
A Kingdom Called Avalon

'The Rising...'

Far, far away across the seas lies a large Country filled with magic... A Country Called Avalon... Within this Country, found in almost every home, and every restaurant, just a bit of Magic can be found. For most Magic is nothing more than a tool that can make a persons lives just a little bit easier... But for some...

For others, magic is something more. Something that must be trained and harnessed. An art. For those that wish to delve into the secrets of Magic they turn to the Guilds...

A group of powerful Wizards who gain the title of Arcane Knight, coming together and serving the King, and Country of Avalon, going on Quests and exploring vast Dungeons. They truly are the Countries heroes...


Middlemist City...

Within a small restaurant a young nineteen-year-old girl could be seen resting at one of the many empty tables. She was dressed in a waitresses outfit and had a bored look on her face. Behind her a grown man in a chefs outfit could be seen. He appeared to be crying as he used his long blonde beard to cover his face.

"We're ruined!" The man cried. "Ruined Leena! Ruined! It's lunch time and yet we have no customers! No one is showing up! No one!"

"So weird..." The girl who was apparently named Leena muttered as she bit her lip and let out a small hum. "We're never really packed but we've always had at least one person inside our restaurant? What happened to all our customers?"


Leena let out a sigh as she stood up. "I'm gonna go check outside of the building pops." She said walking to the door. "I'll peak outside and make sure we didn't leave the-" She stopped as she tried to push the door open. It was heavy. Like there was a weight on the other end? "What the..." Leena gritted her teeth and pushed with all her might as the door slowly was pushed open. She nearly tripped as she stepped out and almost fell over something. Her eyes slowly drifted down towards the ground where an unconscious blue-haired body, clutching a ruby red guitar could be seen covered in blood... "Oh It's a body... Ahhhhhh!"


"Thank you for the food!" Davi announced cheerfully.

He was currently tied to a chair inside of the restaurant and was slowly being fed by a deadpanned Leena who simply stared at him. He looked kind of strange. He was covered in his own blood, dehydrated and practically starved, and yet he somehow had his spirits up like nothing had happened?

"Who the hell is this brat? He was practically dehydrated, starved, and beaten when we found him, and yet he's acting like he's in such a good mood..." Leena muttered as she fed the tied up nineteen-year-old. "And what's with those fangs in his mouth... His teeth are so unnatural-"

Davi gulped down the food, as he slowly stood up causing the ropes around him to snap off as if they weren't even there. Now that he had eaten and got a drink he didn't even seemed to be harmed anymore. He was still injured but he just brushed it off?

"Thank you!" He said again giving a slight bow of the head. "But I really must be going so I'm just-"

Before he could even move he felt a tight grip on the top of his head as he was forcefully swung around meeting the terrifying gaze of the restaurant owner as he stared down the young man.

"Listen brat." He practically growled. "You cost me a hell of a lot of customers, and you ate and drank at our place! You have to pay for all of that food and water we gave you!" He hissed.

"Uhh..." Davi muttered not able to meet the mans gaze. "W... Well... Funny story sir... You see I set out on a small row boat... But eventually managed to stowaway on a much higher and bigger war vessel carrying a bunch of cool looking soldiers from another Country, but when they found me out they beat me and took all of my money and dumped me into the ocean in the hopes the heated water would melt me or I'd be devoured by a Magic-Beast. I was barley able to keep them from stealing my trusty Guitar!"


"I don't really know their names, sir but they were in Black-"

"Cares." The man finished hitting the boy over the head. "Until you pay off that debt you ain't going anywhere! So grab a uniform brat! Effective immediately you now work for me! Or I can just call the local Guild, the Silver Ravens if you wanna spend a night in jail!"

Davi gulped and let out a small laugh as he began to realize the strange situation he was now in. The man threw an apron at the boy as he glared at the scared child. "Y... Yes sir..." Davi said sheepishly as he bowed his head. "I suppose it is only fair I work for you..." He sighed.

"Don't worry..." Leena sighed as her eye twitched. "He really is a good person once you get to know him. I'm sure we can work off your debt in no time."

"Th... That's good I guess? Though..." Davi shuddered when he saw the dark look in the man's eyes. "I somehow doubt it'll be that easy..."


A few hours later...

"W... Who ordered this!" Davi said with wide eyes and wobbling arms holding several plates.

"Over here!" Someone called out waving at one of the tables.

