
One Piece: The Demon

Sebastian, just your typical guy from our world, suddenly found himself thrust into the vibrant and exhilarating world of One Piece. But, of course, there had to be a twist. Sebastian's transmigration landed him in the body of a greenhorn pirate within the formidable crew of Kaido, the infamous Beast Pirates. But that's not all; this pirate had a peculiar Devil Fruit power – the Bat Fruit. With it, he could morph into an ordinary, run-of-the-mill bat. But here's where the tale takes an unexpected turn. Sebastian was granted a system, a shining beacon of hope in a world filled with formidable Devil Fruit users. As he delved deeper into the system's secrets, a whole new realm of power unfolded before him.

Lotus_Lover · Komik
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36 Chs


Hiyori couldn't believe it. Her palms were slick with sweat. How could this have happened? Had her disguise been exposed?

It seemed impossible. She had perfected her act, and even the likes of Queen or Jack, prominent figures within the Beasts Pirates, had failed to detect any flaw in her façade. And yet, here was a mere pirate who seemed to have seen through her.

Could it be that she had let something slip accidentally?

Hiyori struggled to regain her composure and managed a forced laugh. "My lord, your perspective is truly unique. I've heard that the Kozuki family is not to be underestimated. Kozuki Oden once managed to wound Kaido-sama. It's evident that strength doesn't always guarantee omnipotence."

Sebastian responded without mincing words, "True, the Kozuki family is indeed strong, and Kozuki Oden's strength posed a considerable threat to Kaido. However, he lacked wisdom."

In Sebastian's mind, winners and losers had nothing to hide. He hadn't understood Kozuki Oden's thought process when watching the anime in his previous life. Despite his immense power and the relationships he had with the Roger Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates, he chose to face Kaido one-on-one. To Sebastian, this decision seemed like a serious lapse in judgment.

"Why not reach out to Whitebeard?" Sebastian mused, "He was part of the Roger Pirates, after all. Even if Roger had turned himself in, he could have easily called on reinforcement s. In my opinion, strength is important, but sometimes you need your subordinates to handle complex and mundane tasks."

Kozuki Oden, in Sebastian's view, was one of those individuals who insisted on bearing all burdens on their own shoulders. He had the strength but lacked the strategic thinking to utilize it effectively.

Hiyori clenched her fists under her wide sleeves. Her father, Kozuki Oden, was the person she admired most, and she couldn't tolerate his reputation being tarnished. Yet, the man next to her was a Beasts Pirates member, and revealing her identity would spell disaster.

"My lord is absolutely correct," she managed to say with a forced smile.

Sebastian didn't mean to be harsh on Hiyori, he was simply speaking his mind. Their conversation soon led them to Hualou, where Hiyori was skilled at playing the shamisen. She chose to perform her favorite piece, for Sebastian.

The music filled the air with its melodious and refreshing notes. As Sebastian closed his eyes, he felt his mind relaxing, as if he were drifting through the cosmos, admiring the splendor of a thousand stars.

While Sebastian rested, his eyes shut, Hiyori pondered whether she should seize this opportunity to eliminate him. But she quickly dismissed the idea; she needed to wait for her mother's prophecy.

Little did she know that even if she attempted an attack, she wouldn't be able to harm Sebastian.

For a while, Hiyori hesitated. She gazed at Sebastian and smiled, "My lord, did you enjoy my performance?"

Sebastian opened his eyes and nodded, "Yes, it was excellent. No wonder Queen is so fond of you."

"My lord is unlike other pirates," Hiyori observed with a sense of curiosity.

"What's the difference?" Sebastian inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"You didn't use any honorific titles," Hiyori observed, her curiosity shining through.

Sebastian chuckled, rose from his seat, and positioned himself in front of Hiyori. His towering figure blocked her line of sight.

Hiyori playfully brushed her hair and asked with a touch of charm, "Does your lord think I'm pretty?"

"Very beautiful, not inferior to the empress," Sebastian complimented. Hiyori beauty was undeniable, and there were few who could rival her.

"Oh~ Your Excellency means, is there anyone else who is as beautiful as Hiyori?"

Sebastian nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, but you don't know those people. Well, there is one woman you should be familiar with." Suddenly, a woman came to mind.

"Who is it?" Hiyori asked, her curiosity piqued. Among the women she knew, her mother was the only one who could be compared to her in terms of beauty. However, Sebastian shouldn't have had the chance to meet her.

"Charlotte Linlin!"

"Linlin? It's such a familiar name; I feel like I've heard it somewhere." Hiyori shook her head, unable to recall who Linlin was.

The Queen Mother of the Sea was a formidable figure, not inferior to Kaido, and her reputation had spread throughout the New World. While news from Wanokuni was scarce, Hiyori had heard through various pirate sources that there were two formidable figures in the seas who could rival Kaido. However, she had no idea what Linlin looked like.

Sebastian regarded her quietly. Linlin had indeed been quite beautiful in her youth, but over time, she had taken a different path, transforming into an eccentric, overweight woman who was constantly on edge, even with her own children.

"Think about it later; perhaps you'll have the chance to meet her. I only came to you with one purpose this time," Sebastian declared as he waved his hand.

"What purpose is that?" Hiyori inquired.


Hiyori did her best to suppress the shock and anxiety that surged within her, maintaining an air of nonchalance. "I don't understand what your lord is saying."

Sebastian offered a cryptic response, "You don't have to understand. I hope you won't understand when I hold Momonosuke's head in front of you." With that, he turned and left without further explanation.