expert nor had he ever played a Pokémon game other than Pokémon Fire Red was intrigued by the game and chose to give it a try. While Dipper was immersed in the game, a powerful bolt of purple lightning struck his house's roof. Dipper didn't had time to react as he watched lightning tore through the roof of his house and struck him. Waking up after the strike, Dipper finds himself in a completely different world – a world almost identical to his original world. Almost, as nothing related to Pokémon exist in this World, be it Pokémon anime, Pokémon games, or even Pokémon cards. Thinking that this was just a normal world, Dipper went outside only to witness the most unimaginable thing in the sky he could have thought of. "Is that a bird...?" "No, it's a plane...?" "It's a giant Professor Oak." ------------------------------------------------------------ Warning - MC is a noob when it comes to Pokémon, So he will make some choices that you'll expect from someone who is new to Pokémon. ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer - Pokémon and Characters related to Pokémon belongs to there rightful owners. I only own the Characters that I created. ------------------------------------------------------------ I am a new Author, and writing is something new to me. I am writing this fan fiction to gain experience, so please don't expect anything grand from this fan fiction. I am also a student, so updates will not be regular. As I write, I will try to improve the quality of my work. PS - English is not my first language. So please go easy on me. ------------------------------------------------------------ #PokeMMO #PokemonGame #PokemonFanfic #PokeFiction #PokeNovel #PokemonAdventures #PokeStory #PokemonWorlds #PokeJourney #PokemonUniverse #PokeFanFiction #PokemonBlack #PokemonWhite #PokemonPlatinum #PokémonDiamond #PokémonPearl #PokemonSoulSilver #PokemonHeartGold #PokemonEmerald #PokemonRuby #PokemonSapphire #PokemonLeafGreen #PokemonFireRed

DevilHanu · Derivasi dari game
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64 Chs

Ch. 47 - To The Gym

[Lily : My favorite Pokemon that I'd like to have in the real world?]

[Lily : Well, The one that I'd like to have is Squirtle.]

[Lily : Though I have only ever seen it in the artwork made by the players, but I think Squirtle is the cutest of them all.]

[Me : Eh, Lily, Squirtle might be a little tough to get since I don't know its encounter location.]

[Lily : Oh...]

[Me : You know what, I'll get you a cute Pokemon far better than Squirtle.]

[Lily : Really? You'll do that for me?]

[Me : Of course, I'll get you a Pokemon that no one else has discovered yet.]

[Lily : Okay, I'll take you up on that.]

After that, we talked for a long time. I would have talked a lot longer, but I needed to eat something, so I had to hang up to get something to eat.

After eating, I checked the Pokemon Forums to catch up with what was going on around other players.

Scrolling through the headlines, I didn't find much. Many of the articles were about the 'Vermilion City' Gym and 'Route 6'.

While scrolling, I found two particular headlines that finally caught my attention.

[Why is my Kakuna Green?]

I clicked on the headline to read the article.

[Hello Everyone, I am a player from the 'Kanto Region'.. While I was inside 'Viridian Forest', I caught a Weedle.]

[The Weedle that I caught was slightly different in color than the other Weedles that I encountered. At first, I thought that it was normal.]

[But recently after leveling up my Weedle, It evolves into Kakuna. From what I know, Kakuna should be Yellow in color but my Kakuna is Green.]

[I thought that my Kakuna might be sick or that it is a mutant, So I checked it with my PokeDEX, but all I found is that my Kakuna is Shiny.]

[I don't know what Shiny means. It also doesn't mean literally as my Kakuna doesn't shine.]

[Maybe Shiny Pokemon are rare types of Pokemon within a species of Pokemon.]

[Anyway, I am posting this to let others know about Shiny Pokemon and if anyone else also found a Shiny Pokemon]

"So, Players have also found out about Shiny Pokemon, though it was only a matter of time before it happened."

"Since players now know about Shiny Pokemon, I am sure Shiny Hunt will become a thing very soon."

"Maybe I should also try and catch a Shiny Pokemon, I know being Shiny doesn't make them strong but I could sell them for a high price."

After reading the first article, I move on to the next one.

[EMERGENCY : 'Diglett's Cave', A Trap? Updated Guide on 'Diglett's Cave']

[Every player who is planning on going into the 'Diglett's Cave', stop right now.]

[We have come to know that the Pokemon found in 'Diglett's Cave' i.e. Diglett possesses an ability called <Arena Trap>.]

[This ability makes it so that the opponent can't run away from the battle or switch to other Pokemon until the current Pokemon faints.]

[So what does it mean?]

[Well, It means that any player who might encounter a Diglett in the 'Diglett's Cave' will have to defeat it. And based on the average level of Diglett's it might be difficult for many of the players.]

