
One Piece: Path to Power

Choices. Crossroads. Opportunities. Plunged into a broken world ruled by the strong, Damien must decide how his newfound life will proceed. Navigating through conflicts and alliances, his journey intertwines with the fates of powerful figures and kingdoms, challenging the very fabric of the hellish world. Set against the backdrop of the legendary One Piece universe, this tale reimagines familiar characters and lore, weaving a narrative that explores themes of power, redemption, and the indomitable spirit of adventure.  Damien's quest is not just for treasure or glory but a deeper pursuit of a truth that could change the course of history. As the tides of the Grand Line shift and churn, Damien confronts the harsh realities of the pirate world, facing challenges that test his limits and forge his legacy.  In this saga of the high seas, only the bold dare to dream, and only the strong survive. Will Damien rise to become a legend among pirates, or will the unforgiving waters claim yet another soul?  The journey to discover 'One Piece' is as perilous as it is wondrous, and for Damien, every choice and battle is a step closer to his ultimate destiny. Join him as he goes against all odds in the world of Pirates, Marines, and Revolutionaries, sailing on the Path to Power! ---------------------------------------------- Further fanfic information, QnAs and a trove of images are found here: https://discord.gg/aJHHHPvb6q Average Chapter Word Count: ~2600 words This story will be posted on RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Fanfiction.net, and AO3.

Paradox_ · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
150 Chs

[79] Saints and Sinners

I started publishing the rewrite heading into a gruelling semester... I've made it through and we're back!


The "Buster Call" was the strongest Marine military action possible, performed only under special circumstances.

Its simplicity of bombarding its target with a salvo of cannons and continuing till nothing remains was frightening. Ten warships, twice the size of normal giants, usually led by five Vice Admirals and thousands of troops. 

If needed, an Admiral could naturally lead the charge as well, though that would only further cement the inevitable destruction of the target. 


Fulcrum gave no visible reaction to the ultimatum and simply responded, "That would be a mistake."

"The Reverie may have passed and yet your grasp on the world has changed not one bit," she bluntly stated. "The Heavenly Tributes that fund your operations are running dry while thousands of Marines are killed in action by the monsters of the New World."

These words alone brought a scowl to the Elder's face.

Fulcrum went on to say, "We both know that things have only gotten worse for the very balance you try so hard to maintain; It would be in your best interest to put away your threats and compromise with me."

The calm and collected words echoed throughout Hell's Peak, bringing a cease-fire to Aigis Zero, Nekrós and his arisen, and Kaiser.


A brief silence pervaded the chamber as the Elder's expression returned to that of indifference.

His sharp eyes scanned Fulcrum for any little twitch, looking for a single weakness to exploit.


Alas, it resulted in a light sigh.

"You play a dangerous game," the man calmly stated. "Very well, let us talk."

The man lowered the golden snail, meanwhile, the CP-0 agents returned to the screen's side, uncaring of any wounds or their fallen comrades.


Finally, the Warrior God of Finance leaned into his seat and gave a quick run-down of the matter at hand.

"The New World is in a constant state of flux; the balance we had procured with the Order of the Three Overlords has been ripped apart, leaving Sol and Rocks as the Rulers of the Seas."

The Elder's voice turned spiteful as he spat out, "We of the World Government have taken a hit due to the latter's reckless attitude and habit of breaking taboos."

"So you need a safer way to transport your resources and goods," Fulcrum finished the Elder's words.

Nusjuro nodded slightly with a hum. 

"With access to the Calm Belts, we can achieve a reliable route for said transportation, something in your hands."

The old man could not help but narrow his eyes at the masked figure of Fulcrum.

"We will grant you the choice to be our liaison for the Underworld. You will give us free transportation through your Styx Passages, allowing us to move both resources and Heavenly Tributes safely and securely."

The Elder then went ahead to put in a final condition, "Though you must disallow all transportation of goods to any criminal ranked at the top of the World Threat Index!"


Fulcrum shook her head, the light shining off her visor quite brightly, "Breaking all agreements with those monsters is akin to poking a bear. They don't mind attacking your Heavenly Tributes, what chance do we have?"

"…" Nusjuro did not respond, but instead took a sip of his tea. 

He then looked at an angle where his eyes were hidden from the flash of his spectacles as he laid a new idea.

"In that matter, we grant you full support in taking over the Underworld."

A brief silence arrived before the man continued.

"With the power of the World Government at your side, I'm sure you can fulfill your little conquest. Any goods moved under your name will be exempt from any checking or patrols. No Kingdom under our banner will pay you any trouble nor attention to your actions, granting you free reign over the Underworld."


The deal echoed through the glorious chamber and even brought a grin to the likes of Nekros.

Going from working at the side of Barro to making a deal with the Supreme Authority of the World was truly incredible.

One would say it was the highest honour of a sinner of the seas.


The name uttered by Fulcrum drew everyone's attention. Nekrós audibly gulped while even the well-trained Cipher Pol Agents felt the need to take a deep breath.

Hell's Peak was quickly plunged with cold air while the endless sunlight dulled away—the ghost of Rocks was ever-haunting the world!


Meanwhile, the eyes of Fulcrum, under her blank mask, trailed to the far left of the room and fell upon a spectator.

Seeing a nod, she elaborated, "The Styx Passages will be closed for only the Rocks Pirates, allowing goods to be moved to all other pirate crews."

"You want us to aid you in strengthening our enemies?" Nusjuro scoffed in return.

The woman shrugged, "Your true enemy is the Rocks Pirates. By cutting deals with them, I am already standing at the edge of the plank."

"Trade agreements with other pirates like Pryde D. Sol will remain."

The Elder glared at the masked person, imposing another pin-drop silence onto the room.

