
One Piece: My name is Lucifer

Someone moves to the world of One Piece, he was chosen to participate in a certain tournament, but for this he needs to become strong enough. What for higher beings is just fun, for our MC, a chance and an opportunity. One Piece does not belong to me, I write for my own pleasure. This is not my first attempt, but inspiration always left me. I hope I can do better this time. Chapters will not come out regularly.

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Chapter 5

[Point of View, Luffy]

Um, this guy looks strong.

[Viewpoint, Zoro]

He's, uh... dangerous.

[Point of View, Teach]

Hmm, does my fruit... resonate with him?

[Viewpoint, Nami]

Who is he? He looks like someone who has something to eat.

[Point of View, Lucifer]

Attention is cool and creepy. Why are those two eyes so "on fire"?

-Join my team. (+2)

Saying this at the same time, their faces turned toward each other.

-Luffy!!! You can't invite anyone in. (+2)

Nami and Zoro, reacted just as quickly, trying to reason with their captain.

-I appreciate your attention, but I must decline. Bartender, something stronger.

The attention on me subsided. I took a sip of whiskey as I sat down at the bar. Mmm, not bad. Luffy and Tich were apparently distracted by me, too, and continued their argument. Who's pie is sweet and who's nasty. Who's drink is sweet and who's sour. That looks like fun.

That's when Bellamy walks into the bar. The scene from the anime repeated itself. As soon as Nami told them what their goal was. They started being laughed at and mocked. I wouldn't have gotten away with that. But, since that's their principle, so be it. When they flew out the window, I calmly walked out, taking a bottle of whiskey. Outside, I watched what was probably my favorite scene.

-Did you win, pirate era? It's all bullshit. Dreams, live forever. Right? Ze-ha-ha-ha. Good luck with your celestial island.

Beautiful, a smile comes out of my mouth. Ha-ha-ha, I'll play wallpaper with you. But first it'll be you, Mugiwara Luffy. Let's see if the Devil's on your side.

But before we do that, we have to get ready. Everyone went off in different directions. I decided to go to Heaven Island. I'm thinking of trying to make some kind of base there. Just in case.

While shopping for all sorts of things, I noticed a beautiful girl, I recognized her right away, Nico Robin. Well, I'll go over and get acquainted.

-Hello, miss, what is such a beautiful lady doing in such, pardon the expression, a hole?

-Hello, hello, the lady's just looking around.

-Oh, may I ask what this beautiful lady's name is?

-Don't you have to ask first, since you're asking.

-I'm sorry, my name is Lucifer.

-It's a pleasure, Rachael.

-Oh, how nice to meet you, Rachael. I'd have no problem talking to you again, but I'm in a hurry. But I'm sure I'll see you again, and in the meantime, I hope to know your real name.

After a while, when I was done with my business. I felt someone following me. I don't have surveillance hacks, but my perception is good. I went into the woods, away from the city, and waited.

-You didn't turn me down as a member of your team?

-See-ha-ha-ha, maybe I did.

-I still refuse.

-What's your dream, what do you want? Join in and have it all!!!

What??? Make a deal with the Devil? Ha-ha-ha.

-I refuse, I'm a little busy, so goodbye.

-Are you in a hurry? Zee-ha-ha-ha, okay. If you ever think about it, you're welcome.

-I will.

It was a short conversation, but one thing I realized was that I was interested in something, Tich.

Was he sensing something with his khaki eyes? Or was his darkness sensing mine? I didn't feel anything, though, which was weird. But anyway, it didn't matter; it was time to execute the plan.

I summoned the Reaper and went to the other side of the island, to fit in the scenario. When I reached my destination, I noticed Going Meri and a strange house, I was in the right place.

I descended and quietly approached one of the ocans while listening to Cricket's story.

-So, does Heavenly Island exist?

-I told you, only Norland has seen it.

-It exists.

-Aah? Who are you (+6)

-Oh, a strong and handsome guy.

-Haha, thanks for the compliments.

-Who are you?

-Oh, let me introduce myself, my name is Lucifer, Miss Rachel, we've met a lot, now may I know your name?

-Robin do you know it?

-Yes, we met at Mock Town, while I was leaving.

-So Robin? That's a very pretty name. It suits you.

-Thank you.

-Hey, hey, stop flirting, you said something about Heavenly Island.

-Yes, yes, of course, impatient miss. I'll tell you how to get to Heavenly Island, but on the condition that you take me with you. Okay?


-Luffy, wait! Why do you want to go in there?

-Is that any of your business? Well, what is it?

-Okay we agree, but if it doesn't work, you pay compensation.

-Miss, are you that fond of money? Anyway, there's a phenomenon that happens at certain times. It's called, "The Upward Bump." If you enter it, it will take you to Heavenly Island. Isn't that right, Mr Cricket?

-Hmm, how do you know that?

-Is it really that important? You don't want to tell us a story, look how badly they want to go to Heavenly Island.

-Hmm, well, okay. Look, uh...

I listened to the story and faintly, concentrating on something else.


[Quest: Divine Garden]

[Goal: Find and gain control of the construct, Divine Garden]

[Due Time: None]

[Rewards: Divine Garden (Ancient Construction), Crown of the First Prince of Hell]

Divine Garden? The Crown of the Prince of Hell? Hell, what? Who? Where is this Garden even located. Somewhere on Heavenly Island? And most importantly, why, the Prince's Crown? Also the first one, like there's more. Is this some kind of battle for the throne? It's a move. Luffy's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

-Uhsopp, Lucci, let's go eat!

I must have missed it, and what the hell, Lucci?

Everyone was eating and drinking and having fun. In the corner, I noticed Robin with a book.

-Looking for the ship's log?


-Loving vintage stuff? Archaeologist?

-What? How did you figure that out?

-Haha, I'm pretty observant. I don't really like that stuff. But in a way, it's interesting. If it's no secret who this, uh, hobby is from.

-My mother was an archaeologist.

-Family? Cool, I see I'm bothering you, do you mind if I stand here and read too? I'll be quiet.

-What are you, of course you're not bothering me, but I'll take you up on your offer.

-That's great, ha-ha-ha.

After a while, Cricket told me about a special bird that could help me navigate the sea. Interrupting my time with Robin.

I went with them, teaming up with Robin and Zoro to find the bird, which was fun and entertaining. When we returned, we found complete devastation. I knew this was going to happen, but I didn't change it. Let it be.

-The golden statues were gone, too.

-It's Bellamy's mark.

-Luffy, where are you going?

-I'll be back before dawn.

He's gone. There's a lot going on right now. The meeting of Belous and Shankas. A meeting of the Shichibukai.

By morning, Going Meri had been fixed, Usopp is doing quite well. By this time, Luffy was back, too. Idiot Bellamy got his. That's fine, it's time for the sky.

After swimming to the right place, here we go. Blackbeard wasn't long in waiting either.

-Ze-ha-ha, I found you, straw hat guy. I've come for your hundred millionth head. А? Did you join him? Is that why you turned me down?

-Just cooperation, I told you, I ain't gonna join no one. I'll see you around, Marshal D. Teach.


The upstream came, the ship went up. And then the wings opened and it flew.

-He's flying!!!

Excitement and joy. Being here for a little while I could feel it. I guess you got lucky, Luffy. I don't want to get in the way of that on purpose. The devil is forgiving.

How interesting, the Devil himself goes to heaven. Let's kick the local god's face in. Ha-ha-ha, straight to heaven.