[So, Now you may be wondering, How did other players reach 'Vermilion City'.]

[The answer to that question is Luck, That's right Luck.]

[From the players who reached 'Vermilion City', we found out that most of them didn't encounter any Diglett in the cave.]

[Though some players did encounter Zubats, which is another Pokemon found in 'Diglett's Cave'.]

[There are some players who reached 'Vermilion City' after defeating Diglett because they had type advantage or because they had many Pokemon in their team.]

[Anyway, The point of this article is to inform every player that 'Diglett's Cave' might actually be a Trap.]

[Any player who wants to enter the 'Diglett's Cave' should be prepared to face off against Diglett until they reach the end or their Pokemon faints.]

['Diglett's Cave' is a gamble, you can either be lucky and reach 'Vermilion City' without much trouble or you might encounter a Diglett on every step.]

"Man, And here I thought I was lucky to once cross 'Diglett's Cave' without encountering a Diglett."

"But it is amazing how many of the players reached 'Vermilion City' without encountering a single Diglett."

"Could it be possible that because of the large number of players, the encounter rate of the Pokemon decreased?"

"If so then it will become difficult to catch Pokemon in the future or when I go to other regions."

I looked more around the Pokemon Forums but didn't find anything else interesting, So I put my phone away and went to sleep.

[Next Day]

"Now then, Let's get to work, But first, Let's check the Pokemon that I caught in 'Rock Tunnel'."

"I forgot to check them when I was in 'Lavender Town'." I said as I made my way back inside the Pokemon Center and to the PC at the end of the Pokemon Center.


[PokeDEX : 074

Name : Geodude (Rock, Ground)

Nature : Impish (+10% Defense, -10% Sp. Attack)

Gender : Male

Level - 15

XP : 2,035

To Next Lv. : 500

Item Held - <None >]

[HP : 41/41

Attack : 30

Defense : 39

Sp. Atk : 15

Sp. Def : 15

Speed : 11]

[A/N : EVs Of Newly Caught Pokemon Are Zero]

[HP IV : 29

Attack IV : 07

Defense IV : 11

Sp. Atk IV : 26

Sp. Def IV : 07

Speed IV : 02

Total : 82/186]

[Stealth Rock <Rock > PP: 20/20

Bulldoze <Ground > PP: 20/20

Take Down <Normal > PP: 20/20

Iron Defense <Steel > PP: 15/15

Ability : Sturdy (Can't be knocked out in 1 Hit.)]


[PokeDEX : 095

Name : Onix (Rock, Ground)

Nature : IRash (+10% Sp. Attack, -10% Sp. Defense)

Gender : Male

Level - 17

XP : 4,913

To Next Lv. : 919

Item Held - <None >]

[HP : 41/41

Attack : 20

Defense : 63

Sp. Atk : 18

Sp. Def : 22

Speed : 29]

[A/N : EVs Of Newly Caught Pokemon Are Zero]

[HP IV : 13

Attack IV : 02

Defense IV : 23

Sp. Atk IV : 15

Sp. Def IV : 28

Speed IV : 06

Total : 87/186]

[Bulldoze <Ground > PP: 20/20

DragonBreath <Dragon > PP: 20/20

Screech <Normal > PP: 40/40

Curse <Ghost > PP: 10/10

Ability : Rock Head (Protects the Pokemon from Recoil damage.)]


[PokeDEX : 104

Name : Cubone (Ground)

Nature : Brave (+10% Attack, -10% Speed)

Gender : Male

Level - 16

XP : 4,096

To Next Lv. : 817

Item Held - <None >]

[HP : 45/45

Attack : 23

Defense : 40

Sp. Atk : 19

Sp. Def : 21

Speed : 15]

[A/N : EVs Of Newly Caught Pokemon Are Zero]

[HP IV : 24

Attack IV : 00

Defense IV : 29

Sp. Atk IV : 10

Sp. Def IV : 02

Speed IV : 09

Total : 74/186]

[Bone Cube <Ground > PP: 20/20

False Swipe <Normal > PP: 40/40

Headbutt <Normal > PP: 15/15

Retaliate <Noraml > PP: 5/5

Ability : LightningRod (Immune to Electric-Type moves, boosts Sp. Attack if hit by one.)]


It seems for some reason, the Pokemon that I wanted to get would always end up with shitty IVs.

I mean I wanted to get Oddish but every Oddish that I caught had bad IVs, now I want to get an Onix but it's the same.

Anyway, I have been wondering, What really are IVs?

I mean, I know what they are but does having good IVs really impact a Pokemon?

I only played Pokemon Fire Red in my previous world and at that time I didn't even know about IVs.

I only found out about IVs from some Pokemon gameplay video, and from that video, all I remember is that the higher the IVs of a Pokemon, the stronger that Pokemon will become.

