
Oops!! I Married a Billionaire

Valerie North, a young and captivating woman, holds a deep disdain for love. She firmly believes that it weakens women and that marriage diminishes their self-worth. Resolute in her vow to never fall in love or marry, Valerie's convictions are unexpectedly challenged when she finds herself accidentally married to a charismatic billionaire, a man who embodies every woman's fantasy. However, for Valerie, the allure of her new husband means little. As she navigates the complexities of their unconventional union, Valerie remains steadfast in her indifference toward him. But, Will Valerie's staunch beliefs be shattered, or will she remain resolute in her quest to defy the whims of the universe?

Whistle_Bird · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

After the Rift

Valerie gasped in mock horror, her hand flying to her chest in an exaggerated gesture. "Oh, the horror! I promise, Ashley, I'll never let my emotions get the best of me like that again," she said, feigning a solemn expression.

Ashley burst into laughter, unable to contain her amusement. The tension of their argument now seemed like a distant memory, replaced by the warmth of their friendship and shared laughter. She reached over and playfully nudged Valerie's arm. "You better keep that promise, or else I'll be coming for you with a wooden spoon!" she joked.

Valerie grinned, her heart filled with relief and gratitude. "I promise, cross my heart," she said, intertwining her fingers and mimicking the gesture of crossing her heart. "No more water-pouring incidents, I swear."

Their laughter filled the car, filling it with a sense of joy and camaraderie. It was in moments like these that Valerie cherished the bond she shared with Ashley. Through ups and downs, they had always found a way to support each other and find humor in even the most challenging situations.

As they arrived at Valerie's place, they exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the strength of their friendship.

Valerie parked the car and turned off the engine. She turned to Ashley, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Thank you, Ashley, for understanding me, even when I lose my way. Your forgiveness means the world to me," she expressed sincerely.

Ashley smiled, her gaze warm and reassuring. "Valerie, we've been through so much together. Our friendship is built on love, understanding, and forgiveness. We're allowed to stumble, but what matters is that we're there to lift each other up," she said, her voice filled with unwavering support.

Valerie nodded warmly at Ashley, her best friend of many years. "Come on, let's go upstairs," she said, her voice filled with excitement. Opening the car door, Valerie stepped out onto the pavement, waiting for Ashley to join her. Once Ashley made her way down, Valerie locked her car and took her friend's hand, leading her towards the entrance of her cozy apartment building.

"I don't think I can cook right now. I'm exhausted," Valerie admitted with a pout, her eyes resembling those of a puppy seeking sympathy. Ashley chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Okay then," she replied, reaching into her bag for her phone. She swiftly ordered food for them while they strolled towards Valerie's apartment, the anticipation hanging in the air.

Upon reaching her apartment door, Valerie fumbled in her bag for her keys. With a satisfying click, she unlocked the door and swung it open, only to be playfully pushed aside by Ashley, who raced inside and dramatically collapsed onto the inviting couch. "You are such a handful," Valerie teased, shaking her head affectionately as she closed the door behind them.

"That's because I learned well from you, the master," Ashley retorted, making a comical face that made Valerie burst into laughter. The sound of their shared laughter filled the apartment, creating an atmosphere of warmth and familiarity.

"I need to take a quick shower. I'll be right back," Valerie informed Ashley, who nodded in understanding. Valerie made her way to her bedroom, the familiarity of the space comforting her. As she opened the door, she was greeted by the sight of a slightly messy room. Clothes and undies were scattered about, but Valerie seemed unfazed by the disarray. She simply shrugged it off, undressing and nonchalantly tossing her outfit onto the already cluttered floor.

Valerie made her way to the bathroom, the soothing sound of running water filling the air as she stepped into the warm shower. The refreshing water cascaded down her body, washing away the weariness of the day. Moments later, she emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy towel, droplets of water clinging to her skin.

Approaching her wardrobe, Valerie deliberated for a moment before selecting a comfortable ensemble for the evening. She picked out a soft, oversized sweater in a warm shade of burgundy, pairing it with a pair of well-worn, faded jeans that hugged her curves. Slipping into her favorite fuzzy socks, she completed her outfit with a cozy knitted beanie, which she playfully tugged down over her ears.

Feeling snug and content in her chosen attire, Valerie made her way back to the living room, where Ashley had made herself comfortable on the couch. The aroma of their ordered food wafted through the air, teasing their senses.

Valerie settled down beside Ashley, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the delicious spread before them. Hunger gnawed at their stomachs, and they eagerly dug into their meals. The flavors exploded on their tongues, eliciting satisfied sighs and appreciative comments.

"Wow, this is delicious," Ashley remarked between bites, her enthusiasm evident. Valerie nodded in agreement, her mouth too full to speak just yet. The delectable food brought them a momentary respite from the worries that lingered at the back of their minds.

As they continued savoring each mouthful, Ashley's concern surfaced, breaking the temporary spell of culinary bliss. "Val, it's been a month now since you got fired. Don't you plan on finding another job?" she inquired gently, her worry etched on her face. She cared deeply for Valerie and wanted to see her friend secure and content.

Valerie sighed, setting her fork down reluctantly. "I've decided that I'm not going to work for anyone else," she confessed, her voice tinged with resignation. Ashley's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern. "But why, Val? You're so talented and capable. Why give up on a steady job?" she asked, her eyes searching Valerie's face for answers.

A mix of frustration and determination flickered in Valerie's eyes as she explained her decision. "I need to fully concentrate on my book," she declared, her voice resolute. "Since I was fired for standing up for myself as a woman, I've realized that my purpose lies in empowering women through my writing. I poured my heart and soul into that company, and how did they repay me? By firing me simply because I stood my ground against the CEO," Valerie expressed, her anger simmering just beneath the surface.

Ashley sighed, understanding the pain and frustration that fueled Valerie's resolve. "I can't deny that what happened to you was unfair, Val. But hitting him wasn't the best way to handle it," she gently admonished, hoping to provide some perspective. "You're an incredible woman, and you don't need to resort to violence to make a difference."

Valerie nodded, her features softening as she took in Ashley's words. "You're right, Ashley. I let my anger get the best of me that day," she admitted, her voice tinged with regret. "But you don't have to worry about me. I've made up my mind. Once I finish this book, no woman will ever feel the need to conform to societal expectations or depend on men. They will find strength and independence within themselves."

A playful smile danced on Ashley's lips as she teased her friend. "I hope you don't get to finish that book, Val," she jested, a twinkle in her eye. Valerie chuckled, the tension in the room easing ever so slightly. "We'll see about that, Ashley. But I promise, this book will be a testament to the resilience and power of women."