
Phil in Marvel Universe (On Hiatus)

Phil was reborn in the Marvel World and using his knowledge he changed the future events. His shadow knights rule the MCU and his kids will be future avengers. I don't own any rights. This is fanfic anyway.

ayrus2011 · Filem
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110 Chs

The Mission (Part-2)

Phil POV.

Today was a very important day for him. He got up early and trained himself in jiu-jitsu and wushu in the simulation room with Martha. This was a new thing for him. In his last life, he was deeply fascinated by all those Avengers and wanted to be like them. But in this life, when he himself was in MCU, he needed to make himself stronger and learn enough tricks to save his life when the time comes. Who knows when someone will target him just because he is rich or one day he just dies because of some random explosion in the streets.

He needed those Super serum vials for himself and that was an important piece of information he has not shared with anyone. Phil trusted Steve but knowing that there are ready-made super serums in Howard's car will make things too messy for this mission. He cannot trust that everyone in the shadow knight team will still be loyal in face of that serum vials. So he needed to participate in this mission but as a silent ghost. He must come and go before anyone notices him and make sure all the information regarding these Serums disappear from today.

He knew Hydra won't leave any traces of these Serum since SHIELD never knew about this in future and most likely all the files regarding the mission were deleted or simply never recorded in the first place.

Howard stark and his wife will move from their mansion in Long Island, New York towards the Pentagon. But they will never make it. Howard wanted to surprise Pentagon officers and get more rights for SHIELD with the super-soldier serum being perfect developed. He doubted that Howard shared this information with anyone but someone did leak this and it must be someone from the research team working for HYDRA.

Phil came to the factory. He opened the gate after talking with Martha and then closed it down. Then he went to one particular container and pressed his hands down on the door. It scanned his fingerprints and then an iris scan. The password -"winter is coming" was entered in the command panel and then the door finally opened.

You see instead of hiding his most important weapons in some secret rooms or underground, he just stored those in secure containers distributed in the huge sea of containers over the port. These were also regularly shifted in a random pattern with the help of Martha and the only way to properly locate these was to breach Martha and specifically look for these containers that were mentioned in the wine storage department.

These weapons and machines that he designed were more advanced than anything he shared with the rest of the team. He came specifically for his suit.

"Well, it's time for me to suit up and join the MCU properly. After all what kind of crossover person will I be if I just remain a scientist."

Phil said as he took over this armour and wore it properly. This armour was inspired by the Owls which were the only birds he found fascinating. Owls were truly in the centre of the Harry Potter series and he loved these more than Bats. Using a full black suit created with Nomex and Kevlar as fabric and titanium plating around his things and chest and helmet made of titanium and gold alloy in the shape of an owl. For flight, he himself had four jet thrusters at the back of the suit and a pair of retractable wings under his arms. He had gotten himself 2 doses of Pym particles for now and that was more than enough for this mission.

"Let's go. Martha, are you connected? Can you listen to me?"

"Lound and clear master."

After wearing his suit, he left the container, used the jet thrusters and flew in the air like a missile.

"Too fast, too fast!"

Phil slowed down his Jet Engine by 90% and finally stopped himself from puking. His head was dizzy and he landed himself on top of his factory before finally throwing up everything he ate in the breakfast.

"Martha please remind me to take more flight simulations later and we need to mark the engine speed into different levels for better flight controls."

"Noted Sir."

"Okay, Martha which direction is Stark Manor?"

"Sir the GPS coordinate is properly in sync with the armband display and you can check the map for a better idea," replied Martha.

"Good job Martha. Nice idea. Let's go slowly this time. I will keep the engine at 10% speed and you can check my health condition and we will later cross-reference later."

"Sure Sir," came a short reply from Martha.

Phil took his 'first flight' as the previous one didn't count. This was his first flight and he was perfect in the air. If Val and Icarus ever saw him now, they would probably never let him fly again. Maybe only Iron Man can do a superhero flying in his first flight but everyone else needed hard training. Phil was a drunk Owl if anything.

His mission was also very simple. Infiltrate the car in which starks were travelling, get the serum case and disappear with it by using Pym particles. He will go from being a human-sized owl to an ant-sized owl and the secret of super serum will always remain in his heart.

"Martha remind me what were the code names I selected for myself?"

"Sir, your last options were 'The Talon', 'The Ghost Owl' or 'The Owl Knight'."

"Well let's just keep it to 'The Owl'. Short and easy enough to remember and sounds better than rest.

"Noted Mr. Owl. Following the map, you will be near the stark mansion in less than 10 minutes. Please prepare yourself for landing. Also, I would suggest turning off the jet engine as its noise is not really helpful in an infiltration mission."

"How will we reach the manor then? 10 minutes in the air is not something we can achieve by gliding without any power? Anyway highlight the nearest road towards the Pentagon and we shall land there. This mission is really full of loopholes that I never thought."

After Phil turned off the engine and used the Pym particle to reduce his size, he glided down towards the designated road. He checked his clock. It's only 14:00 and there is still probably more than 4-5 hrs before starks will leave their mansion. Phil was still looking for some kind of ride when suddenly Martha notified him that the cameras in the area were suddenly shut down from the live feed and they were playing the recording of the previous day.

"Isn't it too early Martha to take over the cameras?"

"Yes Sir. I believe taking control of all the monitoring in this area after 17:00 pm would rather be a better choice."

"Then why have you done something you don't agree to it with Martha? Wait, it's not you. It's the bad guy who tried to harm you when you woke up?"

"Correct Sir. It's not an action taken by me. I am looking at various entry points and exits along this road and possible roads that can connect from Stark Manor to Pentagon. I have discovered one large truck with a fake license plate parked just 2 KM ahead of this spot. I have dispatched the falcon unit and we are tracking the whole area more carefully now."

"What are these snakes doing by jumping so early? There is something wrong."