
Outrun The Truth

Slow Paced. Meraki Sagepice woke up at the hospital with no memory of who she is or what had transpired. She just remained there, an empty shell of a human. That is, until a woman in a suit appeared to her and pledged loyalty to her in a blood pact. With that, a sudden and painful bloodlust consumed her entire consciousness. Who is she? Who is this woman? And why is the Sagepice family so feared? *Not my cover art.

Winter_Iris · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
189 Chs

Kinda Obsession

"The names for the spells and all those other things ... they are a little bit unoriginal, don't you think so?" I asked, looking at the two in front of me. 

"I mean ... they work?" Ruben said, turning to Lake who didn't answer at all and instead, opted to look to the wall. 

"Anyway. That is not what we are talking about," Kefi said suddenly. "Are you listening, Meraki?" 

"Yes, ma'am," I said, relaxing back and letting Kefi take over completely. 

"Good." She said, smiling. "Now, back to what we were talking about. This spell is dangerous." 

"For a spell that collects the remnants of human souls and puts back a human together, I would expect it to be so," Lake said, leaning back on the wall. "Do you know anyone that has used this?" 

"No." Kefi said, "I was too busy running around and searching for a strong magic Holder for me to bond with." 

"Then, what do you know about this?" Ruben asked playing with something on the ground.