Slowly but surely, he spoke up, "Very well."

"The deal stands as long as you keep the Underworld in control and your route away from Rocks, we do not need any more disruptions outside the mess in the New World."


Damien, who casually stood at the side, felt a little amused.

The deal had a striking resemblance with that of the Seven Warlords that would take place in the future—the Government granted certain privileges in hopes of maintaining some form of balance.

Though, unlike the Warlords, this time they were a bit more desperate.


Fulcrum brought her hands together, evoking a resounding clap, "It was good doing business with you, Mister Nusjuro."

The Elder remained stoic as the screen flickered into darkness, bringing the call to an end.


The Head Agent from Aigis Zero took away the transponder snail and slightly bowed his head, "Then we will take our leave."

Nekrós blinked as he felt the tension disappear, feeling somewhat confused.


At the same time, Fulcrum got up from her seat, walked down from her seat and stood eye-to-eye with the shrouded Damien.

Before speaking, she glared in the direction of the two other men.

Nekrós quickly nodded and left with Kaiser, leaving the two alone.

*Sss* A soft hiss went off as Fulcrum removed her hood and mask, dissolving it into purple light and allowing her hair to cascade down.

The unveiled young woman lightly smiled, "You wanted the Underworld at your beck and call, now you have it. With the Government's support, it's only a matter of time."

Damien also removed his hood and studied the girl's eyes.

The purple gem-like pupils carried a mix of excitement and fulfilment but were missing some the Sin Incarnate wanted to see.

"YOU have the Underworld at your beck and call, I'm just the hand behind the curtain."

Aurora froze for a second and saw the crimson gleam of her companion's eyes. 

A few memories flashed through her mind: arrival at Unso Island, taking down Barro and grabbing his Empire followed by nine months of growth in the shady sea of the Underworld.

The girl leaked a smile before lightly nodding toward the pirate.


Damien hummed at the newfound look in Aurora's eyes before turning to the spanning window once more and staring at the horizon.

"As long as the threat of Rocks exists, the Government will favour you. Just be ready for when that threat is eliminated."

Aurora's eyes widened as she heard the words.

"Do you think that Rocks will fall? Even a man as strong as him?"

Damien sighed and turned to the girl, "Though the pirates control the New World, the rest of the seas have always had one master: The World Government. Rocks is just the first true threat they faced in a long, long time."

The thought brought a frown to the girl's face, her thoughts easily readable.

The pirate smirked and waved aside her concerns, "I'll be fine. For now, just concern yourself with the mess of the Underworld."

"After all, with the support of the saints, the sinners thrive."


[Room of Authority, Pangaea Castle]

Bright halls, fresh breeze, elegant architecture.

Such words could describe this very room that commanded the entire world. The air alone was soaked under a coat of authority.


"Nusjuro, don't you think you gave too many incentives to that Fulcrum?"

The Bald Elder glanced to the side and met his colleague's gaze.

The one who spoke was Saint Jay Garcia Saturn, the Warrior God of Science and Defense.

"Perhaps that was true in our previous chat with the new Underworld Emperor... but now we face too many shortcomings in terms of funding and resources."

He tapped his sword on the ground with some frustration, "The constant wars in the New World demand a great increase in Marine's Forces, which, when added to the stolen Heavenly Tributes, has created many problems."

"The power we grant Fulcrum can always be rescinded, but the problems that plague us will only exacerbate; now we can gain an edge by placing a tighter lid around Rocks' resources."

Markus Mars, the Elder with the long beard, chimed in as well.

"Yes, it has been around a year and a half since the Rocks Pirates began their assault on the Heavenly Tributes, month after month… those insufferable scum!"


Nusjuro unsheathed a part of his treasure blade, his face reflecting off the lustrous weapon.

"Beyond that, we need more intel on the Styx Passage. From what we know thus far, Fulcrum has a close aide with the ability to control Sea Kings to transport goods across the Calm Belts."

The visibly youngest of the Five, Saint Shepherd Ju Peter, shared his worry, "Indeed, it is quite resemblant to the Ancient Weapon—Poseidon!"

"..." The name drop summoned a deafening silence in the room. 


Mars traced his hand through his beard, not fully agreeing, "Poseidon should not have awakened yet, it is far too early."

"Rather, it should be the doing of a Devil Fruit instead."

Ju Peter nodded at the thought, "An ability or not, it can influence the game of thrones. We should use the agreement to uncover the secrets to the Calm Belts as soon as possible."

Nusjuro agreed, as shown by his action of sheathing his blade.


"I concur. Leave it to Xerxes to handle, we should return to the matter of Rocks."

The final Elder yet to speak, the one with the bushy mustache, Saint Topman Warcury, spoke up, "Rocks himself has disappeared, yet the likes of Golden Lion, Evil Spirit, Whitebeard and the Sin Incarnate continue to display their chaotic tendencies."

"Even that apprentice, Kaido, has made his name during the Reverie, a total of nine Ships carrying the Heavenly Tributes were laid waste by him! To break such taboos at the time of the World Summit is akin to challenging our authority!"

Saturn heaved a sigh, "At least the remaining transport should be secure, that is, as long as that man doesn't act up now…"

"He bears the name of 'D.' and is unruly by nature," Ju Peter said. "I hope Kong can straighten him out lest he disappears under the fog of war."

The scornful words were laced with threat and opposition. The same thoughts were shared by the other Elders as well, bringing their tense discussion to a conclusion.

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner. 

Simply put, Fulcrum gets free reign in the Underworld while the World Government gains entry to the Styx Passages.

Meanwhile, the Rocks Pirates are barred from any shortcuts through the Calm Belt, effectively cutting off all external supply.

Images are available on Discord alongside other niche details: https://discord.gg/aJHHHPvb6q