Anyway, since all three Pokemon were only average, I didn't put them on my team.

After checking the information, I exited the Pokemon Center.

"Now, Since I have promised Lily to get her a Pokemon, I should first head to the Gym to get my 4th Gym Badge."

I began exploring the city to find the Gym, while searching for the Gym, I saw many Team Rocket Grunts roaming around the city.

While exploring, I saw a sign that read:


<The City of Rainbow Dreams>

Close to that sign, I saw a giant building which also had a sign that read:

<Find what you need at the CELADON DEPT. STORE>

After searching around, I did see the Gym but I didn't find the path to it.

As I was searching around to reach the Gym, I found a small opening blocked by a Small Tree that would lead to the Gym.

"Sometimes these Small Trees could be really annoying." I said as I made my way back to the Pokemon Center to get Oddish.

Replacing Abra with Oddish, I made my way back to the Small Tree.


[New Quest]

[Quest - Celadon City Gym {Unique}

Description - A Small Tree is blocking the path to the 'Celadon City' Gym. Find a way to cut the Small Tree and open the path.

Reward - 1x Random Box

Deadline - Until someone else cuts the Small Tree.

Failure - None]

[<Accept > <Reject >]

"Accept and Cut"

[Oddish Used <Cut >]


[Quest - Celadon City Gym {Unique}

Reward - 1x Random Box]



[You got x1 Root Fossil from the Random Box]

"Another fossil that I don't know about." I said as I put the fossil in my backpack and headed to the Gym.

As I reached the entrance of the Gym, I spotted a weird old man peeking into the window of the Gym.

Curious, I interacted with him.

"Hehehe! This GYM is great! It's full of Women!" he said with a creepy smile on his face.

'He is a fucking pervert (Man Of Culture). Better distance myself from him.'

Leaving the old man to continue with his activities, I entered the Gym.

The inside of the Gym was a beautiful garden, full of nicely groomed Trees and Bushes.

{Image Of Celadon City Gym}

A path goes from the center of the garden and up to the Gym leader who was behind a wall of Trees.

I made my way to the first NPC trainer on the path, but first, since this Gym is based on Grass-Type, I placed Charmeleon in the front of the Team.

"I should tell you about this Gym. Only real ladies are allowed in here!"

<Lass Kay>

Bellsprout Lv. 28 <Defeated >

Weepinbell Lv. 28 <Defeated >

[Charmeleon gains 450+822 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽448 for winning]

It was easy to defeat her, All it took was one <Flamethrower > to defeat her Pokemon.

Moving on to the next NPC on that path.

"Oh, Welcome. I was getting bored."

<Beauty Bridget>

Bellsprout Lv. 27 <Defeated >

Sunflora Lv. 27 <Defeated >

Oddish Lv. 27 <Defeated >

Skiploom Lv. 27 <Defeated >

{Image Of Sunflora}

{Image Of Skiploom}

[Charmeleon gains 435+863+452+788 EXP. Points]

[Charmeleon grew to Lv. 33]

[Charmeleon wants to learn the move <Fire Spin>]

[But Charmeleon already knows four moves.]

[Should a move be deleted and replaced with <Fire Spin>?]

[Fire Spin : The target becomes trapped within a fierce vortex of fire that rages for four to five turns.

Type - Fire, Special

Power : 35

Accuracy : 85

PP : 15

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Base Power increased by 1.5x if the attacker is the same type

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]

<Fire Spin>, a move that will do 35 damage for four to five turns, Good move but I don't like dragging the battle.

[Charmeleon did not learn <Fire Spin>]

[You got ₽1512 for winning]

While fighting Beauty Bridget, her Skiploom caught my attention.

"Skiploom looks kinda cute, I could give a Skiploom to Lily."

Since the PokeDEX automatically records some information about the Pokemon that I have seen, I quickly took out my PokeDEX to check the wild encounter location of Skiploom.

From that PokeDEX, I found out that Skiploom is actually the second evolution of Hoppip.

I then checked Hoppip's wild encounter location and Hoppip could be found on 'Route 11'.

I guess, I'll need to head back to 'Vermilion City' after completing everything in 'Celadon City' to catch a Hoppip for Lily.


<Total Gain>

[+ ₽1,960]


<Quest Reward>

[x1 Random Box] > [x1 Root Fossil]


<Levels >

[Charmeleon Lv. 32 > Lv. 33]


<Team's Current Status>

[1 - Cubchoo Lv. 24 - 63/63]

[2 - Charmeleon Lv. 33 - 88/88]

[3 - Gyarados Lv. 32 - 108/108]

[4 - Victrebel Lv. 29 - 89/89]

[5 - Oddish Lv. 06 - 22/22]

[6 - Rhyhorn Lv. 26 - 79/79]