It had been a few hours now, and now that a shark tooth brat, wasn't lying outside of the restaurant half dead more people began to show up. They were finally getting customers. Unfortunately Davi quickly showed how lacking he was in this fields as the entire day he had been bringing the wrong plates to the wrong table. Thankfully most people were more understanding.

"S... Sorry!" Davi laughed sheepishly as he replaced two plates of food that he had mixed up.

"You really are hopeless Davi you know that..." Leena sighed shaking her head. "Oh well... At least you didn't drop-"


The sound of the plate slipping out of Davi's grip sounded throughout the room as it exploded in a shower of glass.

"...S... Sorry..." He said as the owner slammed a pan down on his head hard. Although that seemed to do way more damage to the pan snapping it in half? What the hell was this kid made out of?

"...As I was saying..." Leena said shaking her head. "You are so hopeless..."

"I've never really done this before..." Davi said tapping his fingers together in embarrassment. "Usually when I was a kid and I need food the servants would bring it to me when I asked them to. And when I ran away from home the Master looked out for me and he hated my attempts of cooking so he did everything himself."

"Servants? Wait Davi are you some kind of Noble?"

"No, no!" Davi said quickly waving his arms. "It isn't like that! At least not anymore! Uhh it's kind of complicated and a really long story!" He smiled showing off his several fanged teeth. "Anyways it doesn't matter to much anyways as I only lived with my family for a few years before I ran away and was taken in by my Master!"

"M... Master..." Leena said her face lighting up red slightly. "Oh... I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff you dirty boy. I guess that explains why you were so beat up when I found you."

"I think we are on different wave lengths..." Davi sighed giving her a blank look. He grabbed the ruby red guitar on his back and raised it up as if it was a sword. "I trained with Master for nearly eight years straight in order to harness this power and use it to carry myself forward to my goal! ...Also... He kidnapped me and tortured me until I agreed to train with him... So... Yeah..."

"Oh my... So you're a musician or something?" She said cocking her head to the side.

"I'm no musician! I'm a mage!" Davi announced.

"A Mage. Ahh I see. Around 40% of this Countries population has access to magic." Leena nodded. "Although most people can only use it for low leveled stuff, some are able to harness it more and use it in battle joining Guilds, and becoming Arcane Knights."

"That's right! This thing, is my weapon. A powerful piece of magic known as a Devil-Calibur that can bend itself around taking the form of a large sword with the ability to extend the blade. This is my magic weapon that I'll use when I'm a famous Arcane Knight! Though I'm not actually an Arcane Knight yet... I'm sort of waiting to join one haha. So far every Guild has turned me down. I came to this city to try and join the Silver-Ravens, but they kicked me out when they saw how beat up I was."

"Oh... Is that all?"

"At least try and sound excited!" Davi sighed folding his arms up. "I set out on this Quest to join a Guild and become an Arcane Knight after my master left. It happened three months ago..."


Three Months ago...

Aconitum City...

A random inn...

"Listen closely brat... This is what is known as a Devil-Calibur... There are ten of them in total but a person can only use one at a time. One resides within that dumb guitar of yours. That sword that can extend. This one I have here is known as Explosive-Calibur, a powerful curved sword with a strong explosive magic built into it."

"Whoa!" Davi said with stars in his eyes. "So cool! Can I have it!"

Within a small room, in a simple inn, two figures could be seen. The first was Davi Hawker, who rested on the bed in a casual t-shirt, and black pants. He stared at the second figure who was in the room with great interest. The second figure was tall elderly man who was bald, and had a small grey beard. He was dressed in long black pants, and a black robe, and his eyes remained unseen due to the black sunglasses he wore. On his back he had a simple great sword, and in his hands he held a small purple marble looking thing, that had a black two on it.

"No you can't have it you idiot!" The old man yelled hitting Davi over the head. "I told ya, a person can only use one at a time. If someone tried to use two Cursed Blades they'd have their soul ripped apart. I mean your body is different so who knows what would happen if you attempted, but still, this one is mine, and is very important. I will be returning it to the magic Council sometime in the future."

"R... Right..." Davi sighed slightly. "Uhh sir. Should you be sleeping with that rare thing? You could accidently lose it after all. That's not the first time you-"

The man raised his left arm up pointing the barrel of a gun at Davi who had time to widen his eyes. In a bright flash a wave of crimson bullets fired out of the gun ripping several holes in the walls, and all of them barley missing Davi who was freaking out and panicking.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!"

