
Oops!! I Married a Billionaire

Valerie North, a young and captivating woman, holds a deep disdain for love. She firmly believes that it weakens women and that marriage diminishes their self-worth. Resolute in her vow to never fall in love or marry, Valerie's convictions are unexpectedly challenged when she finds herself accidentally married to a charismatic billionaire, a man who embodies every woman's fantasy. However, for Valerie, the allure of her new husband means little. As she navigates the complexities of their unconventional union, Valerie remains steadfast in her indifference toward him. But, Will Valerie's staunch beliefs be shattered, or will she remain resolute in her quest to defy the whims of the universe?

Whistle_Bird · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

The Rift

As Valerie gathered her belongings and pulled Ashley from her seat, a tinge of remorse softened Ashley's expression. "I'm sorry," she apologized to Nick, a sense of sympathy in her voice as she was whisked away by Valerie.

Nick stood there, dripping wet, his pride wounded by the encounter. Bernard, witnessing the entire spectacle, couldn't contain his laughter, finding amusement in Nick's miscalculated pursuit. He extended his handkerchief to his drenched friend, offering a momentary reprieve.

"I tried to warn you, Nick," Bernard chuckled, his laughter echoing in the aftermath of the failed attempt.

Nick, still taken aback by the unexpected encounter, accepted Bernard's handkerchief and began wiping off the water from his drenched clothes. Despite the laughter shared between them, a flicker of frustration lingered in Nick's eyes. "Let's go," he called out to Bernard, his voice tinged with annoyance.

Bernard, still amused by the situation, playfully teased, "Take it easy, man. I wasn't the one who poured water on you. You might as well go after her," his words laced with mischief. Nick shot him an irritated look before storming out of the restaurant.

He briskly made his way to his car, the rush of the encounter fueling his determination. As he got behind the wheel, thoughts of Valerie consumed his mind. Conflicting emotions of anger and intrigue battled within him. With a heavy sigh, he started the car and drove off.

Meanwhile, Valerie and Ashley found themselves engaged in a heated argument during their journey home. Ashley, disapproving of Valerie's actions, confronted her about the incident. "Valerie, that was bad of you. Why did you throw water at that guy?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Valerie, feeling defensive, snapped back, "Ashley, don't get me angry. You were there, you saw it all. Why are you now blaming me?" Her frustration tainted her tone, reflecting her unwillingness to accept fault.

Exasperated, Ashley continued to voice her disapproval. "Valerie, you threw water on a man, and now you're acting innocent? This is no longer funny. You need to stop this silly act of yours," she pleaded, hoping to reach her friend's rational side.

Valerie's grip tightened on the steering wheel as her anger simmered beneath the surface. "Can you stop arguing with me? I need to concentrate on the road, unless you want to get both of us killed," she snapped, redirecting her focus to driving.

The tension between them grew palpable, each moment suffused with unresolved frustration. Ashley took a deep breath, intending to address Valerie's emotional walls and past traumas. "This is not just about today, Valerie. I know you've been hurt in the past, but that doesn't justify your actions," she began, her voice tinged with empathy.

Before Ashley could finish her sentence, Valerie's eyes blazed with fury. "Enough, Ashley," she interjected sharply, her words cutting through the air. "I am only letting this go because you're my best friend. But don't you ever bring up topics of my past again."

Ashley, weary of Valerie's arrogant and defensive demeanor, reached her breaking point. "Stop the car!" she screamed, her voice filled with frustration and anger. Valerie initially ignored her plea, continuing to drive, but the intensity of Ashley's demand grew impossible to ignore.

Valerie finally yielded, bringing the car to a halt. Ashley swiftly opened the door, stepping out forcefully before forcefully slamming it shut behind her. The sound resonated, punctuating the growing rift between the two friends.

Left alone in the car, Valerie took a deep breath, her hands trembling on the steering wheel. The weight of their argument settled heavily on her shoulders, and she contemplated the impact her actions and attitude were having on those closest to her.

Valerie exhaled loudly and then opened her door and got out, she stepped closer to Ashley, her voice filled with sincerity. "Ashley, I'm truly sorry for how I spoke to you. I shouldn't have let my frustration get the best of me," she pleaded, her eyes brimming with regret.

Ashley paused, her hand poised in the air, ready to hail a cab. She looked at Valerie, her expression softening as she recognized the genuine remorse in her friend's eyes. Memories of their shared struggles and the deep bond they had forged over the years flooded her mind.

Valerie's voice trembled with emotion as she continued, "You know how hard I've been working to put my past behind me. Sometimes, it's overwhelming, and I lose control. But I never want to hurt you, Ashley. You're like a sister to me, and I value our friendship more than anything."

Ashley's resolve wavered, her anger dissolving in the face of Valerie's heartfelt plea. She realized that her friend's outburst was a reflection of the pain she carried, and she couldn't bear to see Valerie suffer. Taking a deep breath, Ashley finally responded, "Valerie, I know how much you've been through, and I understand the struggle. I shouldn't have brought up your past in the heat of the moment. I'm sorry too."

Moved by their shared vulnerability, tears welled up in Valerie's eyes. She reached out and embraced Ashley, their friendship momentarily mending the rift between them. They stood on the sidewalk, holding each other tightly, finding solace in their connection.

After a few moments, they released each other, their eyes filled with mutual understanding. Valerie wiped away her tears, a small smile playing on her lips. "Thank you, Ashley. I truly appreciate your forgiveness," she said sincerely.

Ashley returned the smile, her heart lightening with the reconciliation. "Let's put this behind us and move forward," she suggested, her voice filled with optimism. "How about we go to your place and have lunch? I'm starving, and we can catch up on everything."

Valerie nodded, grateful for the opportunity to rebuild their friendship. They got back into the car, their spirits lifted by the prospect of a fresh start.

As they drove towards Valerie's place, the conversation shifted to a lighter tone. Ashley couldn't help but tease Valerie, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Promise me, Valerie, that you'll never unleash your inner tempest like that again. Or else, I might just have to give you a good old-fashioned spanking!" she playfully threatened.