
Oops!! I Married a Billionaire

Valerie North, a young and captivating woman, holds a deep disdain for love. She firmly believes that it weakens women and that marriage diminishes their self-worth. Resolute in her vow to never fall in love or marry, Valerie's convictions are unexpectedly challenged when she finds herself accidentally married to a charismatic billionaire, a man who embodies every woman's fantasy. However, for Valerie, the allure of her new husband means little. As she navigates the complexities of their unconventional union, Valerie remains steadfast in her indifference toward him. But, Will Valerie's staunch beliefs be shattered, or will she remain resolute in her quest to defy the whims of the universe?

Whistle_Bird · Urban
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10 Chs

First Encounter

Without skipping a beat, Nick spat out his words, his anger unrestrained. "You are fired," he declared, his tone laced with contempt.

Anita's surprise was evident, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Sorry, sir, but what did I do?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion.

Nick's reply was venomous, his anger boiling over. "Will you leave, or should I call security?" he barked, his words a direct assault on her presence.

Anita, a mixture of shock and anger flooding her veins, stared back at him with a mix of resentment and indignation. She understood the volatile nature of the situation and chose to maintain her dignity. Without uttering another word, she turned on her heel and left the office, the weight of Nick's actions hanging heavily in the air.

After Anita's departure, Nick hastily grabbed his phone and rushed off to a scheduled meeting. With his mind preoccupied, he navigated through the flurry of his professional obligations, his thoughts consumed by the looming pressure of his grandmother's ultimatum. Eventually, the meeting concluded, and Nick returned to his office, fatigued and drained from the demands of the day.

As he slumped into his chair, Bernard, his trusted friend and lawyer, entered the room, concern etched across his face. Taking a seat opposite Nick, he inquired, "So, what do you plan on doing?"

Nick ran his fingers through his hair, exhaustion evident in his eyes. "I need you to find a woman who would be willing to enter into a contract marriage with me," he replied, his voice tinged with resignation.

Bernard's brows furrowed, considering Nick's words carefully. "Why not marry Karen?" he suggested, knowing she had been a long-standing acquaintance of Nick's.

Nick's expression hardened at the mention of Karen's name. "You know I would never settle down with Karen. She's only interested in money. I need someone who can play the part of a wife, without expecting genuine marital responsibilities. I just need a wife to appease my grandparents and get them off my back," he explained, a hint of frustration coloring his words.

Understanding Nick's predicament, Bernard nodded. "Alright, I think I know a woman who might agree to this unconventional arrangement. But how much are you willing to pay?" he inquired, fully aware of the financial implications involved.

Nick pondered for a moment before replying, "one Million dollars."

Bernard nodded in approval. "That should suffice. I'll find the suitable candidate and organize the necessary arrangements. However, instead of a meeting, we'll proceed with the registration of the marriage and obtain the marriage certificate," he suggested, streamlining the process to minimize complications.

Satisfied with the plan, Nick rose from his chair, ready for a reprieve. "Sounds good. Let's go grab lunch," he said, eager to satisfy his rumbling stomach.

As they made their way out of the office, Bernard's curiosity piqued. "By the way, where is your secretary? I didn't see her when I came in," he inquired, noting her absence.

Nick's face darkened momentarily. "I fired her earlier today," he confessed, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice.

Bernard burst into laughter, unable to contain his amusement. After a brief moment of mirth, he composed himself and asked, "What did she do to deserve that?"

Nick's expression softened as he recalled the incident. "She allowed Karen to barge into my office during an important client meeting yesterday," he explained, his tone revealing a mixture of annoyance and disappointment.

Understanding the impact of such a breach of professionalism, Bernard offered a sincere apology. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, man."

Nick waved it off, eager to move past the issue. "It's fine. Let's focus on finding a solution. Now, let's go grab something to eat. I'm seriously starving," he said, a flicker of anticipation brightening his tired eyes.

Bernard nodded in agreement, and together, they ventured out of the office, their conversation shifting to lighter topics as they sought a temporary respite from the mounting pressures that surrounded them.

As Nick and Bernard arrived at their favorite restaurant, they settled into their seats, eagerly anticipating a momentary escape from their mounting concerns. The attentive waiter approached their table, taking their orders before retreating to attend to other patrons.

With their conversation shifting to Karen and the impending contract marriage, Bernard couldn't help but inquire further. "What about Karen? Will you two continue dating during the contract marriage?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Nick nodded, his tone matter-of-fact. "Yes, of course. I don't expect my contract wife to fulfill my intimate needs. Karen will still be there to take care of that aspect," he clarified, his intentions clear.

Just as they delved deeper into their discussion, the entrance of two women caught Nick's attention. Valerie and Ashley, a striking pair, walked into the restaurant, causing Nick's gaze to momentarily wander. He was captivated by Valerie's beauty, his focus momentarily faltering.

Noticing Nick's distraction, Bernard asked, "What are you looking at Nick?." Nick smiled and subtly pointed toward Valerie. "She is so pretty," Bernard complimented, acknowledging Valerie's allure.

Nick adjusted his tie, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Yes, she is, and I need to make her mine," he declared confidently, fueled by both his attraction and his self-assured nature.

However, Bernard interjected with a dose of reality. "I don't think she'll give you a second glance," he cautioned, aware of Valerie's dismissive nature.

Nick's wicked smile widened, his confidence undeterred. "Bernard, you seem to forget that I am a billionaire, a handsome one at that," he boasted, his wealth and charm fueling his determination. Rising from his seat, he made his way toward Valerie and Ashley's table.

"Hello, beauties," Nick greeted them, attempting to catch their attention. Ashley offered a friendly smile and responded with a warm "Hi," but Valerie remained stoic, deliberately ignoring him.

Undeterred, Nick pulled out a chair, intending to join them. However, Valerie's icy glare halted him in his tracks. "Will you get out of here, you son of the devil," she spat venomously, her anger and animosity evident in her words.

Surprised by Valerie's intense reaction, Nick attempted to defuse the situation. "Easy, young lady, I mean no harm. I just want to get to know you..." he began, his words cut short as Valerie swiftly grabbed a glass of cold water and hurled it in his direction.

The water splashed across Nick's clothes, leaving him soaked and stunned. Valerie's final words pierced through the air like daggers. "Don't ever come close to me again, you bastard," she seethed, her voice dripping with disdain.