"Are ya trying to suggest I'm some kind of idiot and would forget it?"

"Please forgive me sir..." The wall behind Davi fell down leaving only a cut out in the shape of the shaking boy.

And so his teacher went off to Iris city...

And of course...

Davi's eye twitched as he stared at the bed his Master slept in staring down at the small marble his master left behind.

He forgot the Devils-Calibur...

"God damn it... I'm gonna get blamed for this aren't I..."


Present Day...

"And so I'm here now..." Davi sighed bowing his head. "I then set out on a boat to try and find him, but no luck so I decided to try and join a Guild and wait for him to come to me, I set out on my adventure, only to crash into a bigger ship and get thrown overboard after being beaten and robbed... I stumbled into this city and walked until I collapsed in front of your restaurant. Than I was tied up and forced to work... I have bad luck. Part of me is kind of scared a Guild won't accept me because of that haha..."

"Interesting story." Leena nodded.

"I think so to." Davi smirked making the girl back up when she saw his massive shark teeth. Davi stared down at his hands for a moment as if thinking about saying something. "Well... Truth is there's another reason I came to this place."

"Why's that?" Leena asked.

"There's a dark Guild nearby..."

"A... Dark Guild?"

"They're like normal Guilds but filled with evil Wizards, and Mages, usually people who were kicked out of previous Guilds. They're criminals and evil! There's one I've been tracking for a while now... I figured if I could stop it I could boost my cool level by at least ten and be accepted into a Guild for sure."

"Uh Davi..."

"And if that happens I'll become a world famous Arcane Knight!"





Leena pointed behind the boy and he slowly turned around seeing the owner of the restaurant glaring down at him.

"Somebody needs to get back to work!" He yelled waving a frying pan around and smashing it down on the boys head.



Closing Time...

"Alright, alright!" The owner announced ringing a loud bell. "It's closing time. Get your asses outta my restaurant!"

"That was tiring..." Davi complained resting his head against a table. "My arms feel like they are filled with lead..."

"Oh Davi." Leena said suddenly getting an idea. "Since you don't have anywhere to stay you're welcomed to stay with me and my father for today?"

"Like hell he can!"

"Oh come on dad." Leena sighed. "Just let him-"

"Ms. Ward!" A man announced entering the restaurant. He was dressed in what looked like a mail mans uniform and held a small blue letter.

"Oh this is important. We can discus this later." Leena said waving her dad and Davi off as she walked towards the mail man.

"She's an Angel..." Davi muttered only to feel a slap to the back of his head by the owner.

"Don't go staring now. After all. She's already taken." The owner stated bluntly. "They're engaged and everything."

"Engaged? She's a little young isn't she?" Davi asked. "Only twenty or twenty one years?"

"Nineteen actually."

"N... Nineteen!" Davi said shocked. "And as her dad you're okay with that?"

The man snorted as he gave a slight shrug. "Of course I am. I met the man after all. Let me tell ya. It was love at first sight. I always knew he'd be the one to steal my little girls heart. They were childhood friends since the beginning. After he vanished we were all really worried..."

"What did you mean he disappeared? Where is he now."

"Well. We didn't actually see him for a full year. He was at Daffodil during the last attack from a powerful Magic-Beast."

"What!" Davi's eyes went wide as he stared at the man. "B... But Daffodil was completely destroyed. There was no survivors... Not even the Top Guilds could stop it..." Davi muttered. Flashes of a burning city shot through his mind as he bit his lip. "A population of nearly two million, and they were all wiped out in a single attack-"

"Actually there were survivors."


"Who said they all died? The owner smirked. "Just last month someone wrote back claiming they had several survivors they managed to save."

"S... Someone wrote back." Davi muttered as his blue eyes began to widen. "Who..."

Over with Leena the girl walked out of the restaurant as she slowly unfolded the envelope and stared down at it.

'The contract has been accepted. Your wish has been granted. together with your love at last. He is waiting for his bride. The bells will chime at last... Sincerely your wish granter. The Dragon Dwellers.'

"Dear God above..." Leena said quietly as a small tear slowly fell from her cheek, and a smile crossed onto her face. "Thank you..."

The sounds of the bells tolled loudly through the city as night began to fall...